Vito’s grandmother stepped out the front door to wave them in. “You’re finally back,” she declared in a thick Italian accent that served to make her even more endearing. “Come. Dinner is served. Eat.”

The elderly lady seemed so happy to see them. As upset as she was, Maya didn’t want her sour mood to mar the day whatsoever for anyone else. Particularly not the matriarch that they’d all gathered here to celebrate. Maya resolved to make sure no one enjoyed this day any less due to her presence.

That included Vito.

She waited until his grandmother went back in and laid her hand on his forearm. “Wait.”

The look he gave her was loaded with impatience. “What is it?”

Maya took a steadying breath. He wasn’t making this apology any easier. Nevertheless, she started giving him one. “I’m sorry if I’ve overstepped. Lynetta and I were chatting and the subject shifted, not surprisingly, to you. You’re the reason I’m here, after all.”

“I don’t like being the subject of speculation.”

“I understand that. I’ll be sure to MYOB from now on.”


“It’s an acronym we Americans use. It stands for Mind Your Own Business.”

He was about to respond when his nonna stepped back onto the porch. “What are you people still doing out here? Your lasagna is getting cold.” She added something in Italian with a wave of her hand in Vito’s direction.

He took Maya by the elbow. “Come on. We better go in. We can discuss this later. You don’t want to keep an Italian grandmother waiting when food has been served.”

She followed him silently back into the house though she wanted to ask what was left to discuss. He’d gotten angry and she’d apologized. Episode over.

Everything was now over.

Lynetta had told her that for Maya to find out anything more about him, Vito would have to tell her himself. Clearly, that wouldn’t be happening. If she was disappointed or hurt by that fact, she had only herself to blame.

When they made it inside, everyone was already seated around the table and had started serving. One of the toddlers seemed to be wearing marinara sauce all over his face. Numerous Rameris motioned for them to come in and sit.

“What took you so long, cousin?” Leo wanted to know. “Wanted to be alone for a while?”

Vito gave him a look that would have flattened most men where they sat. Leo just laughed in response. Lynetta glanced in Maya’s direction, an eyebrow raised in question. Maya gave her a small shrug.

Conversation roared around them, most of it in Italian. Maya took a small bite of the gigantic piece of lasagna that had been set on a plate before her. The smell of garlic and spices tickled her nose. As delicious as it was, and as hungry as she was, she couldn’t fully focus on the feast. Vito sat in the chair right next to her, throwing loaded sideways looks at her.

It didn’t help that with so many people seated at the table, their legs kept brushing. Each time she felt the contact, she remembered how it had felt to be held in his arms. How his lips had felt on her. Something she was not likely to feel again.

Suddenly, Nonna slapped her palm against the table where she sat at the very end. It wasn’t a hard smack but it was loud enough that it got everyone’s attention.

“English, everyone,” she ordered once all eyes were on her. “Let’s not be rude to our American guest.”

Maya had never necessarily been shy, but it was a little daunting to have everyone’s focus suddenly lasered in on her where she sat. “Oh, that’s all right. Please don’t inconvenience yourselves. I don’t need to understand everything that’s being said.”

Nonna shook her head. “Nonsense, dear. Of course you do. You’re one of us.” She clapped her hands in front of her chest. “Vito will have to teach you the language soon, however. Not everyone you’ll have at your wedding will be fluent. Tell us what plans you two have made already.”

Maya’s jaw dropped. Sure, she’d agreed to the pretense of a false engagement. But she hadn’t actually expected to be speaking about any kind of wedding. And she certainly hadn’t been expecting to do so in front of close to two dozen people.