Chapter Ten

During the next few days, Bree replayed the evening over and over in her mind.

She’d been certain Tahraz would require her to satisfy him as he had done to her. When he ushered her out of his tent, she waited for the summons the next night, and the night after that. But his self-control was as rigid as his cock had been. He treated her no differently than he had before. If anything, he was more formal, using the less familiar forms of his language when he addressed her, requiring that the boys treat her with even more respect during their lessons.

Her mind was in a whirl, but there was no mistaking what her body wanted. She was grateful for the veil that covered her face while in his presence, since she could feel her cheeks flush every time he glanced at her.

When his attention was elsewhere she stared at his hands. Imagined them running up the insides of her thighs while she stood before him, arms bound, unable to move. Unable to stop him from touching her wherever he wanted. When he spoke she watched his lips, longing to feel them capturing her mouth, then traveling down her body, licking and sucking until she screamed.

And every night, she dreamed about him. Sometimes she took his stiff rod in her mouth, teasing and tormenting him until she had the satisfaction of making him lose control as he had done to her. In other dreams, he stopped her, rolling her onto her back and holding himself over her body with those powerful arms. Then, gazing into her eyes, he’d ram his cock deep inside her.

Every morning she woke to an aching hunger that continued to grow. Sometimes she wondered if her existence as Dr. Sabrina Dennison had been the hallucination and this life the reality.

The suiltaan had won her respect by the care and concern he showed for his tribe. Over time he’d won her heart. She sensed the caring behind the firm control he held over his people, much like the gentleness she’d seen him show with his horses. Although she didn’t know much about animals, it seemed to Bree that Ashana followed his lead not out of fear or coercion, but because she found pleasure in pleasing him.Just as Dasheena did.

* * *

As for Tahraz, he knew he was lost. Whenever she was near him, it was sheer will that kept him from seizing her and taking her at last. The other women of his harem would happily do whatever he desired. At first he turned to them for release after those nights where he tortured himself being with Bilquis but not allowing himself to have her. When that did not ease his hunger, he began sleeping alone.

From the first time he laid eyes on her, he’d been determined this defiant woman, this arrogant queen, would come to him willingly…or not at all.

But over time the idea of winning, whether at the game of chess or the game of seduction, became less important. His captive queen was like no other woman he had ever known. He watched her constantly, delighting in the animation on her face as she repeated his tales of their ancestors to the women, making each story spring to life. He saw the joy she felt when one of the boys grasped a complicated chess lesson.

No one could be more proud in defeat than Bilquis, praising one of her young conquerors as she conceded a game to him. The boys in turn were as entranced by her as he was, transported through her stories to strange, wonderful lands where valiant heroes had wild adventures and romanced sensuous – and always intelligent – heroines. Her love of knowledge was matched only by her desire to share that knowledge with another keen mind. As the days passed, Tahraz realized he was in love with Bilquis the woman, hungering for that special connection with her mind and her soul as deeply as he lusted for her body.

Finally the day came when Tahraz was ready to risk it all. He sent word to Queen Bilquis, telling her to prepare herself for the last game of their tournament.

* * *

Bree was torn. If she won the evening’s game, she was certain Tahraz would honor his promise and allow her to leave. Back in Mahrib, she would be treated as royalty. She had a retinue of slaves and servants at her beck and call, a life of wealth and leisure. But she had a duty to her people as well. She would be expected to marry a stranger, a man not of her choosing, and give birth to a female child to carry on the roles of monarch and high priestess.

Here, in this isolated oasis, she’d made friends. For the first time in her life, she wasn’t the aloof professor or the shy scholar, more comfortable with her books than with people. And for the first time, her heart was drawn to a man from whom she felt respect along with the intense physical attraction.

He acknowledged her skills and admired her knowledge. Rather than seeing her as a threat or a pawn he could use to advance his own reputation, Tahraz had given her an opportunity to shine. She loved teaching the boys. Through her lessons, she could influence their minds, shape the tribe’s future. She knew Tahraz had been listening and learning as well. He’d begun seeking her opinion from time to time before making decisions that governed the tribe.

Bree dressed with care, listening as her sisters prepared for the evening but not joining in the gossip and laughter. Before leaving their tent, the women surrounded her, wishing her luck in this, her final game, while expressing sadness at the thought she might leave them.

“Surely Mahrib cannot be better than this,” Dasheena said. “You have fine garments and beautiful jewels there, slaves to care for your every need. But here you have all the bounty the gods can bestow…and a handsome virile suiltaan to care for you.”

“You’re right, Dasheena. This hidden al ain is a paradise. And in truth, Mahrib is not my real home. I come from a place much farther away – and much stranger – than you could ever imagine.”

“Then you must stay and tell us tales of that distant land, as you have told us tales of Mahrib and of the lost city of our ancestors. We love you as a sister, Bilquis. Can you not give up this contest with the suiltaan and remain here?”

Bree didn’t answer. She’d been asking herself that question for days. But as much as she loved Tahraz, she couldn’t live like this, sharing him with the other women. He often sent for Na’ Ima or Dasheena or one of the others after spending an evening with her. Maybe it was selfish, but she wanted a man who loved her so much he didn’t want anyone else.

If she couldn’t have Tahraz all to herself, she’d rather be alone…and far away. Bree knew she couldn’t give in and make love with him, even for a single night. It would make hungering for him while knowing he was with another too painful to bear.

She could feel his gaze the moment she entered the tent, but she refused to meet his eyes. Dinner was a solemn occasion. Both of them tried to pretend it was just another evening but the atmosphere felt strained.

Bree was relieved when he sent everyone away and began arranging the pieces on the board. She was sure she would win. He’d become a reasonably good chess player, but she’d already won two games. As for the games she’d given up to him – one loss had been deliberate and one due to a careless mistake she was determined not to repeat.

Tonight, her mind would be on the game. She’d be leaving this place, if not in the morning then within a day or two. At least the heartache she felt whenever she was around him would be over.

* * *

Tahraz was anxious as well, but he did his best not to show it. He had a strategy far more complex than he’d used in any of their matches. On this final night of their tournament, Bilquis would see just how well she had taught him. Mentally he rehearsed the final move he had planned. With it, he would win her – or lose her forever.

There was no musical accompaniment from outside the tent. No spirited debate between them. Only silence as they began the match.