Please, Leo,she silently willed him.Don’t stop now.

* * *

There was no stopping now.

Not with Juno so close, her breath trembling around them, her palm on his chest, her leg pressed to his. Not with this mix of fury and desire churning inside him.

She had been deliberately taunting him, and he had fallen for it, what with St. Blaise eyeing her as she eyed chocolate truffles, what with the specter of her past lovers hammering at his bones.

Her lovers had never bothered him before. Well, one couldn’t be bothered by something if one never thought of it. Not that they need bother him now either. This Greek architect was gone, and Juno had likely not given him another thought since the day the fellow said “adio.”

Besides, it was Leo who had kissed her last. That made him her current lover … didn’t it? That meant she was his. At least for now.

And if she was already his lover, in a manner of speaking, it was too late for him. She was already in his blood.

He must not kiss her.

He trailed his thumb over her jaw. Her lips parted, soft, pink, alluring.

He must not kiss her.

His fingers wandered down the side of her neck, skimmed over the pulse fluttering in her throat.

He must not kiss her.

He traced the edge of her bodice, slipped beneath it to caress her silken skin. Her breasts were rising and falling rapidly. She made a small noise that shot straight to his groin.

He kissed her.

He brushed his lips over hers, again, again. Caught her lower lip between his teeth, earned a soft moan. Still his hand wandered, over the swell of her breasts, the curve of her waist. She pressed into him and he kissed her more hungrily, sweeping his tongue into her mouth.

Withdrawing on a groan.

She opened her eyes slowly to meet his.

“Well?” he demanded, his voice low and rough. “Is that what you wanted?”

She swallowed, moistened her lips, breathed out, breathed in. “I don’t know what you mean.”

“You were provoking me, and you know it.”

“Then you are vulnerable to provocation.” Her expression was triumphant. “You parade about under that facade of indifference, but you desire me.”


“Did you desire me before I kissed you yesterday?”

His jaw tightened. “Yes. And you?”

“That kiss yesterday did not come from nowhere.”

“You were angry with me.”

“I do not kiss everyone I get angry with. My life would become rather complicated if I did.”

He stepped back so they no longer touched. She caught his hand.

“Is that it, then?” she whispered. “Is that the mystery that has distorted our friendship? Is that why you keep me at a distance, hold these invisible walls between us? Because you desire me and wish you did not.”