Page 24 of His Captive Virgin

Chapter Thirteen

He felt an instant connection to the unseen being. Falling to his knees by the bed, he touched Mercy’s hair, stroked her cheek. Then, unable to stop himself, he laid his palm on her belly and felt the soft stirring of life beneath his hand.

James took off his clothes and slid into the bed, curling his arm possessively around Mercy and the tiny soul she carried. He wanted nothing more than to lie there forever, holding her, the woman who invaded his mind by day and haunted his dreams at night. The woman who had captured his heart.

He wanted to stay with her, to see the amazing little being they had created come into the world. He wanted to hear her laugh again, to listen to the enchanting bedtime stories she would spin for their child.

She sighed in her sleep and rolled over, molding her body against his. James wrapped his arms around her, and knew he possessed riches beyond the wildest dreams of any buccaneer.

Unwilling to disturb her rest, he lay unmoving for what seemed like hours, her warmth and her scent filling his senses. Finally he closed his eyes and slept, dreams and reality merging at last.


Mercy awoke slowly. Moonlight flooded through the tall windows of the tower room, throwing shadows on the rugged stone walls.

She closed her eyes again. What a wonderful dream it had been – James curled up against her in bed. And so real – she could still feel his touch and hear his peaceful breathing.

Mercy shifted slightly. An arm tightened, holding her firmly in place. Her eyes flew open, and she stared down at a very real muscular forearm curled around her belly.

With a sigh, she closed her eyes and nestled back against his hard body, content. The how and why of his presence mattered not. She was in her lover’s arms.

Pressed up against him as she was, Mercy felt the moment his slumbering body began to respond to hers. Turning slightly, she reached one hand down between his legs.

She remembered the first time she had touched him this way, timidly exploring the length and breadth of his manhood, feeling it grow longer and harder as she stroked. Mercy indulged herself once again, taking advantage of James as he slept. Reveling in the knowledge his body still desired her even though his mind had rejected her.


Though asleep, James sensed Mercy stirring. He reached out to tuck her against his body, to have in his dreams what he never allowed himself the weakness of wanting in his daylight hours.

Deep in the throes of slumber, James felt her soft hands sliding up and down his member, fondling the head then reaching down to cup his balls. He groaned as she deepened the strokes, his body quivering. When her lips opened to take him, he reached down, fisted both hands in her hair, and pumped his hips to slide deeper into her hot mouth.

With a harsh cry, he exploded. Scarcely able to tell dream from reality, James gathered Mercy into his arms, pulling her body up to pillow her head on his chest. He ran his hands over her transformed body, marveling at the way the fullness of her breasts spilled out over his cupped palm. One hand moved lower, cautiously exploring the outline of her belly.

He felt the slight movement once again, a light ripple against his palm.

Mercy laughed softly. “Your son is saying hello.”

“My son? How do you know it’s a boy?”

“Sairy knows. She told me months ago. And we’ve both seen him in the scrying mirror. He’s going to be a fine, strong lad – just like his father.”

“That old woman truly is a sorceress. I went to Whitaker Hall to see you. She welcomed me, gave me one of her potions laced with rum, then sent me up here to find you. I’ve been bewitched. Is this another of my dreams, or are you really here?”

“I’m here, James. Here in your arms where I’ve longed to be since the day I first set eyes on you. You were blustering at me, your blue eyes dark with anger – and all I wanted to do was soothe your wrath with passionate kisses.”

“And you,” James replied, “standing before me in those shapeless wet robes, bravely facing me down in the midst of a hurricane. I think that was the moment I fell in love with you. You put me through hell, woman, with your saintly disguise. So many times I wanted nothing more than to rip those heavy robes off you and reveal your lush curves. I tried to be a gentleman and put my lust aside. But you were a brazen temptress, taking advantage of me in my sleep – like you did just now.”

He rolled over, pinning her beneath him and seizing both her wrists in one hand. “That reminds me,” he said, his voice stern. “I promised you a good spanking for your improper advances that morning on the ship. And now you’ve gone and done it again. Earned yourself another session across my lap. Don’t think I’ll forget in a few months when you place a newborn babe in my arms and kiss me softly. I’ll deliver those spankings later – and likely by then you’ll deserve many more. For now, I’ll have to find another way to deal with you, woman.”

James pulled down the bodice of her dress and bent his head to her nipples, gently licking until she moaned with pleasure. Then, still holding her wrists captive, he drew the hem of her dress up and slid down to inhale the musky scent of her arousal.

“Turnabout is fair play, my love. I’ll have Sairy brew a potion for you to drink, so I can have my way with you when next you sleep.”

Her voice was husky. “And what will you do, James, when I am asleep?”

His other hand dipped between her legs. He followed it with his tongue.

“This…and this…and this.”

James thought his heart would burst with love as the cries of passion he’d longed to hear echoed off the stone walls of Blackbeard’s Tower.