They entered our bedchamber side by side. Two magnificent male bodies in their prime. Drayke’s sleek and sinewy, Magnus’s packed with rippling muscle. I knelt on the floor at the end of the bed, watching them approach.

Drayke gazed at my naked body as if he wanted to devour me, while Magnus’s eyes were hot and dark.

I was desperate for release. After all, I, too, was a warrior. My blood still pumped hard through my veins, just as theirs did, and I knew firm smacks on my bottom would ramp up my ardor and make my pussy wet. I’d thought long and hard about how to broach the topic. In the end, I settled for the truth.

“My lords, I have been disobedient. I ignored a direct order. Magnus, you told me to wait for you in the cave. I defied your command and did as I pleased.”

Always quick to pick up on a cue, Magnus furrowed his brow. “Yes, you did. I cannot ignore such blatant disobedience.”

I bowed my head. “I understand, my lord. I am sorry. I hope you will forgive me. I know I’ve been very naughty and I’m ready to accept my punishment. Please, my lords, will you spank my ass – long and hard?”

I hadn’t meant to add the last part, but as I said the words my pussy clenched then flooded, sending a shocking thrill rocketing through me.

I saw Drayke trying to hide a grin. “Since you’ve asked so sweetly, we will oblige. It was Magnus you disobeyed. He should administer your punishment.”

My warrior sat down on the edge of the bed and patted his thighs. “Come here.”

I’d fantasized about getting spanked. Asked for it. But faced with the reality, I suddenly regretted my decision.

“I didn’t mean right now…” I began.

Magnus reared up, grabbed my arm, and yanked me facedown over his lap. “Too late, my lady. You asked to be punished – long and hard – and we will see that you are.”

Before I could object any further, his hand came down on my bottom. I heard the sharp crack a millisecond before the lick of fire seared my backside.

“Not so hard!”

He whacked me again. “Not so hard?”

I gasped as he stoked the fire he’d ignited with four more stern smacks. “Have you learned nothing about submission? You think you can ask for punishment and then tell me how to mete it out?”

He began spanking me in earnest, ignoring my howls. “Now you’ve pissed me off. You may rule the rest of our world, but when you’re with us, we are in control. I was going to make this a little game, but it seems you’re in need of serious discipline.”

I’d have argued, but his next whack took my breath away. He’d never spanked me so hard.

“You’re right. You do deserve to be punished. Do you have any idea how dangerous it was to go into that cavern alone? You might have been killed a dozen different ways. I could have lost you forever! Don’t you ever…ever…ever do anything so foolish again!”

He punctuated his words with more harsh spanks. Even through the shocking burn he was igniting on my backside, I picked up worry and fear in his voice. Becoming aware of the depth of his emotional pain triggered my own. Suddenly all the feelings I’d been holding back came flooding in all at once. Grief for the loss of decent souls, horror at the sight of bodies risen from the grave. The sheer terror I felt when I thought Magnus was dying before my eyes.

I burst into tears. “I’m sorry, my lord,” I said. “I never meant to hurt you.”

Magnus stopped and gathered me into his arms. “Sssh,” he said, cradling me against his chest. “It’s all right, my love. You’re safe. We’re all safe. We defeated the Lord of Darkness. We’ll face him another day but for now, let’s love each other.”

He leaned back on the bed, drawing me with him, and beckoned for Drayke to join us. Magnus held me while Drayke buried his head between my legs. I made tiny mewling noises as he thrust his tongue deep into my pussy. Wordless sounds of passion that became wild cries when he shifted, lowering his mouth to my throbbing clit. Flicking his tongue over it then taking it between his lips to suck.

I thrashed wildly as the storm rocked my body. The pain in my punished ass morphed into pleasure. Wave after wave of sweet agony rolled over me while my screams echoed off the stone walls of the fortress.

But my masters had just begun.

Magnus fastened his mouth over my nipple. An electric current shot through me, straight to where Drayke still sucked.

My lovers knew just where and how to touch me. They awakened all my pent-up desire, stoked the fire inside me into an inferno. I concentrated on staying in the present, allowed every wild, wicked sensation to register in my brain.

Hot. Their bodies pressing against me were so hot I shivered.

Never taking him mouth from my clit, Drayke slid a finger into my pussy. I moaned and ground against his hand, trying to pull it in deeper. He pistoned in and out. Faster, harder.

No.Too much. It was all too much. Sensory overload hit, and I struggled to get away. Magnus grabbed my wrists, capturing them in one hand while pinning me to the bed with his other arm across my waist like an iron bar.