Page 47 of Risk

Sean’s goal has always been to break me, isolate me from others, friends and family, and if he knows I care about Ryder then he would do anything to make me believe that I’m nothing but a fuck to him.

Bolstered by the notion that this is Sean’s way of breaking me, I snap out of it as the hand trailing my thigh reaches the edge of my knickers. My stomach turns over as fingers reach beneath my underwear, and I let out a snarl as anger overrides any other emotion right now. I wish I had my hands free so I could pound my fists into Sean’s face.

Sean steps back, cracking me across the face. My head whips to the side, and as I turn back to face him, the coppery tang of blood fills my mouth. Reaching up, Sean begins to undo the wrist cuffs. As he undoes the last one, my legs give way beneath me, and I collapse into his arms.

The scent that once made my heart flutter, now has me heaving as bile rises up my throat. My arms hang limp at my side, pins and needles prick at my skin as the blood rushes back into them, and my shoulders throb their relief.

“Me and you are going to have some fun in private,” he murmurs in my ear, as he begins to carry me away. Fear skitters over me, but I turn it to rage, focusing every drop onto Sean.

We pass Tammy, who is laying on the floor while a man pounds into her prone body from above. She isn’t moving anymore, and I don’t know if she’s passed out, or if she’s dead. There’s blood on the floor next to her head, and I pray that she’s just knocked out. Given what she’s no doubt been through, I wonder if she would prefer to never wake up. If I hadn’t had Faye I would have wished for the same, and for a long time after her death, that’s exactly what I prayed for.

Sean pulls me through the door at the back of the room, and my eyes catch on Russ watching us with a look of hunger before the door closes behind me.

I was right about this being a church as the hall we are going down has several smaller prayer rooms leading off it. Sean pulls me into a room on the left at the end of the hall, throwing me to the floor and slamming the door shut.

I scramble back to the far wall, and when the cold, rough brick makes contact with the raw skin of my back, white-hot pain radiates down my spine. I bite my lip to keep the scream contained and more blood fills my mouth.

Sean stands in front of the door, his eyes are black, soulless pits that burn with the fires of hell, and a cruel smirk crosses his face at my obvious pain.

“I love to see the pain in your eyes, it makes my dick so hard. Hmmm.” He stalks towards me. “I’m going to wipe the memory of that cunt Hawkins from your mind and body.”

“What happened to you?” I ask, hoping to distract him. It’s something I’ve never asked him, and if I make it out of this alive, I feel like I need to understand what went wrong.

“This is me, Kasey. It’s always been me. You were just too stupidly in love with me, and that’s exactly how it was meant to be. Things would have been different if you had done as you were told, and I would never have had to teach you a lesson. Of course, giving me a daughter instead of the son I deserved pissed me off immensely.”

“How the fuck is that my fault? You don’t get to pick and choose the sex of a baby, Sean,” I snap back at him. My anger at his ridiculous notion I had a say in the sex of our child has my nostrils flaring, and my fists clenching at my sides.

“Of course it fucking is!” he bellows, as he begins pacing the floor. “What the fuck was I meant to do with another whore, whining and moaning and making my life a misery. I can’t even fuck her. Well, I could have, I guess. Who knows what might have happened as she got older,” he says, with a shrug, like what he just said isn’t the sickest thing ever. A visible shudder runs through me, heart breaking as I thank the stars that Faye is not here, and he can’t hurt her. Internally I fall apart, but outwardly I keep it together as best I can.

“I wanted to kill you when you told me, to slit you open and cut out that bitch growing inside you. I remember beating you that night, it was heaven until I realised that you andshehad survived. But then Douglas showed me a better way. He made me an offer that would secure my position when he retired and Daniel took over. A mutually satisfactory joining of our two families. Daniel likes them young, it never really interested me, but each to their own, and Douglas told me Daniel took a liking to our Faye. When Faye turned sixteen, she was to become his wife, and I would become Daniel’s second, while you, in the meantime, were to provide me with an heir. But that never happened did it, Kasey?”

Oh, shit. He knows about the implant.

After Faye was born, I vowed I would never bring another child into that life. At first, I was able to sneak a prescription of the pill, but Sean almost found them one day, after that I couldn’t take the risk. Then when Tyler came and I started to trust him, he and mum were able to get me to a doctor who gave me the implant. Holy shit. Mike, Dr Wallis, is the doctor, but that means—my thoughts are cut off as Sean starts talking again.

