Page 12 of Risk

I hear movement behind me, but before I’m able to turn around, a warm body brushes against my back. He doesn’t touch me, and I’m so grateful, clearly remembering what happened the last time.

“That’s you and Rick, right, and I’m guessing the other guy is Seb?” I ask, turning my head so I can see him when he doesn’t answer. He nods, then reaching past me he points to another of the guys in the picture, but I don’t even hear what he says. His close proximity mixed with the earlier sexual tension has my brain short circuiting, which becomes even more obvious when I try to turn around and escape. I literally bump into his chest and bounce back off. I wait for the inevitable pain from landing on my arse, but it never comes. Instead, I’m hauled up against Blue, with his arm wrapped tightly around me. And I mean tightly. I can feel every inch of his hot as fuck body, and my breath lodges in my throat. My hands rest on his pecs, palms sweating and my breath choppy.

“Steady, Bambi.” His voice is husky, and thinly veiled lust pours off him. “Breakfast is ready,” he says, his eyes glisten with the blatant innuendo, and then he slowly releases me.

Jamie was right, my fanny is fluttering, and I seriously need some new knickers.



We sit at the breakfast bar to eat, and Blue tells me a little about his time in the army. I can tell he’s holding back, not giving too much away, but I don’t blame him because I know that being in the army holds some memories you wish to never speak of again. He’s particularly reserved when it comes to Rick’s past, but again, that’s not his story to tell, and I totally understand his loyalty.

Blue talks about their security firm, Triple R Security, that him and Rick set up after leaving the army four years ago, and Seb joined them a year later.

He finally tells me that his real name is Ryder. When I test it out in my head, my dirty little mind is very vocal about how she’d let him ‘ryde’ her any time, but I shut her down.

The conversation flows until the topic of me comes up, my first reaction is to clam up, but I realise if I want to move forward then I need to open up a little. I give him the basics, single child, parents both dead, it hurts like hell to say it out loud, but I do it. I tell him how I went to university and studied journalism, completely avoiding Sean altogether, but I know it won’t stop him from asking. I’m not stupid enough to think that Rick hasn’t told him what I was there for that day, otherwise, why else would he be here. I’m also curious about why Rick was so keen to get hold of me. When Blue asks me about Sean, and he does, I’m as ready as I can be.

“So, how did you and Sean meet?” It almost sounds casual, but I catch the underlying tone in his voice that tells me it’s anything but. I feel the anxiety creep in, but I tamp it down and try to disassociate myself, to tell it like it’s someone else’s story.

“The usual, night out with the girls.” I’m surprised by how steady my voice sounds, not a tremble in sight, but inside my whole body is vibrating. Adding a shrug of my shoulders to drive home the indifference that I don’t really feel but attempt anyway. I don’t think Blue’s convinced, not even one bit. “It didn’t work out, no biggie, it happens, end of story.”

“Come on, Cam, a four-year relationship and what, summed up just like that?” he scoffs, rising from his stool and clearing the plates away.

A spark of anger rises in me at his tone, and the implication that my explanation isn’t enough. Yeah, I’m not being completely transparent, but he has no bloody right to question my relationship. Who the hell does he think he is?

“How dare you…” then I pick up on something he said, “Hold on, how do you know how long I was with Sean?” I demand, as my brain goes into panic mode, and I jump up from my seat, stepping further away from him. He has his back to me at the sink, but I don’t miss the way his shoulders tense at my question. Don’t panic. There could be a reasonable explanation, just hear him out first.

Spinning to face me, I finally get a look at his face and him mine. Obviously sensing the panic battling inside of me, he hesitantly steps forward, but I raise my hands, warning him to stay there. Confusion briefly crosses his face. “I’m not going to hurt you, Bambi, let…”

“Stop fucking calling me that!” I shout, letting the fear get the better of me.

“Okay. Camryn, I can explain, if you’ll just hear me out.” He watches me closely, unsure whether I’m going to run or not. Well, that makes two of us pal. I fight my natural instinct to run and allow his words to register through my adrenaline addled brain. I give him the smallest of nods, and he moves to take up his seat again. I don’t move a muscle.

