Her mouth went dry as she tried to come up with something to say. She suddenly felt Vito’s hand on hers; he gave it a reassuring press.

He cleared his throat, sat upright. “Nonna, there’s something I need to tell you.”

Oh, no. Not like this. Maya willed him to read her mind. His intention was clear. He was going to come clean. Probably to try and spare her from this tortuous situation. She couldn’t let him do that. It would ruin everyone’s dinner. Not to mention the scrutiny Vito would have to deal with afterward. She gave his knee a gentle squeeze below the table and shot him a subtle wink. Her silent plea somehow worked. Vito got the hint and sat back in his chair. He gave her a small nod.

“This is all still pretty new, Signora Rameri—”

The older woman interrupted her. “I told you to call me Nonna, dear.”

Maya cleared her throat. “Yes... Nonna...what I mean to say is, we’re still getting used to being together.”

None of that was a lie.

Vito cleared his throat. “That’s right. I haven’t even got around to getting a ring.”

Again, not quite a lie.

“I’m afraid our newfound relationship has caught us both somewhat by surprise,” Vito added. He may have been addressing the whole table, but Maya noticed he didn’t take his eyes off her as he spoke the words.

* * *

It was hours later by the time the dishes had been cleared, rich cannoli had been served for dessert and everyone was getting ready to retire. Vito had given her a small peck on the cheek in view of his grandmother and bid her good-night. Lynetta then showed her to a guest room.

Maya uttered a silent prayer of thanks that no one had had the bright idea to try and put her and Vito in the same quarters. Spending the night alone with him in bed would be more than her emotions could handle right now. She didn’t trust herself not to ask for what she so badly wanted.

He was determined to hold back from her, didn’t want to share any part of himself. But she couldn’t be certain that she wouldn’t settle for what she could get if she found herself alone with the man.

She’d just finished brushing her teeth and had slipped on her nightdress when a knock sounded on the door. It had to be Nonna making the rounds to wish her guests good-night. Maya walked over to the door and flung it open, ready to thank the woman for all her hospitality.

She came up short as the words died on her lips. Vito stood in the doorway, an arm casually braced against the wooden frame. When he saw her, his eyes grew dark and traveled down the length of her body.

Maya resisted the urge to cross her arms in front of her chest. Her nightgown was a strappy silk number that she hadn’t thought was particularly sexy. But the way Vito stared at her now had her wondering.


“Sì, cara. Sorry to disturb you.”

“I...uh...was just getting ready for bed.”

“I must say I like the way you slumber.”

He didn’t look so bad himself. He’d undone yet another button on his shirt, revealing a V of golden tan. His hair had grown more disheveled after the long day they’d had. A wayward curl rested over his forehead, lending him the look of a man with mischief on his mind.

For all she knew, that was an accurate description. Then she remembered the way they’d left things between them. How cross he’d been. Simply because she and Lynetta had discussed his marriage. Clearly, it was a sacred subject as far as he was concerned.

So why was he here at her door right now?

“Do you have a minute, cara? There’s something I’d like to show you. It shouldn’t take long.”

“Uh, sure. I just want to grab something decent to wear.”

He said something under his breath. Maya could have sworn he said, “That’s too bad.”

He was waiting patiently outside her door when Maya returned after grabbing the light cotton sweater she’d packed.

“What is it that I’m to see?”

He motioned for her to follow. He led her down the hall to another doorway. But it wasn’t a different room they stepped into. Maya found herself outside on a high balcony overlooking the vineyards and rolling hills. She realized right away what Vito wanted to show her. It wasn’t the land.