“Have you seen Iris?” I don’t bother with pleasantries.

“Umm, shouldn’t she be with you?”

I turn around and walk down the steps, not wanting to waste any more time.

“Hey! Wait!” Zahra chases after me.

I speed up.


I don’t.

The sound of flip-flops smacking against the ground makes me grind my teeth together. I ignore Zahra calling after me, only to be stopped by my brother on his way back from his run.

He pops an earbud out as he scowls at me. “What are you doing here?”

Zahra stops beside me, trying to catch her breath. “Has anyone told you that you have very long legs?”

“Why are you chasing after my brother?”

“Because I wanted to talk to him, but he didn’t want to be caught.”

Rowan raises a brow at me. “Care to explain why you are running away from my girlfriend?”

I take a deep breath. “I don’t have time to chat. I’ve wasted enough of it as it is.”

“Then make time.”

“I’m trying to find Iris.”

“Good luck with that.”

I take a step forward. “Do you know where she is?”

“I’ll tell you if you do what Zahra asks and give her a few minutes of your time. It’s the least you can do after acting like such a dick to me earlier, don’t you think?”

My jaw clenches. “Fine. Speak.” I look down at Zahra.

“Can we go inside first? I need a glass of water.”

My short fuse burns down to nothing as I follow them back into the home I spent most of my youth vacationing at. The memories slam into me as I take in Mom’s porch swing, still hanging in the same spot years later.

“It’s my favorite place in the whole house.” Zahra shoots me a small smile.

Of course it is.

I ignore her as I walk through the front door. The place hasn’t changed besides a fresh paint job and more modern furniture. There’s still a doorframe by the kitchen that has our height marks over the years, with me being the tallest.

“It’s pretty weird coming back here after so long, huh?” Rowan leans against the kitchen counter, observing me as I take it all in.

“How do you stand living here?”

“It reminds me of some good times.”

“That makes one of us.”

The corners of his lips lift in a silent reply.