“I’m so happy we ran into you before you left our beautiful city.” Lynetta’s accent, though subtle, lent another layer of charisma to her ample charm.

She crooked her hand through Maya’s arm. “Come, let’s walk a bit.”

Maya cast a hesitant glance in Vito’s direction. His cousin still had his full attention. They were discussing something in Italian. Leo was quite animated. She could have sworn she heard her name thrown about at least twice.

Lynetta led them farther toward the square. By the time the men had caught up to them, Maya had heard all about the couple’s two toddler sons and how she and her husband had managed to sneak out for a quick drink thanks to the teenager who babysat for them occasionally.

“We can’t make it too late a night, however,” Lynetta now added. “We are traveling early tomorrow to Verona. To celebrate Vito and Leo’s grandmother’s birthday.”

“Yes, Vito mentioned that earlier this evening. Please wish your grandmother a happy eighty-fifth. I hope she has a lovely time with her family.”

“What have you got planned for tomorrow, dear?” Lynetta asked. “Any excursions through our beautiful city?”

Maya shook her head. “It happens to be a free day. Nothing on the agenda. I think I’ll take the time to just relax in my hotel room. Or maybe do a walking tour.”

Lynetta blinked at her. “By yourself?”

Maya had to laugh at her tone. She sounded as if Maya would be walking across that prisoners’ bridge by the palazzo on her way to a cell rather than strolling through the beautiful streets of Venice.

“I’m sure I’ll find plenty to do.”

The other woman stopped pacing. “Tell me, Maya. Do you have plans to visit Verona?”

Maya shook her head. “It isn’t one of the destinations on this trip. From here, I’m off to Florence. Then Rome.”

Lynetta clasped her hands in front of her chest. “That settles it, then. You must come with us.”

Maya sensed more than heard Vito’s sharp intake of breath behind them. “Lynetta!”

The other woman whirled to face him, bit something out in Italian. Then added in English, “And don’t you dare take that tone of voice with me. It was rude of you not to invite her yourself.”

Maya held out a hand to interject. “Please. I don’t want to intrude where I don’t belong.”

It was her turn to face Lynetta’s harsh glare. “Are you turning down my invitation? To an old lady’s birthday gathering?”

Maya found she couldn’t find the words to reply. The way Lynetta posed the question, she sounded like Maya was committing a dire faux pas by declining. Never mind that Vito stood slack-jawed, watching this unexpected development unfold without saying a thing. If he’d wanted her at his grandmother’s birthday, he would have invited her himself.

Not that she’d even wanted the invitation. Had she?

Maya felt a flush of embarrassment and confusion creep up on her cheeks. The whole situation had somehow gotten out of hand. It didn’t help matters that Leo was chuckling softly as he watched the three of them.

“But I couldn’t possibly intrude that way,” Maya repeated, stumbling over the words. “I’m sure the travel has all been prearranged and everyone’s tickets already purchased.”

Lynetta’s glare softened. “Don’t be silly, dear. It’s not an intrusion. Nonna would love to have you there. She loves America and would quite enjoy an American visitor. As for as any type of ticket, we’ll be traveling on Vito’s private aircraft.”

So much for any kind of practical excuse. Vito suddenly stepped in front of her.

“Please excuse my cousin-in-law’s domineering attitude, Maya. She can’t help herself.”

From behind him, Lynetta gave Vito a firm swat on his upper arm. He ignored her. “Additionally, I would love it if you’d accompany the three of us, along with my two nephews, to Nonna’s birthday celebration in Verona.”

Maya wasn’t going to delude herself. Vito clearly felt obliged to extend the invitation. He must have felt like he had no choice after what Lynetta had started. Maya knew his motives for offering the invite had nothing to do with wanting to spend time with her. Lynetta had simply forced his hand.