Tahraz stood up. “Now we will dine,” he announced. He sat on the chaise without looking at the half-naked woman crouched near his feet and beckoned Dasheena and Na’ Ima to bring him his food.

Bree was horrified. She couldn’t help glancing over from time to time as Suhailah struggled to stay in position, her naked rear high in the air with the end of the strange object protruding from her bottom hole. When Dasheena was finally relieved of her duty to feed her master, Bree leaned over. “What is that?” she whispered. “And why does she act as though it causes her pain?”

“It is an object the suiltaan carved from a root we use to add spice to our food,” Dasheena replied softly. “If Tahraz is sorely displeased, he inserts this tool into the bottom hole of the woman being punished. The juices of the root make her tingle and burn inside the same way her cheeks are burning from the stroke of his paddle. The longer it remains inside her, the more powerful the sensation grows. Her body struggles with the need to expel the object, but she has been forbidden to move. To save herself from another spanking, her only choice is to clench it tightly within her. But that makes the fire burn even hotter. Although the harsh sting fades once it is removed, the shame of being publicly chastised in this way lingers on.”

From Dasheena’s explanation, Bree guessed the phallus had been fashioned from a finger of ginger root. She had read about its more unusual uses. Victorian horsemen swore a tired old nag could be sold for a better price with a plug of ginger shoved up its backside. The animal would act like a frisky colt, prancing around from the fiery sensation it caused. She knew fingers of ginger were used occasionally on females as well. Some said it heightened sexual arousal. Others used it to increase humiliation and pain in the unlucky recipient. Dasheena’s description of the effects had been so detailed, Bree couldn’t help wondering if she, too, had been punished that way.

Suhailah was panting and trembling from the effort it took for her to remain still. Tahraz glanced down at her, and Bree thought she saw compassion in his eyes. He clapped his hands and waved the other women away. As Bree followed her sisters out of the room, he knelt and began removing the plug. The last thing she saw was the suiltaan taking the tearful woman in his arms, murmuring softly in her ear as his hands caressed her reddened ass.

Dasheena began talking the minute they left his presence. “Tahraz is not a cruel man,” she hastened to explain. “He only acts as he did out of his affection for us. He has the duty of caring for the entire tribe. The injury or loss of even one member through misfortune or a deliberate disregard for his laws is a terrible burden for him to bear.”

Bree was silent, but her expression was one of disbelief. Dasheena went on. “Tahraz is strict, but he is not unfair. Suhailah wanted to help her youngest brother. He is one of the shepherds. She ventured deep into the hills to find his lost lamb and save him from being punished for his carelessness in tending the flock. Tahraz was aware of that. But she knew the dangers of setting out alone into the wilderness and the penalty for disobedience. If Tahraz did not punish her, others would soon begin to pick and choose which of his laws to follow and which to ignore.”

“What will happen to her now?” Bree asked.

“The suiltaan will comfort her and dry her tears. She will say she is sorry and swear never to displease him again. The suiltaan will forgive her, and all will be as it was.”

Bree shook her head. Was Tahraz a tyrant or merely a strict father to his tribe? Though he seemed cold, perhaps his attitude had been shaped by the constant struggle to keep his people alive in the harsh desert world that surrounded them. The man was an enigma. But she needed to learn all she could about him if she was to succeed with her plan to escape from the isolated oasis.

The next evening, Tahraz was eager to play a real game of chess. When Bree walked into the tent, the board was already set up. They ate their evening meal with the usual musical accompaniment. Then he excused the others and beckoned Bree to come forward.

She approached, head bowed.

“We shall have a proper game now,” Tahraz announced.

She sat down opposite him on the rug, tucking her feet under her robe. “Did I mention that in my country it is customary for the players to put forth a small wager on the outcome?”

Tahraz took the bait, as she knew he would.

“What are the usual terms of such wagers?”

“Each player might offer an object of value, to be given as a trophy to the victor. Or the wager might take the form of some act to be performed, which will show favor to the winner and humble the vanquished opponent.”

“Indeed?” His gaze settled on her, cool and appraising. “That sounds intriguing. Let us make a wager. What would you propose?”

Bree had spent hours planning her response. “To make it a fair contest, I suggest we play a tournament. Five games, each with a small wager on the results…and a final prize to the overall victor.”

Tahraz was silent, considering. “Agreed. Each game shall have its stakes determined on the night it is played…and the winner shall choose when and where to collect his prize.”

“Orherprize,” Bree replied. “Shall we take some time to consider the nature of the ultimate prize each of us is willing to risk?”

Tahraz shook his head. His voice was low, and his words sent a shiver down Bree’s spine. “I need no time to decide. When I become champion, you will come forward at my command and remove your robes and veil. Then you will kneel before me and display yourself in the manner Suhailah did. You will willingly submit as I punish you – or pleasure you – in whatever manner I desire.”

For Bree, there was no downside to the wager. Tahraz would eventually force her into obedience if she remained here. At least this way, if she was clever enough, she had a chance to keep her body and her self-respect intact.

She pretended to consider his proposal.

“I accept your terms. And I, too, am prepared to set forth my stakes. If I am victorious, you will release me from captivity. You will provide me with armed guards and provisions as befits my status as a queen. I will be escorted safely back to my kingdom of Mahrib – and you will give me a female companion of my choosing from your hareem to accompany me on the journey.”

His eyes grew dark with rage. Bree stared back at him defiantly, determined to show no fear. She knew the next few moments would decide her fate.

Tahraz struggled to control his temper. Then he gave her a cold smile.

“This will be an amusing contest. I agree to your terms. Let the games begin.”