Though, in some ways, maybe it would have been better if she’d never met him at all. It was so much easier to not actually know what one was missing in life. Maya sighed and slipped her newly acquired cell phone into her dress pocket, her thoughts still centered on the enigmatic, handsome artist who was sure to haunt her dreams for years to come.

So she thought she was imagining it when she looked up to find him approaching her from the other side of the walkway. She shut her eyes and gave a shake of her head before she looked again, just to be sure.

Yep, it was definitely him. And he was definitely approaching her.


“Buongiorno. I was hoping I would catch you. Luckily this is the only cell phone store within a mile of the square.”

“But why?”

He shrugged. “Most likely because there isn’t enough of a demand to warrant any other retailers.” The hint of a smile at the corners of his mouth told her he’d deliberately misunderstood her question.

“If only more tourists dropped theirs in the water as I did.”

“Yes, indeed,” he answered with a small chuckle before turning serious once more. “It occurred to me after you left that you never did leave your address in Boston.”

“My address?”

“Yes. So that I could have my assistant mail you the sketch.”

Realization suddenly dawned on her. How foolish could she be? To think she’d even considered for a moment that he might have followed her because he wanted to speak to her again, to see her again. Although...he could have called the hotel for the information later.

Nonsense. Maya shook off that thought. The simplest explanation was often the right one. Vito only wanted her address so that he could mail her the sketch, just as he’d explained. She shouldn’t try to find other motives simply because she wished for them.

“Here.” He handed her his cell phone. “You can type in the information on my contacts list.”

She did as he asked and handed his mobile back to him. Her fingers brushed over his, ever so slightly, and the same current she’d felt yesterday traveled down her spine and through her limbs. Whatever effect this man had on her, it was enough to make her tremble inside.

She quickly pulled her hand away, fast enough that Vito seemed on the verge of dropping his phone before being able to fully grasp it. Great. All she needed was to be responsible for yet another damaged mobile.

“Care to walk with me to the piazza?” Maya blurted out without thinking. What was the harm? She really wouldn’t mind his company for a few more moments. Bad enough she’d be spending the rest of the day essentially alone.

Vito shifted from one foot to the other. He wasn’t saying he would. Maya’s heart sank down to her toes. She shouldn’t have asked him, should never have risked it. Now he had to find a way to turn her down. So his next words surprised her yet again.

“It would be an honor and a pleasure to walk with you on such a beautiful afternoon, cara.”

* * *

He was beginning to think he might have lost his mind. Vito had had no idea when he left his showroom to go and find her that he’d be spending yet more time with her. But there it was. Clearly, both her own question and Vito’s response to it had surprised Maya, judging from the bemused expression she currently wore.

Except maybe part of him had known that his jaunt to the mobile store was simply a way to see her again.

There’d been no real need to venture out to find her. He certainly could have called her hotel later, asked about her address and wished her well with the rest of her travels. And the rest of her life, for that matter.

For some reason, he’d felt compelled to come and find her.

“I’d like that,” she said with a smile. “I’d like that very much.”


He should have turned her down, told her he had things to do. So why hadn’t he done just that? Damned if he could explain it to himself. Part of him blamed that busybody, meddling cousin of his. Leo had planted the seed, after all. Whatever the reason, it was too late to pull back now. Rather than dwell any further on his motivations, he offered Maya the crook of his arm. “Shall we?”