“It was Sully that told me how long you’d been with Sean.” He spits Sean’s name like he wouldn’t piss on him if he was on fire. To be honest, neither would I. I’d pour petrol on him and dance round the flames as they engulf him. “You don’t work in my line of business without knowing or hearing about some of the less… pleasant, shall we say, members of society.” I grunt at that, and it’s not missed by Blue. “We’ve heard of him, know the circles he runs in and even knew a member of his close team, Tyler, as you know, he’s the one that gave you Sully’s details.” At the mention of Tyler’s name, I remember the video Sean sent me, nausea washes through me, and I feel the blood drain from my face as the images flash through my mind. My knees buckle, but Blue catches me, picking me up bride style and setting me down on the sofa in the lounge.

“Oh my god, he’s dead. Tyler’s dead. I can’t believe I forgot. How fucking stupid am I, and how did I forget that?” Blue crouches in front of me, his hands resting on my legs and gently rubbing slow circles on the inside of my thighs with his thumbs.

Aware that I’m not making much sense, I take a couple of deep breaths and try again. “He’s the reason I called Rick, Sean sent messages to my phone, like Rick did, but Sean also sent a video. A video that showed him torturing Tyler because of me, it’s my fault. Someone else died because of me, their blood is on my hands again.” I drop my head into my hands in shame. The tears fall freely as my heart fills with guilt at causing someone else’s death.

“Hey.” Blue pulls my hands away from my face, replacing them with his own. “You listen to me right now, this is not your fault, none of it is. Do you hear me, Camryn?” I go to argue, but I’m stopped in my tracks when his lips land on mine in a punishing kiss.

It takes a split second for the shock to fade, and then I’m opening to him, letting his tongue war with mine when it demands entry. I grab his wrists where his hands still hold my face, not sure if I’m trying to pull him closer or push him off, but when he groans into my mouth, I give up the fight and melt into him.

Blue’s intoxicating, masculine scent invades my senses and has my body arching towards him, as he moves one hand into my hair at the nape of my neck. I release his wrists and run my hands up his chest, over his shoulders and wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him further into me.

My legs drop open, inviting him into the space between my thighs, and my core throbs as his hips meet mine. I’ve lost all sense and just allow my body control, which clearly wants to climb him like a damn tree. Blue breaks the kiss, and I gasp for breath as he kisses across my jaw and down my neck. Before I know it, I’m laid out beneath him as he towers over me, running his hands all over my body. I don’t feel an ounce of the fear that usually comes from being beneath a man, trapped and unable to escape or fight back.

I feel Blue slide a hand under my top, his warm, rough fingers glide up my stomach to my breast and squeeze enough to cause a spike of pain, but it’s a good pain. I throw my head back on a groan as he rips the cup of my bra down, pinching and tweaking my taut nipple. At the same time, I feel his hard length push against my core, and the roughness of our clothes causes friction in all the right places but it’s not enough. I want more. No, Ineedmore. I reach for the button of his jeans, but Blue’s hand stops me. Confusion and shame wash over me at the thought that he’s come to his senses and realised what I already know. I’m damaged goods.

Just as that thought passes through my mind he jumps up, pulling me with him, and then I hear it. The ping of the lift arriving, and the doors whooshing open. He grips my hair, pulling my head back and whispers in my ear, “We’ll finish this later.” Kissing me quick then releasing me just as Rick walks in.

Rick looks surprised when he sees me, but that could be the fact the heat in my cheeks, my swollen lips and my messed-up hair are a dead give-away for what he just interrupted.

After a quick greeting, I excuse myself to the bathroom in the direction Blue pointed.

Once inside the bathroom, I slump against the door and wait for my heart to slow its crazy pace. Going to the sink I finally get a look at myself in the mirror, as I thought, a hot mess. I touch my fingers to my lips, still tasting Blue and feel how his mouth moved against mine, just imagining it has my thighs clenching together. Urgh! My mind spirals with the thought of what would have happened had Rick not turned up.