“Why not?” Maya asked. “For all you know, he might find it an honor.”

Vito rubbed his chin, contemplating this possibility. “Huh. Never thought of it that way.”

She winked at him and popped another one of the luscious grapes into her mouth from the bunch she still carried. It exploded in her mouth, a mini ball of flavor.

Vito’s expression suddenly hardened and turned serious as he watched her. His eyes grew dark. Heaven help me. She thought she read desire in their depths.

He stepped toward her, his hand reaching for her face. Maya’s breath caught in her chest as he rubbed his thumb over her bottom lip.

“Not all of the juice from your last grape made it into your mouth, cara.” His voice was thick and raw.

Maya turned her face into his palm. Tremors ran over the surface of her skin. The slightest touch from this man had the most dramatic effect on her. She longed for more; she wanted him to kiss her once again. Without thinking, she tilted her chin up, ran her hand along his forearm.

“Mia bella,” Vito whispered, so close now that the heat of his breath danced over her cheek. Then she lost any sense of focus whatsoever as his lips touched hers.

A sudden commotion from behind her had her startled and stepping out his grasp. Maya turned to find a rotund older woman emerging from the house then heading in their direction. She had to be Vito’s grandmother.

Of course, Maya thought as the older woman approached them with her arms outstretched and a wide grin on her face. Vito must have known his Nonna was watching this whole time.

Their kiss had been nothing more than a show for her sake.


“I BROUGHT YOU a plate.”

Maya looked up to find Lynetta standing before her where she sat on one of the porch rocking chairs. The last hour had gone by in a dizzying haze. She’d been introduced to so many people, and Nonna had kept finding her to affectionately pat her on the cheek at regular intervals. So far, the charade was going off without a hitch. But Maya found herself exhausted and in need of a break.

“I hope I’m not intruding on a private moment,” Lynetta added. Maya reached up to help her with her load. In addition to a large tray piled with food, she was carrying two bottles of iced tea. Maya relieved her of the beverages; the tray looked much too precariously balanced to attempt to take it.

“No. You’re not. I just needed a quiet moment. You Rameris are a boisterous lot.”

Lynetta sat down on the matching rocking chair next to her and placed the tray on the little table between them.

“This was very nice of you,” she told Lynetta, enjoying a long swallow of the iced tea. She hadn’t realized how dry her throat had become after holding so many language-challenged conversations.

And now that she was presented with a loaded antipasto tray, her stomach reminded her with a low growl that she was hungry, as well.

“You’re welcome. Though you might not be thanking me once dinner is served and you’re already full,” Lynetta answered with a smile. “It’s never a good idea to munch before Nonna’s big dinners. But the side table full of artisan cheese, cured meat and pickled olives looked too good to ignore.”

“So I see. Did you happen to leave anything on the table for the rest of them?”

Lynetta bit into a crusty piece of bread and Maya followed suit. The morsel tasted fresh out of the oven and practically melted in her mouth.

“Trust me, there’s more than enough for every man, woman and child here.”

“As well as some aptly named canines?” Maya jokingly asked.

“Yes, them too,” Lynetta replied.

“Nothing like massive quantities of Italian food to ensure everyone’s happiness.”

Lynetta’s expression suddenly turned much more serious as she stared at the rows of vines in the distance. “Actually, this is the happiest we’ve seen Vito in quite some time. The last few years, when we’ve all gathered for one reason or another, he just appeared to be going through the motions. As if he couldn’t wait to get the day over with and return to the dark depths of his studio.”

Maya’s heart tugged at that depiction. From what Lynetta was saying, Vito hadn’t even found comfort and joy surrounded by so many of his loved ones.