Page 12 of Gabriel's Bride

“Gabriel is only concerned about our little one, Captain Stiles. Sarah is asleep inside. If she awoke, the sight of strange men in her home would certainly frighten her.”

Asila stepped around him, stretching out her hand to the captain. “How do you do? I’m Silla Benton. I can assure you, Captain, there’s been no one near here all day. I’ve been out to the barn several times, as well as down by the creek washing clothes. Gabriel warned me that there are dangerous Indians on the loose, and I’ve been keeping an eye out for any signs of strangers in the area.”

Gabriel was stunned. Asila wore the calico gown he’d given her, but, other than that, he barely recognized the woman standing beside him. Her long hair was gathered into a neat bun at the back of her head. She had a pleasant smile on her face, chatting away in English with the soldier, as refined as any matron welcoming guests into her drawing room back in Raleigh.

She turned to him, placing one soft hand on his arm. “Gabriel, dear, I’m sure the soldiers are parched from their long ride in this heat. I’m going to fetch them a drink of cool water. Perhaps you could take Captain Stiles into the barn for a look around, so he can satisfy himself that he’s performed his duty.”

Somehow, he pulled himself together enough to lead the captain and two of his men to the barn. One of the soldiers immediately clambered up the ladder to the hayloft, randomly stabbing piles of hay with the long bayonet attached to his rifle. Gabriel felt sick, realizing how tragically his desperate plan would have failed.

Satisfied, the captain headed back to the cabin, where he sank down on the porch steps and gratefully accepted a tin cup of water from Asila.

“Thank you, ma’am. I appreciate your hospitality. If you don’t mind my saying so, you look as though you might have a bit of Indian blood in your background.”

Asila smiled. “You have a discerning eye, Captain. As a matter of fact, my grandmother was a full-blooded Cherokee. My family has lived in these mountains for generations.”

Gabriel glared at her, growing angrier by the minute. The woman had made a fool of him, allowing him to wave his arms and shout one-syllable words at her like a simpleton. Not only did she speak English, her vocabulary was every bit as expansive as his. She’d probably been laughing at him behind his back the whole time.

He barely spoke, allowing Asila to carry on a polite conversation with the captain until the soldiers left. Once they had ridden away, he turned to Asila. She met his eyes solemnly.

He spoke in an even tone, betraying none of the anger that had fueled itself by now into white-hot rage.

“Salai is asleep?”

She nodded. He caught the hint of surprise on her face. Of all the opening remarks he could have made, she clearly hadn’t expected that.

He took her by the arm. “Come with me,” he said, marching her to the barn.

Chapter Six

Once they were inside the barn, Asila turned to face him. But before she could say a word, he jerked her off her feet and upended her over a hay bale.

Gabriel wasted no time. Sinking down beside her on the rough hay, he pinned her in place with an arm as unyielding as an iron bar across her back. He locked her legs in place between his to assure she couldn’t move. With his other arm, he pulled up the long skirt of her calico gown, raising it to her waist.

He was met once again with the indecent sight of her naked bottom. She’d spurned the modest drawers he’d given her to wear.

“I see you still refuse to cover yourself properly,” he growled through clenched teeth. “Very well, this punishment will be given on your bare behind, just like your first one.”

Unbidden memories of the wicked desires she’d stirred within him set him off on a flurry of stern smacks. Her bottom turned bright red, and Gabriel could feel the heat from his anger radiating off her skin.

All the while, he spouted off.

“Sooo…you speak English.”Whack!

She twisted her head and glared at him. “Yes, I do,” she replied defiantly. “Quite well, in fact.”

He smacked even harder. “You’ve been making a fool of me!”

“I didn’t need to do that. You were doing a fine job of making a fool of yourself without my help.”

Gabriel bellowed in rage. No woman would speak to him with such disrespect on his own property. He peppered her rear cheeks with furious spanks.

* * *

The impact of his hard palm set Asila’s bottom on fire. Trapped over the hay bale, she couldn’t get away. She couldn’t even wiggle sensuously on his lap to divert his attention from the relentless assault on her stinging behind. But she refused to show any sign of weakness or pain.

“You will begin by apologizing for that insolent remark,” Gabriel announced. “Then you will apologize for deceiving me while taking shelter under my roof. And, in the future, you will speak to me with respect.”

He punctuated his words with sharp cracks to her aching bottom.