“You know it is forbidden for women to engage in games of combat.”

“Yes, my lord suiltaan.”

“I trust you to keep order in the hareem, to rule your domain in the same manner as I rule. You have disobeyed me. Prepare yourself for punishment.”

Dasheena dropped to her knees immediately, with her head touching the floor. She put her arms behind her to pull up her robe. Before she could bare herself, Bree jumped to her feet.

“You cannot punish Dasheena. She did nothing wrong. I was the one who taught Ketifa to play. Dasheena knew nothing about it beforehand and made us stop when she found out.”

Tahraz acted surprised but Bree suspected he already knew that. “Indeed? And did you know it was forbidden to teach a woman such a game?”

“I knew you did not encourage it.”

“And yet you allowed yourself to be persuaded by Ketifa.”

Bree raised her head defiantly. She could not let either woman be disciplined for her impulsive act. “She did not persuade me. I was the one who suggested it.”

“Very well. Since you excel at observation, you will now observe the result of your rash decision.” He looked down at the waiting woman crouched at his feet. “Dasheena, you will be disciplined for your failure to keep order in the hareem. And then you will bring Ketifa forth and administer her punishment yourself. Queen Bilquis, take a seat on the chaise.”

Bree took a deep breath, knowing what she had to do. “I will not allow these women to pay the consequences for my foolish choice,” she stated flatly. “If someone is to be punished, let it be me.”

Tahraz met her defiant stare calmly. “As you wish. I will have mercy this one time on Ketifa. But Dasheena will still be disciplined, for she has failed to instill the proper respect for my rules in the hareem. And when I am finished with Dasheena, you will receive the punishment you have requested.”

Bree watched helplessly as Dasheena, still on her knees with her bottom raised high in the air, bared her backside. Tahraz’s face was expressionless as his leather riding crop whistled through the air. Dasheena moaned, fighting to remain in place as he laid a pattern of angry red stripes on her backside and the tops of her thighs. Soon she was choking back sobs. But she never protested, never moved. Bree hoped when it was her turn, she could be as brave as Dasheena.

Tahraz delivered fifteen or twenty harsh swats before tossing aside the crop. Dasheena buried her head in the carpet, sobbing softly, but maintained her humiliating position.

The suiltaan raised his head and met Bree’s eyes. Hoping her quaking legs would not collapse, she rose and started to kneel beside Dasheena. Tahraz stopped her. “You will lie across my lap on the chaise – as you did before.”

Bree’s stomach clenched. She remembered all too well her body’s treacherous response to the last spanking Tahraz gave her. Still, she dared not refuse, fearing Dasheena would once again bear the brunt of the suiltaan’s displeasure. She wouldn’t meet his eyes as she stepped forward and draped herself awkwardly over his thighs.

Tahraz seemed intent on extending her humiliation as long as possible. He pulled her robe up slowly, running his hands over her bare legs. Then, when he’d raised the garment to her upper thighs, he shifted on the chaise so her feet were off the floor and her bottom poked higher into the air.

He began spanking her over the robe, first on one cheek and then the other. Her body jerked with every swat, and it was all she could do not to cry out. The spanking hurt much more than the first one he delivered. She realized she must have been in a daze after her ordeal in the desert. This time there was no haze over her mind to dull the pain. He ignited a searing fire on her bottom with his very first whack. Every time his hand made contact, the flames burned hotter.

Tahraz stopped, and she breathed a sigh of relief. Then he slid his hands down to where her robe was bunched around her thighs. He took his time baring her, tucking the long robe up around her waist, running his hands over her naked ass. She forced herself to lie still and stoically endure it. But when his fingers dipped between her thighs, she couldn’t stifle a gasp.

He took his hand away. “You are dismissed,” he said, gesturing to the other women. “Dasheena, you will return later…when I send for you.” Bree heard the rustling of skirts as the other women left the tent.

“Now, my haughty queen, your punishment will begin.”

A stab of fear shot through her. How much worse could it be?

Her question was answered when his hand came down again. She was shocked at how much more intense the pain was without the robe covering her bottom. She cried out then clamped her lips together, vowing not to make another sound no matter what he did.

Tahraz thrashed her soundly, smacking her with a palm calloused by hours spent handling the reins of a half-wild stallion. Bree was in agony. When he paused, she had a fleeting hope her torment was finally over.

Then his hand spread her legs apart even farther. She thought he would once again dip his fingers into her pussy, as he did the first time she was in this position. But, to her shock and embarrassment, she felt an insistent finger test the tight pucker of her bottom hole.

Her entire body went rigid. She’d had only one serious lover, the professor who broke her heart and left her distrustful of men. There had been a few dalliances later with fellow students, but never had she been touchedbackthere. Bree had always hidden what she thought of as her shameful secret desires, choosing to study erotic acts rather than to experience them firsthand.

His finger was withdrawn, and Bree sagged against the chaise, only to squirm frantically when he slid the tip inside her. It penetrated her tight opening easily. Bree realized he must have stopped to coat his hand with some kind of oil. He began working his finger in, rubbing his thumb over her clit at the same time. She heard a low chuckle and forced herself to lie unmoving.

Her bottom was burning, but the pain only intensified the other sensations he was arousing. “There are many ways to punish a naughty queen,” he said in a low voice that sent a shiver through her belly. “I can fan a flame elsewhere, leave you aching in other ways.” He drove his finger deeper and despite her vow to stay still, Bree squirmed.

He shifted his legs, and Bree felt his cock under her, stiff with desire. He ignored his own need, intent on arousing her. Teasing, taunting, taking her higher and higher, but always stopping short. She found herself pumping her ass against his hand.

Tahraz laughed wickedly. “Is this what my queen demands?” he said, driving his finger deeper. She shuddered, and he drew it out then cupped her burning ass in his palm.

“Tomorrow night, we play again,” he declared as he pulled her robe down. His hands lingered, stroking her back, before he helped her to her feet.