“You don’t have to do everything they say.”

An anxious look entered her brown eyes. “They took me in as a child and have looked after me; I would have nothing without them. My best way of repaying them is to marry well. That’s why I… You understand.”

Arabella understood: It was an apology for this plot to trap Guy. “I understand. It’s all right. But you owe them nothing. They should have looked after you simply because it was the right thing to do. You must—”

The door to the hallway flew open. Lady Treadgold hurtled into the room, Mama drifting along in her wake.

“Matilda, I— Miss Larke, you—” Lady Treadgold stared at them both. “What is going on here?”

Arabella gave her haughtiest stare. “It’s not what you think. I never touched the girl!”

A startled expression crossed Lady Treadgold’s face and Mama pressed two fingers to her temple, as though she had a headache coming on. Matilda was fighting a smile.

“Is that—” Lady Treadgold’s eagle eyes snagged on the table. “Brandy? There has been amanhere!”

Arabella could only pray Lady Treadgold did not read the title of Guy’s book, but Mama moved more quickly, casually drifting across the room to shake her head at the glass.

“Arabella, darling, really. I have told you before not to drink that.” She picked up Guy’s book and glanced at the page. Her eyes widened and she hastily dropped it, then turned back to the other women. “I hope I can count on your discretion in this matter.”

They promised to be discreet.

“Now, Lady Treadgold,” Mama went on. “What was it you wanted me to see?”

“I must have the wrong room.”

“You said the Reading Room. This is the Reading Room.”

“I meant the room with the peacocks. Isn’t that the Reading Room?”

“No. The room with the peacocks is the Peacock Room.” Mama’s eyes met Arabella’s and skated on without giving away a thing. “My dear child, look at you in only your nightgown. You must be freezing. And who knew whom you might have encountered.”

“I couldn’t sleep,” Matilda recited doggedly. “I came down for a book. I did not expect to encounter anyone.”

Lady Treadgold stepped forward. “Don’t you believe her?”

“Of course I believe her. It happensallthe time.” Mama smiled. “Perhaps this excitement has made you sleepy.”

“Yes, come along, Matilda,” Lady Treadgold said and ushered her niece out.

Arabella folded her hands and waited for her scolding.

“Are you heading for bed, Arabella?”

“I thought I might sit a little longer. In the quiet. Alone. Reading my book. And…drinking my brandy.”

Mama shook her head. “Take care, my dear.”

“Yes, Mama.”

“Take very good care.”

And the door clicked shut behind her.

Chapter 19

Arabella counted out two minutes on the ticking clock before she opened the door connecting the Reading Room to the library.

“Guy?” she whispered.