* * *

A deep brown hand lands on my arm. I look over to find Iris’s mom holding onto me with a shy smile.


“Are you looking for Iris?” I scan the room for her.

“I actually came to talk to you.”

Do I have the option to politely decline?

Her smile falters. “I won’t take up more than a few minutes of your time. I know you’re a busy man and everything.”

I see my reputation precedes me.

“Let’s go outside.” I motion toward the empty balcony and let her lead the way.

I take a deep breath as the doors shut behind us and silence settles in.

“Iris told me you hate these kinds of things.” She wrings her hands in front of her.

“Loathe is more like it.”

She laughs, and it reminds me of Iris’s wheezy one. Like oxygen can’t make it to her lungs fast enough.

“How are you holding up with all this?”

“As to be expected for an introvert who hates social gatherings, small talk, and people in general.”

“Then why do it in the first place?”

“Because it’s expected.”

Her braids shift as she tilts her head. “It must be exhausting putting on an image for the public.”

“You have no idea.”

“I might not know what it is like to grow up in the public eye like you, but I understand having to put on a face for everyone around you.”

“You do?” I find that hard to believe.

Her eyes dart toward the city skyline. “I’m sure Iris told you about my ex-husband and his very particular expectations.”

I open my mouth but think better of it. In reality, I don’t know much about Iris’s father besides the fact that he is a deadbeat.

She continues, saving me from having to come up with something to say. “When she told me she was getting married to you, I was excited that she finally met someone who could treat her right. Someone who could prove that love can heal the soul as much as it can destroy it. I’ve heard the way she talks about you.”

Now I’m very curious about this conversation.

“How so?”

She laughs. “It’s obvious she admires you, and not just in a romantic way. Your work ethic. The love you have for your brothers. The way you gave her a chance to show her worth. For the last one, I can’t thank you enough. Truly.”

I’m speechless as I stare at her with my lips parted. I don’t even know how to process her final comment, seeing as most people are horrified by the way my assistant works more hours than half the executives.

“But of course, like any mother, I worry about her and what the future holds for her. I don’t want her to go through the kind of pain I experienced. I want a better life for her. One that I think you can provide, so long as you promise to always honor her and the vows you make this weekend.”

“I can assure you that I will always have Iris’s best interests at heart.” Even if they jeopardize mine.