His battle with himself was almost visible, but then he surrendered to her will: As obediently as a prisoner of war before a queen, he approached. He released himself and slid his hand into her hair.
She dribbled the wine over his cock and took her own sweet time in licking it off. Each leisurely stroke of her tongue earned a growl from him. Her scalp tightened as his hand gripped her curls.
His control was slipping away. She was shattering him slowly.
She trailed her fingers over his ribs, his belly; over his waist and hips, where the skin was outrageously soft; over his tight buttocks; over the rough hairs of his muscled thighs.
“I like this,” she murmured. “I like touching you very much.”
“Tormenting me, you mean.”
Breaking him into pieces, so there’d be a piece for her to take with her when they parted.
She knelt back. “Do you want me to stop tormenting you?”
“What do you think I should do next?”
Once more, he took command. “I think you should have some more wine.”
* * *
Leo watchedin a haze of desire as Juno dipped her fingers into the goblet and painted streaks of wine down his stomach. He wound his fingers more deeply into her hair, as she leaned in and licked it off. Then she looked up, nibbling her lip.
“You missed,” he said sternly.
Her smile was both brazen and triumphant. He was issuing the commands, but they both knew she was the one in control.
If he begged, it would be her will.
It wasn’t meant to be like this. He had vowed to give her pleasure, to savor the experience, but no more. The point was to lose his desire for her; he was not supposed to lose his mind.
But oh, how fascinating her mouth was! How enchanting her bold sensuality!
She gripped him in one hand, doused him so liberally that wine trickled down his thighs and splashed onto his feet. Without hesitation, she took him into her mouth, sucking and swirling, until she stole his breath, his soul, his veneer of civilization, until he was barely holding on to the shreds of his control.
Too much! He pulled away. She let him go, questions in her eyes.
“I haven’t finished with you yet,” he said and, before she could protest, he had swooped and hauled her into his arms.
She cried out in delight, laughing and kicking her feet and arching back so her hair swung down over his arm. He found himself laughing too, as he carried her across the room and tossed her onto the covers, where she stretched luxuriously, provocatively. Savage desire zigzagged through him like a lightning bolt.
The miracle of it, to be looming over her, Juno Bell, naked and sensuous, eager for his touch, ready for him to devour.
Not yet, he told himself.Stay in control.
He would not lose himself in her.
He would not lose himself.
He would not.
He ran his hands and mouth over her, nuzzling her neck, plucking her nipples, molding her breasts, exploring her quim. He noted her every move, breath, gasp: The more he focused on her response, the more controlled he could be.
She moaned, she writhed, she sighed. She held back nothing; Leo vowed to seize it all. He would make her see stars, make her hoarse with screaming his name. He would watch pleasure shatter her with an intensity she had never known and that she would never, ever forget.
Yes, he thought triumphantly, he was doing it right.