Tahraz’s response shocked her. “What did you expect? I am the suiltaan. All who dwell in this al ain are under my protection…and my rule.” He gestured to the women huddled in the corner. “They submit willingly to me and do my bidding in all things. You will do so as well for as long as you are here, until the day comes when I choose to return you to your ruler.”

“Iamthe ruler!” Bree shot to her feet, ignoring the suiltaan’s angry glare. “Did you not listen? I am Queen of Sheba, from the city of Mahrib in the great land of Sabatea. If you wish to negotiate my release, you do so with me. My kingdom will pay any price I authorize for my safe return.”

He smiled sadly, shaking his head. “I cannot negotiate with you. You are powerless, a mere female, to be used for labor – or enjoyment – at my command.” His face hardened. “You will not speak to me with such disrespect again. I excuse your behavior this one time only. But you will no doubt be here for years. I suggest you learn our ways quickly and save yourself from punishment.”

Bree decided her only choice was to continue acting the way he would expect from someone claiming to be a figure of authority.

“Powerless?” she replied haughtily. “You cannot speak to me this way! I am queen of the richest and mightiest kingdom on all the caravan routes. My royal guards will hasten here to rescue me…and you will find yourself beggingmefor mercy.”

Tahraz smiled wickedly. “Not if they do not know where you are,” he pointed out. “My people have survived here in this al ain for centuries without being discovered. Our land lies far from the caravan routes, hidden by the mountains and forgotten over the centuries. From time to time we travel to other lands, but only in disguise. Day and night, my men guard the pass that leads here. No one comes to my al ain unless he or she is invited by me…” He waved a hand in her direction. “Or delivered by the gods.”

He went on. “You will be treated fairly, as long as you follow my commands. As a female, your obedience to the male who owns you is required by our law. Duties will be assigned to you, which you will complete promptly and willingly. Orders will be given. You will obey them without question, or you will be punished. Each member of this tribe must do as I command, that we all may live in peace under my protection. It is the way of our people.”

Bree was frightened, but she refused to show the arrogant tribesman any weakness. “Don’t you dare threaten me,” she snapped. “I am not your slave or your captive! I will be treated as an honored guest, as befits my status. I, too, am a sovereign, worthy of the same respect you demand.”

* * *

Tahraz tamped down a flash of anger. The female, an exotic beauty with light skin and golden-brown eyes, was spirited as an untamed filly and just as headstrong. He knew her robes concealed a lush, full body. He had run his palms over her soft curves when he found her lying in the sand and checked to see if she was injured. Or worse.

He admired her bravery. In the face of certain death, she had trudged through the endless sea of sand, refusing to give way to thirst and exhaustion, until she collapsed. But he could not allow a mere female to undermine his authority by raising her voice in anger in front of the other women. She must be put in her place, swiftly and firmly.

He clapped his hands. Two women rushed forward, bowing. “Prepare her,” he commanded.

They shoved the captive to her knees. Then, grabbing her wrists, they pulled her upper body down until her head was nearly touching the carpet, arms outstretched. The female struggled to break free, but it was clear she’d been weakened by hours in the desert heat.

Tahraz rose and stood behind her. One of his slaves lifted the female’s gown, tucking it into the jeweled belt around her waist and exposing her most private parts to everyone in the room. She shrieked a protest, wriggling frantically.

Tahraz chuckled as he admired the twin mounds of her shapely ass and the tantalizing glimpse of dark curls between her legs. “Is this how the queen of your land behaves in public?” he mocked. “Swaying her hips from side to side, shamelessly displaying her royal charms to any and all? How fortunate your potential suitors must be, for they may examine the source of their pleasure at leisure before deciding whether to declare their interest.”

* * *

The insolent rebuke was as embarrassing as the vulnerable position in which she found herself. The brute was right – her struggles only exposed more of her to his gaze. Bree gave up her frantic attempt to escape and closed her eyes, fighting back tears of rage and helplessness.

She heard a whistling sound, then…crack!

Bree cried out, shocked. Before she could draw a breath to protest, another harsh whack on her bare bottom set her struggling anew. Her eyes flew open in time to see him draw back his arm and swing his leather riding crop. She gasped as a lick of fire seared the tender skin of her bottom.

Bree had never been spanked before. She shuddered as the impact settled in, sharp heat giving way to stunning pain.

He waited a moment then struck her a third time. Bree bit her lip, stifling a shriek. She would not give this barbarian the satisfaction of crying out again.

Tahraz began spanking her in earnest, swinging the crop and landing each harsh smack in a fresh spot until the fire he ignited on her rear cheeks blazed hotter than the rays of the desert sun. She was almost grateful to the women holding her down. If not for them, she would probably have jumped up and tried to bolt away, no doubt earning even more severe punishment.

* * *

After seeing her shocked reaction to his first strokes, Tahraz was careful not to use too much force. There wasn’t a mark on the creamy white skin of her lower curves, telling him his captive had never been disciplined in such a manner. But she was stubborn, refusing to cry or beg for mercy so he could stop and still save face.

Bringing this female in line would require more battles of will than it had taken to tame Ashana, his favorite mare. He would need to use all his considerable skills to make her subservient to him without destroying the fiery spirit that made her so appealing.

Tahraz delivered a few more swats then tossed the crop aside. It was enough for now. This contest would be a challenge, but he vowed that before many moons had passed, the Queen of Sheba would kneel before him willingly, to be punished – or pleasured – at his whim.

He sat down and resumed their conversation, as though the interlude had never happened.

“Dasheena will take you to the women’s quarters where you may bathe and dress. You will join me for the evening meal.”

* * *

It took a few moments for Bree to realize her ordeal was over.