His eyes were closed, and she took advantage of the opportunity to stare openly. He’d taken off the white cloth covering his head. After two days away from home, a sexy dark stubble covered his chiseled jawline. Bree fought the impulse to twine her fingers in his long dark hair like she did when he made love to her in her dream, gripping as fiercely as she had Ashana’s mane when they galloped through the desert. She wondered if Tahraz had a tender side, or if gentleness had been burned out of him by the cruel sun. Even in an oasis, life was hard in this unforgiving climate.

* * *

Tahraz opened his eyes to find Bree watching him, with the same look of desire in her eyes she’d had in his dream.

He moved without thinking. One hand drew her down onto his chest, while the other swept aside the veil covering her face. Looking into her eyes, he brought his lips to hers, softly at first. When her mouth opened slightly, welcoming him, he groaned. The raw sound seemed to bring her back to her senses. She struggled against him to escape.

Tahraz tightened his grip, deepening the kiss. Then, abruptly, he let her go. “I may punish you for disobedience, but I will not take you by force. My captive queen will kneel before me willingly when the time comes, offering her body to me to use as I choose. For I know this about you. When you lose, your pride will require that you keep your word and honor your final wager…as I have honored mine, bringing you here to our holy city.”

Bree pulled the veil back over her face, hands shaking. “First, you must win the contest,” she replied.

Tahraz watched her struggle for control of her emotions. Winning a game required planning, strategy. There were many moves – not all of them within the squares of a clay board. He knew women…and queen or not, this was a woman whose desire had been awakened. Now he had only to build that hunger until she herself begged him to take her and end her torment.

* * *

For Bree, the long journey back to the oasis flew by. Her mind was in a whirl. First, from the amazing sights she’d seen in Tahraz’s lost city. But warring for her attention were the conflicting feelings she had for her captor.

The suiltaan was a stern patriarch. But he was also a scholar, with a thorough knowledge of the history of his people. In chess, he’d proven to be a quick study with a keen mind. She respected him as a worthy adversary. And she had seen flashes of what he would be like as a lover – savage and sensuous, claiming his woman with raw passion.

But something inside her railed at the idea of becoming another eager concubine in his harem. Whether as the world-renowned archaeologist Dr. Sabrina Dennison or as Bilquis, Queen of Sheba, Bree promised herself it would be a cold day in the desert before she willingly knelt and spread her legs for such an arrogant male.

To Bree’s surprise, Tahraz did not immediately call for a rematch when they returned to the al ain. Instead, he practically ignored her.

Days passed, one blending into the next, often ending with lavish meals at which women of the harem would sing or dance or play instruments before one was chosen as the object of the suiltaan’s attention for the night. Other times, the women were left to their own devices. Bashar would appear outside their tent with a huge covered dish, and they were free to indulge themselves without having to wait on any man.

The old cook would often sneak them a special treat – a warm loaf filled with sweet, dried fruit soaked in the potent honey liqueur. Dasheena and the others sometimes treated him like a beloved grandfather and other times flirted coyly, as though he was a virile young warrior. Bashar loved the attention.

Ever the professor, Bree entertained her sisters on those nights with stories of life in Mahrib. The women showed endless curiosity about life outside their isolated realm, and she soon ran out of descriptions of Sabataean customs. She began recounting the legends of the ancient city that Tahraz shared with her, adding characters, weaving tales of love and adventure.

Finally, Tahraz sent word that Bilquis and Na’ Ima had been selected to spend the evening with him. When the women presented themselves, they found the chessboard set up once again. After they dined, Tahraz motioned for Bree to take her place in front of the board. He waved his arm and Na’ Ima picked up two pawns from the board then put her hands behind her back.

Bree smiled. Tahraz had obviously planned the evening in advance, even going so far as to coach Na’ Ima on what to do.

“You were the victor in our last match,” he said, “so the choice is yours.”