“You can’t pull the wool over my eyes, Kasey. I know all about your little trip to the doctor behind my back. I always knew I should have gotten rid of your mother sooner. Another sneaky, interfering fucking whore. When I discovered what you’d done, I decided to find my heir elsewhere and get rid of you at the same time. It was meant to be so perfect. I would get my heir, and you and your mother would be long gone because I knew you’d cause trouble over Faye’s marriage. Then you went and fucked that up too. Destroying all my perfectly laid plans.”

I’m so shocked that I don’t see him move till the last minute, landing a hit to my head. The action causes me to fall to the side, my back scrapes along the wall, and combined with the painful hit forces a scream to burst from my lungs.

“It was you? Oh my god, oh my god. It was you.” I push myself upright, then use the wall to steady me as I climb to my feet. I know I’ve torn my back up even more, but I don’t fucking care. “You killed my mum and your own daughter. For what? Money and power?” I surge forward, poking my finger in his chest as a rage so savage consumes me. Sean’s eyes widen as I get up his face. “You sick fucking bastard!” I spit, then I fly at him. Caught off guard, I manage to land a couple of blows to his head and face that has his nose spurting blood. A few droplets land on me, and the demon I’ve kept caged for so long is let loose.

I reign blow after blow down on the man that has destroyed my life. Beaten me, raped me and allowed his friends to watch or join in, isolated me from everyone I know and taken the most precious thing I had left away from me too. Ripped my heart and soul out by murdering my mum and daughter all for money and power.

We grapple for a couple of minutes, but once Sean’s shock wears off, he overpowers me. Tackling me to the ground, I land awkwardly shoulder first and hear a pop, and then blinding pain. I already know I’ve dislocated my shoulder, again. After the first time the nurse warned me it can happen easier a second time, she wasn’t fucking wrong, but it’s a fucking shame the same can’t be said about the pain.

Sean rolls me so I’m on my back and with only one arm, it’s not difficult for him to subdue me. Realising I’m at a disadvantage brings a smile to his face. A wicked, cruel smile. Using his weight and one hand to restrain me, he pulls a blade from the sheath on his leg. It’s his favourite, and the one responsible for the scars I wear on my body. The white bone handled hunting knife used to be his father’s and became Sean’s after his father was murdered. The day he told me that story I should have known the type of man I was in love with.

He places the blade against the jack hammering pulse in my neck and pushes just enough to prick the skin. Blood still drips from his nose, and it makes me smile. I let him see it too because I have nothing to lose now. He’s going to kill me anyway.

“What the fuck are you smiling about, bitch?” I let out a laugh. “You think you can attack me, run away from me, fuck someone else. And not just some random bloke, oh no, you had to pick the fucker that has caused me no end of problems over the last three years,” he sneers, teeth gritted as his eyes blaze with rage.

I don’t understand where Sean’s hatred for Ryder comes from, and Sean must see the confusion on my face.

“You don’t know, do you?” He lets out a crazed chuckle. “Oh, this is just priceless. Your precious fuck buddy and his friends have been trying to put me away for the last three years. Even managed to plant one of their own in my ranks.” I raise my brows at that, and Sean continues like this is the best story he’s ever told. “That’s right, Kasey. Your little friend Tyler, the devious fucker, squealed like a fucking pig while I gutted him. It was almost as good as when you scream, but not quite, and I’ve missed those sounds.” He leans forward licking up the side of my face, and as I try to turn my head the knife digs in further. I feel a warm trickle of blood as it tracks down my neck. I close my eyes, blocking out the smell of his foul breath and instead fill my mind with thoughts of my mum, Faye, Jamie and even Ryder.

Despite the pain in my heart, I still want him, but that can never happen now. I know the recording of him was likely edited so it appeared he said those things, but he must have said those words at some point just in a different context. And he knows everything. Shame washes over me at that thought and tears prick at the corner of my eyes, but I won’t give Sean the satisfaction.

Swallowing back the pain, the tears and shame for another time, I spit in Sean’s face. “You make me sick.” I watch as my saliva runs down his face before mixing with the blood from his nose, and his face turns red as the vein at his temple pulses with anger. “What kind of man kills his own daughter? You’re not a man, you’re a fucking joke. A pathetic excuse for a human being and people like you should be drowned at birth.” The fire in my gut, and the hatred for this man rushes forward.