Page 14 of His Captive Virgin

Deep in her vision, Mercy didn’t realize she’d cried out aloud until she sensed the presence of the captain looming behind her.

“Mon Dieu, you gave me such a fright!”

“Really, Sister? Why did you call out with such urgency if you didn’t expect me to respond?” His voice grew cold. “And how did you know my given name? I’m quite sure I never told you.”

“You…you muttered it while in the throes of the fever,” she improvised.

He stood over her, harsh and imposing, all trace of the invalid gone.

“I think it is time for you to ask your God for forgiveness,” he stated, pulling her up out of the chair by one arm. “Right after you confess your sins – to me.”

He sat down on the chair she had just vacated, still grasping her arm firmly with one hand. Before she realized what he intended to do, Mercy found herself face down across his lap, her feet barely touching the floor. One brawny arm across her back held her firmly in place, while the other began pulling up her heavy robe.

“I believe you have been living a lie, Sister. Your saintly devotion seems to be a part of your life only when you’re being observed by others. When you’re alone, you chant spells and incantations and dress in immodest attire. You have even taken wicked liberties with a man who was in a helpless state.”

Mercy struggled to break free, all the while shrieking a long stream of curses both in French and English. James never faltered, hiking the robe to her upper thighs.

“Why, Sister Bertilde, such vulgar language! Surely your mother superior would insist you be disciplined for your improper speech – as well as all your other sins.”

He slid the robe up around her waist, exposing a pleasingly rounded and very naked backside. Mercy’s string of epithets ended in a gasp at the first harsh crack of his palm.

“Silent at last. Now that’s much better, Sister.” James’s voice was mild but his hand let loose with a volley of stern smacks on her backside, first to one cheek then the other. “I’ll not abide you calling me names. The next time I give you permission to speak, it will be to answer all my questions. Truthfully,” he warned, emphasizing his point with an especially vigorous whack.