“That’s good, I wouldn’t have been able to bear leaving you behind.”

“You’d have gone without me?” she asked, teasing him.


Again, Maya made herself ignore the fact that his original intention had been to be here without her. To experience this ride by himself while she sat alone in a lonely hotel room in Venice. She swatted away the useless, wayward thought like an annoying pest. Right now, all she wanted to do was enjoy herself and take all this in.

The buildings and bridges throughout the city made for quite the view below them in the distance. Grand churches and stone buildings lined the river. The weather was cooperating beautifully. Not a cloud could be seen in the early evening sky.

Maya knew the image before her would be seared into her memory for all time. “I know I’ve said this often on this trip, but I really do feel as if I’m living inside a large painting at this moment. Like I’ve somehow stepped into a magnificent work of art that has just happened to miraculously come to life.”

She tilted her head slightly to look up at him. “Why don’t you paint it?”

He rested his chin atop her shoulder. “I’m a sculptor, cara. That sketch I drew of you is the closest I’ve come to creating a painting. Painting is not my craft.”

She shrugged. “So, don’t do it for your craft.” She snuggled tighter against his length and continued to enjoy the view. As well as the feel of Vito’s heat against her back. “Do it for fun. Because doing so calls to you.”

Vito didn’t respond to her suggestion. He just pulled her tighter against him.

* * *

Vito tried to imagine how much different this day would have been without Maya by his side. Rather than thoroughly enjoying it, as he had, he’d have been counting down the minutes until it was over. He might have even skipped out on the hot air balloon ride altogether.

So what did that mean about the reality of his days after she left?

He wasn’t sure if he was ready for the answer. He watched her now as she exited the balloon in front of him. Her skin was flushed, the fabric of her summer dress clinging to all her glorious curves.

Pure temptation.

They’d landed moments ago and were waiting for their ride back to the villa. Vito wasn’t sure where they’d landed exactly; he didn’t recognize the spot.

The pilot spoke into his phone and informed them that their transportation would arrive shortly. Then the man went to work on his balloon.

It appeared Vito and Maya would have some time to themselves. The other balloons had drifted in different directions throughout the flight.

“Come. Let’s sit while we wait.” He led her to a tall, lush tree and helped her sit at its base. Then he joined her. Without a word or any kind of preamble, he gathered her into his arms and partly on his lap, with his back up against the tree trunk. She didn’t argue or resist.

When had this happened? This ease and familiar level of comfort he felt with her. She belonged here, in his arms. They both seemed to know it.

“I can’t wait to tell Zelda and Lexie about my hot air balloon adventure.”

He nuzzled his face into the soft texture of her hair; she smelled of roses and fresh fruit. And outdoor Italian air.

“What else will you tell them about, cara?” he asked.

She shifted closer into him. Vito cursed internally. His body was reacting to her closeness in ways that weren’t exactly convenient at the moment.

“Well, I would tell them I met a hot, charming Italian who swept me off my feet, but I doubt they’d believe me.”

“Why not?”

“Because it’s too much like a fairy tale I might have dreamed up. Almost as if you’re too good to be true. They would no doubt think I’ve made up an imaginary man in order to make them jealous.”

“They’ll just have to travel to Italy. To see for themselves.”

“Or you could travel to the States.”

Vito trailed his knuckles down the soft, smooth skin of her arm.

“Would you consider that, Vito? Traveling to the States?”

Given that the question was a hypothetical one, he wasn’t quite sure how to answer. He could lie and tell her that he’d consider it.