He gave her a small smile. “Well, cara, it’s just that it occurs to me that it’s been quite a long while since I’ve enjoyed a nice, relaxing dinner while admiring all of Venice’s beauty from a boat on the water.”


SHE’D BEEN HALF afraid he wouldn’t show up. As much as she’d enjoyed the shopping expedition and her time at the glass blower’s studio, Maya had been unable to tear her mind from the anticipation of the evening to come.

But he was here. And, dear heavens, was he handsome. Dressed in a finely cut tuxedo and polished leather shoes, Vito Rameri had every woman he passed along the walkway nearly swooning. Or perhaps that was just Maya projecting her own reaction onto others.

She watched now as he approached her while she waited to board the ship that would serve as their restaurant. He had his hair in the same combed-back style he’d had the other day. He hadn’t shaved fully and now sported a subtle goatee.

She might as well have been watching one of her daydreams play out.

Who would have thought Maya would be thanking her lucky stars for falling into these very same waters that day Vito had pulled her out. He stopped short when he reached her side. He smelled of spicy sandalwood with a hint of some type of mint. Maya resisted the urge to lean toward him and inhale deeply of the alluring masculine scent.

“Bellissima,” he said when he approached her, looking her up and down.

“Grazie,” she replied with a small curtsy. “You’re not looking too shabby, either, Signor Rameri.”

He held out his arm to her. “Shall we?”

Moments later, they were watching the dazzling lights of Venice from the deck of an authentic galleon.

Maya wanted to pinch herself. Was this all really happening? How had she ended up in such a stunning setting with this charismatic, charming and devilishly handsome man as her companion?

“This view is unlike anything I could have imagined. It’s enchanting,” she said, her voice sounding as breathless as she felt.

“Sì. It most certainly is.”

Her heart fluttered when she realized he was staring at her profile as he spoke the words.

If only she were able to flick a magic wand and make this dream part of a permanent reality somehow. But this was a fantasy, a once-in-a-lifetime magical evening. Even if, by some miracle, they lived on the same continent, Vito was a man battling demons. The vibes he gave off made it clear he wanted to deal with those demons by himself.

A waiter appeared beside them. He carried a tray with two full wine glasses of ruby-red wine. “Valpolicella.”

They both lifted their glasses, then Vito tipped his toward hers in a toast. “To elegant evenings with newly acquired friends.”

Maya felt a squiggle of disappointment in her center. If she’d harbored any illusions that any of this was romantic for him, that last word was a cold dose of reality.

She would choose to ignore his choice of words. Nothing was going to ruin the thrill of this evening for her. If she had to pretend for a couple of hours that this was a real date with her real boyfriend then what would be the harm in that? It would be her secret. Vito didn’t need to know.

She tapped the rim of her glass to his and took a small sip. A burst of rich, fruity flavor exploded in her mouth. “Oh, wow. That’s really good.”

She took another sip, a little too hastily, and some of the wine splashed out of her glass. She managed to avoid getting any on her dress, but a splash of it landed on the side of her cheek.

Vito chuckled and pulled the satin handkerchief from his tuxedo pocket. “Here.” He dabbed the soft cloth on her skin, his face inches from hers. His touch suddenly turned to a gentle caress along her jaw.


She knew she’d been the one to move first. But Vito didn’t hesitate to respond. In the next instant, she felt his firm lips against hers as his other hand moved around her and down to the small of her back. His tongue moved over hers, the sensation sending shock waves through every cell in her body. He tasted of wine and mint. His heat suffused through the surface of her skin. Never had a kiss turned her insides to molten lava or had the effect on her that she felt right now.

It ended much too soon.