Page 55 of Risk

The weekend away that resulted in Ryder and I getting back together was also the weekend that something happened between Seb and Jamie. But neither of them will say a word about it. Up until now, Ryder and I have tried to keep the pair away from each other.

Max smacks into the back of Seb, knocking him a few steps forward.

“Why’d you stop, uncle Seb?” Max asks, coming round to stand next to him. “I thought we were still playing. Can we still play? Come on let’s go,” he says, pulling on Seb’s arm. I watch as a look passes between Seb and Jamie, and the tension in the room just ratcheted up a few thousand degrees.

“Max, can you please go and ask your dad to give me a hand, and tell Ryder that the food is almost ready.” The timing couldn’t be more perfect as the oven timer begins to buzz. Max spins away, grumbling under his breath about spoiling his game but heads towards where his dad and Ryder are talking beside the barbecue. Walking over to the oven, I switch it off and reach for the oven mitts, but Jamie beats me to it. Looking over my shoulder, I see that Seb has gone back outside.

“Are you ever going to tell me what went on with you two?” I ask, pulling a plate from the cupboard and beginning to pile the bread rolls on it.

“Nope. It’s not important.” Jamie puts the oven mitt down before grabbing a beer from the fridge. “Now, how are you feeling?” Avoid and deflect. Shaking my head at her, I tell her I’m fine, and then point to the salad on the side as I walk outside.

As I step onto the patio, I see that everyone is seated at the long bench table. Just as I place the plate down, I hear the front door again, and then Ryder’s parents’ step outside. After a quick round of greetings and introductions, everyone digs in.

I push my food around my plate, barely eating anything. Ryder keeps throwing glances my way, but I avoid his gaze as much as possible. As people begin to finish their food my heart rate spikes, and I realise that if I don’t do this now it will be too late.

Rising to my feet, Ryder stops talking and turns my way as concern lines his face. Offering him a warm smile, I clear my throat before asking everyone to wait here for two minutes.

Dashing inside, I find my bag and pull out the envelope I placed in there earlier. My hands are clammy with nerves as I make my way back to the garden. As I step out conversation ceases, and everyone turns to look at me. My steps are slow and measured as I walk towards Ryder, and when I reach him, I hold out my hand to him. When he goes to take it, he grabs the envelope instead. He looks up at me in question, and I nod my head for him to take it. I look up, catching Jamie’s eye, and she winks at me settling my nerves a little.

I sit back down beside Ryder as he begins to tear open the envelope. I keep my eyes trained on him as he pulls out the card inside. I watch as he reads the words written across the front. As the words sink in his eyes widen, and his head snaps up at me.

“Do you mean…does this mean what I think it means?” he stutters out, and I nod my head unable to speak as the biggest, brightest smile lights up his face. “Holy fucking shit!” bursts from Ryder, and I hear a muttered ‘watch your language’ no doubt from his mum.

“What is it, son?” Ryder’s dad asks from the other end of the table.

Ryder doesn’t answer him, instead he jumps from the bench, snatching me up and spinning us around. A tear slips free, in happiness and a small amount of relief.

We never talked about kids before because of the secrets we were both hiding, but after we got back together and everything was out in the open, we discussed the idea of having a family. I had shared my fears about having another child and Ryder had fears of his own based on his experience when his brother died, but we decided that we would both love to have a child in the future. I just didn’t realise it would be this soon.

Ryder finally puts me down when everyone starts demanding answers. He opens the card staring at the ultrasound picture inside. Turning to the table with his arm wrapped around my waist he finally puts them out of their misery.

“Cam’s pregnant. I’m going to be a fucking dad.” And as everyone begins congratulating us and chatter breaks out, Ryder carries me inside. I don’t even question where we are going.

“I fucking love you, Camryn Moore, soon to be Hawkins,” he whispers in my ear.

“Is that your way of proposing?”

“No, but watch this space, Bambi.” I laugh as we fall onto the bed.