Maya swallowed and nodded with enthusiasm. Too much enthusiasm, in fact. “Something I wouldn’t miss for all the gold on the planet.”

He’d guessed right. Whatever had been on her agenda, it was meant for a couple to enjoy together. He found himself reaching for her over the round glass coffee table between them, and taking her small, delicate hand in his. How could her fiancé have let this woman go?

“Tell me, cara. What is this exciting excursion you have planned?”

“One of the highlights of the trip,” she repeated. “A sunset dinner cruise along the Grand Canal. Complete with champagne and authentic Italian gourmet cuisine. It was one of the activities that most thrilled me when I first found out about the itinerary.”

Vito gave her hand a small squeeze. “Your fiancé is a fool of a man,” he bit out, with more vehemence than he’d intended.

Maya sucked her bottom lip. “Thank you for saying that. Fool or not, there’s no way I’m going to miss out on such an experience myself. Matt has no idea what he’s missing. I thought I might ask around at the hotel to see if there’d be any takers for the extra voucher. You know, just so it doesn’t go to waste. Not that I mind going alone.” It was another clear instance of the lady doth protest too much. Vito kept that thought to himself.

“You have your heart set on this outing, I can tell.”

She gave a small shrug. “Yeah, I do.” He wasn’t imagining the sudden sheen of wetness in her eyes. Vito didn’t want to examine too closely the feeling that came over him at the sight. Pure anger and outrage on her behalf. “Not quite what I initially imagined it would be like, being alone and all. But still, an experience of a lifetime.” Her lips trembled slightly as she forced a smile.

“I’m sorry, bella,” Vito said softly, then wanted to kick himself. Maya was not the type to appreciate any kind of pity directed toward her.

Her next words confirmed that suspicion. “Oh, don’t say that! I know how lucky I am to have this chance, regardless of the circumstances. How many people can say they’ve dined aboard a glamorous ship while sailing the Venetian waters? I refuse to let anything mar the experience for me.”

She really was one of the most extraordinary people he’d ever met. Not many other women would approach the prospect of an evening alone aboard a romantic dinner cruise with such fervor and enthusiasm.

On the surface, Maya seemed upbeat. But Vito could see what was below the outer shell. It was all clearly yet another act on her part. It was breaking her inside that she’d be experiencing such an activity by herself. Just like the tour earlier.

She leaned over and crooked a finger at him to come closer. “I have a confession,” she said in a conspiratorial tone and followed it with a wink.

“What’s that?”

“See, I made a bit of a resolution before I left Boston.”

That had his curiosity piqued. “What kind of resolution?”

“I decided that I was done taking the safest route, the path of least resistance.”

He blinked in question. “And what does that have to do with a dinner aboard a boat?”

“Don’t you see? It would be so easy to just skip the whole thing. And sit in my hotel room, instead. The Maya Talbot of a few weeks ago would be quick to tell you that option is the one that made the most sense. But I’m done with easy. And I’m done with being sensible. Even if it means I’m the sole diner at one of those candlelit tables meant for two.”

He couldn’t be certain who she was trying to convince. Vito or herself.

“Does this resolution allow for partners, cara?”

She leaned back in surprise. “What do you mean?”

What, indeed, was he suggesting? Where was he going with this, exactly?

Damned if he knew. He just knew he couldn’t stand the disappointment clouding her eyes despite her words of resolution and newfound bold spirit.

“I wonder if you might be up for having a partner along for this next adventure.”

Maya finally looked up. She was staring at him wide-eyed. “Vito, I don’t want to make a fool of myself by jumping to any conclusions here. Could I ask you to just come out and tell me what you’re getting at?”