Na’ Ima brought her hands out from behind her back. Bree tapped the left fist. When Na’ Ima opened her hand to reveal a black pawn, Tahraz couldn’t hide his delight. To Bree’s surprise, he opened with her strategy from the previous game, mimicking her moves as though he had memorized each one.

“And what shall be our wager on tonight’s outcome?” Tahraz asked as he moved a bishop into play, capturing one of her pawns.

“I will wager the most rare and valuable substance in all the wealth my kingdom has to offer. It is called frankincense, burned as a holy offering to the gods, harvested from trees that grow in only one place on earth. These trees exist on the harsh and barren slopes of our mountains, alternately parched by drought and drowned in torrential rains. My people carve the names of our gods into the living skin of the tree, and the tree pours out its lifeblood. It hardens into a crystal that glows when it is ignited, releasing a fragrance like no other.”

Bree had been prepared for her wager, and she drew a pouch out of the folds of her robe. Opening it, she poured several chunks of frankincense into her palm. “If the suiltaan will permit?” She placed one of the crystals on the coals of the brazier kept near his seat to heat water for the ever-present mint tea.

The effect was immediate. A heady aroma wafted from the glowing chunk, filling the room.

“That is a worthy prize for which to play,” Tahraz responded. “In the same spirit, I offer an object of great value as well. If you are the victor in this game, I will give you the first offspring of the mare Ashana and my stallion Maheer.”

Bree was stunned. She knew the importance Tahraz placed on his herd. Ashana would soon be in heat for the first time, and the women all talked of how eagerly Tahraz awaited the mating of the two. Would their foal have the speed of Maheer combined with Ashana’s fiery spirit? She bowed her head. “I accept your wager. It is truly a prize worthy of this contest between a suiltaan and a queen.”

As they played, it became clear that Tahraz had used the days to practice his moves. It took every ounce of concentration Bree possessed to keep her mind ahead of his. When she won the game, Tahraz looked surprisingly pleased with the outcome.

“As is your right, you will now witness the mating, to insure that the offspring is truly from the stallion I promised.”

Bree had never seen the coupling of large animals, and she wasn’t prepared for the scene that played out under the stars. The corral was empty, save for Ashana. The mare was restless, tossing her head and prancing around.

Tahraz disappeared. When he returned, Bree didn’t need to turn her head to see that he led Maheer. Ashana’s reaction told her that. As soon as she caught scent of the stallion, the mare began tearing around the corral, seeking a way to get to him. For his part, the stallion could barely be restrained. It took all of Tahraz’s considerable strength to keep the horse from trampling the fence to get to her.

He opened the gate and set Maheer loose inside the corral. Then he went to Bree’s side.

“See how eagerly she greets him? And he, in turn, will have his way with her at last.” Tahraz kept up a commentary as the stallion mounted his mare. Bree watched the savage coupling, shocked at how much it aroused her. Tahraz narrated every move, every powerful thrust, describing the scene as though Maheer was an amorous young rake finally giving way to his uncontrollable lust for the tempting virgin Ashana, who ached with her need for him.

When Tahraz drew her into his arms, Bree turned her face up for the kiss she knew was coming. Her clit throbbed, and a shiver ran through her when she felt the rigid shaft under his robes pressing against her body. Despite all her resolve, she found herself opening her lips as his tongue teasingly, insistently captured her mouth.

She heard a moan and realized it came from her. Summoning every ounce of her self-control, Bree put her hands against his chest, pushing him away.

She took a ragged breath before she spoke. “I believe the suiltaan is a man of honor, who keeps his word in all things. When this foal is born, if the gods are merciful, I will be back among my people, unable to take possession of it. But I thank you for the honor you have bestowed upon me, by offering me a prize of such value.”

Tahraz released her then stalked off without a word. He stormed into his tent and, in two long strides, grabbed Na’ Ima, yanking off her veil and forcing her to her knees in front of him. The woman complied eagerly, freeing his stiff rod and taking it in her mouth.

Bree turned away. But not before Tahraz glanced out the open flap of his tent – and caught her watching.