“Whatever the bride says goes.” Zahra grins as she knocks back her shot. She leans into Rowan and whispers something in his ear. Whatever she says has him swallowing the first shot before pouring himself a second one.

He tucks her hair behind her ear and whispers something in return that has her cheeks blushing.

Gross.I grab my glass and pull it to my lips. Except the rim never touches my mouth because it’s stolen straight from my hand.

“I think you’ve had enough.” Declan’s rough voice does something to my heart rate.

Cal waves the tequila bottle in Declan’s direction. “Come on. Sit down with us and have a celebratory shot.”

Declan shoots Cal a scathing look. “I think you’ve done enough celebrating.”

“She’s a big girl. If she wants to drink on her wedding night, it’s her choice.”

“She’sright here.” I stand on my two feet. The room spins around me, and I grab the back of my chair to catch myself. “I’m fine. Stop fussing over me.”

“You smell like spring break in Mexico.”

Something about his comment has me muffling my laugh with a shaky palm.

His lips pull down into a frown. I take a few wobbly steps toward him before clutching onto his tux so I don’t fall over. I use one hand to push the corner of his scowl up into a smile. “There. All better.”

“We’re going home.” Declan’s arm wraps around me. The move reminds me of our kiss in the church, which only makes my cheeks hot underneath a pound of makeup.

I pout. “But why?”

“You’re intoxicated.”

“It’s a wedding!Ourwedding!” I struggle to focus on Declan’s three heads. “Hey, why aren’t you drunk?”

His three heads merge into one angry version. “Because one of us has some self-control,” he snaps.

“It’s all Cal’s fault!” I blurt out.

“Hey!” Cal throws his arms up.

“He did steal a bottle from the bar. I saw him take it myself,” Rowan backs me up.

Declan points at Rowan. “Don’t get me started on you.”

The way the three of them interact has me raising a brow in Zahra’s direction. “See. I told you they never get along.”

Zahra smiles. “Yet.”

“I like her already,” I say aloud instead of in my head.

“Let’s go,” Declan snaps.

“Don’t forget to text me! I want all the details,” Zahra yells.

I throw her a thumbs-up over my shoulder. Turns out she is the only other person besides Cal and Rowan who knows about the whole sham. Not that I would tell Declan. I’m pretty sure he would murder Rowan for risking our big secret like that.

Declan steers me toward the exit of the ballroom.

“Wait!” the wedding planner yells. “You can’t go yet! We haven’t even tossed the bouquet!”

Declan lets out the longest sigh ever. My chest vibrates from withheld laughter.

He turns me toward him. “What’s so funny about this?”