Page 25 of Savage

Miriam led her past the Great Hall to a room she’d not seen before. A suite like the one she’d been in on her first night in Neodyma, more opulent than the others.

The Sister gave her a shove. “Get in the center of the room and face the far wall. On your knees – with your forehead touching the floor and your ass in the air. I know Tok. Seeing that red tail sticking out from between your well-spanked cheeks when he walks in the door will please him. And the more you please him, the more privileges you’ll be granted.”

AJ shuddered. She hated putting herself in such an embarrassing position, especially in front of Tok. And she’d known her trainer long enough to suspect it was Miriam who’d be granted extra privileges if Tok enjoyed the evening.

When she didn’t move, Miriam grabbed her long braid, jerking her forward. The gold band woven into her hair tightened around her neck. Not band, she realized, gasping for air.Collar.

She dropped to her knees. Miriam pulled on her braid, keeping the pressure steady. AJ was forced to lower her head until it touched the floor.

The trainer picked up a long wooden paddle.

“I need to bring a fresh blush to those cheeks,” she announced, sounding smug.

Miriam pulled the tip of the tail down to nestle in the cleft between AJ’s legs so it wouldn’t get in the way then drew her arm back and delivered a hard swat. Unlike the one in her quarters, the paddle was wide enough to cover both cheeks with one stroke. AJ gritted her teeth, preparing for the now-familiar lick of fire to sear her bottom.

Miriam took her time, allowing the pain of each stroke to set in before delivering the next. She was a master at dragging out those moments of fear tinged with dread, as her victim waited for the next harsh blow to land. The woman had obviously been on the receiving end of many spankings.

The door flew open. Tok strode in. From the sound of the footsteps, he was once again accompanied by his ever-present guards. AJ heard a low grunt of approval.

“My dear Miriam, you do know how to prepare a delight for the eye! Tell me, how has this one performed in her training?”

Miriam’s voice was low, seductive. “My general will be pleased. This harlot is easily aroused. But she’s been denied release. By now, I assure you she will be eager to please you in any way you desire.”

“Excellent. Now get out.” He waved an arm. “All of you.”

AJ heard footsteps receding then the thud of the heavy door. She couldn’t suppress a shudder of revulsion when Tok ran his hand down the strap from her waist to the device lodged in her bottom hole.

“Come here.” Tok pulled on her tail, making AJ crawl to the bed. He let go and grabbed her braid. Yanking her head up so she could watch, he slowly slipped the robe off his shoulders.

Though short in stature, the general had a broad chest and powerful arms packed with muscle. He let the robe drop to the floor.

AJ drew in a breath. She’d seen many men’s bodies in the Lyceum, in every stage of arousal. For such a little man, Tok had an enormous penis. It jutted out, as thick and hard as the rest of his body.

He kept one fist wrapped around her braid, reaching down to stroke his length with the other.

“Open your mouth, Harlot, and worship your Master. Then this rod will test the readiness of your ass to receive it.”

AJ closed her eyes as he took a step closer.

Suddenly the door burst open. She heard a familiar voice.

“General! I thought I might fin’ you here.” Kaden’s words was slurred, as though he’d had too much to drink. His tone grew confrontational. “We need to talk. Now.”

“Guards!” Tok’s voice was shrill.

Kaden laughed. “Don’t worry. They won’t be bothering us. They’re investigating some sort of disturbance on the other side of the Great Hall. Of course, I wouldn’t know anything about that,” he added, moving closer.

“I’ve come to collect, General. Last week you said you were in my debt. My men mined more minerals than any other team. ‘Anything you want, boy. You have only to ask.’ I believe that’s what you said.”

“Yes, I did.” Tok’s attitude was less autocratic than it had been moments earlier.

“Well, I decided what I want. I heard the female you gifted me with awhile back is here to take her place as a harlot. I’ve been hungering for a hot pussy lately.” Kaden came even closer, his gait unsteady, his tone suddenly aggressive. “I’ll take her. Tonight.”

“Tonight? Impossible. As you can see, she is with me.”

“Oh, come now, General. You have your pick of the most experienced, most beautiful women here. Surely you don’t want to waste your time with this one. She’s big and ungainly – not to mention a troublemaker, if I recall.”

The general’s erection had begun to wilt. “Then why do you want her?”