“Oh yes. What with Father’s will making me rich and your return making me sister to England’s most eligible bachelor, I have become the most sought-after lady in the land.” She stood. “I’m going to ask the acrobats how they do that.”

Guy grabbed Freddie’s hand. “Sit down.”

She sat. He released her and drummed his fingers on the cool stone wall between them. She studied the crowd as if he wasn’t there, as if his eight-year absence had turned him into a ghost, and not a particularly interesting one.

“Listen. I mean to gain custody of you and Ursula. It isn’t right that Father made Sir Walter your guardian. I’ll marry as soon as possible, make us a proper family home.”

Freddie made no response.

“Freddie? Are you listening?”

“Not really. Did you say something interesting?”

“I said I hope to marry soon.”

“I like Miss Larke. She doesn’t simply repeat the same boring things everyone else says. And gentlemen are scared of her set-downs.”

Guy didn’t mind Arabella’s set-downs. He did mind her attempts to bend him to her will. After a lifetime of commands from his unscrupulous father, he was hardly going to sign up for a lifetime of commands from an unscrupulous wife.

“I shan’t marry Miss Larke. She was Father’s choice and I’ll choose my own wife. And you can choose your own husband.”

“Thank you.”

Her bland politeness irked him. Surely she would rather live with him than with the Treadgolds?

“But Freddie— Are you listening?”

“Yes, Guy.”

“If I am to gain custody of you and Ursula, I must prove that Sir Walter is mismanaging your trusts. Embezzling, for example. Have you noticed anything that might help? Any detail that seems suspicious. Something about Sir Walter’s behavior, or his spending.”

No answer.


“I don’t know.”

“You don’t know what?”

“Whatever you were saying.” She smiled dreamily. “I wasn’t listening.”

“I am talking about your future.”

“Everyone is always talking about my future. I will live in Sir Walter’s house, or your house, or my faceless future husband’s house. Install me wherever you please; I’ll be a good doll. How does the acrobat do that? I think I’ll ask.”

This time, Guy let her rise and drift away. He should have anticipated her response. Once he was her guardian, they could start anew.

Which meant he must deal with Sir Walter.

When he stood, heads turned, people still loitering in the hope of talking to him. As much as he appreciated the honor shown him by the Prince Regent in throwing this party, and the opportunity to renew acquaintances and strike up new ones, it was Sir Walter he needed to meet. Scanning the crowd for someone to help him identify Sir Walter, he only realized he was looking for Arabella when he didn’t see her.

Guy rubbed his eyes and tilted his head to study the sky. No stars here, just London’s habitual smoke. During his travels, he had become fascinated with stars. Perhaps he would buy himself a great big telescope and study astronomy. Another thing to help him rebuild his life.

An exuberant voice drew his attention away from the heavens.

“My dear Lord Hardbury! I am excessively delighted by your return!”

Marvelous. Another of Guy’s would-be bosom friends. This time, it was an average-sized man around fifty, with a pink bald patch, neat goatee, and wide smile that revealed a gold-capped tooth.