Suddenly her body shuddered, then she choked and gasped. I wrapped my arms around her and buried my face in her breasts.


When she began gently stroking my hair, I gave in and let the tears flow.

“Are youcrying?”

I scrubbed my eyes with my fists. “Of course not,” I lied.

“What happened?”

“You don’t remember?”

“All I know is that I saw you dying. Suffocating from the weight of the diamond on your chest. I didn’t stop to think. I just summoned the light and sent it back out. I wanted to destroy that damned rock so it couldn’t hurt you or anyone else ever again.”

I gave a shaky laugh. “You did that, my love.” I pointed to crystalline shards littering the floor of the cavern. Slivers sticking out of the walls where her blast had driven them into the very stone. “If we hadn’t been deep in the bowels of the earth, you’d have sent pieces of that ‘damned rock’ halfway across the Universe.”

I took a deep breath and went on. “The force you summoned was enough to stop your heart from beating.”

“Did you…wait, I remember now. Youdid. You brought me back to life. With a kiss.” She smiled at me. “You have magical powers, too! How romantic! I can’t wait to tell Drayke.”

“Don’t you dare! It will ruin my reputation as a stoic warrior.”

“You’ll just have to think of some way to keep me quiet,” she teased.

“How about this – if you tell him, I’ll drag you across my lap, yank off those tight britches you’re wearing, and spank your ass till you promise never to speak of it again,” I threatened.

“Oooh! That’s my dominant warrior.” She put both hands on my cheeks and drew my head to her lips.

Chapter Twenty-Two


“So this is why you didn’t want me coming along.”

Though familiar, it was the last voice I expected to hear. Drayke stood at the entrance to the vast chamber littered with dead bodies and sparkling diamond shards.

“I don’t mind being left out sometimes, but might I suggest you find a different spot? I don’t know about you, Magnus, but fucking in a graveyard never held any appeal for me.”

I jumped to my feet and ran toward him. “Drayke! I’m so glad you’re here. Wait until you hear what happened!”

“Save your story till we return to the fortress. I’m here to give you a ride home.”

Magnus was not happy with the idea of riding on the back of a dragon, but Drayke teased him mercilessly until he grudgingly agreed. In all the time they’d known each other, Magnus had never experienced the thrill of soaring through the clouds. I pretended to be nervous and insisted on wrapping my arms around him as we ascended to the heavens.

The journey there had taken us two days and nights. The return trip lasted only a few hours.

“I’ve never been so happy to be back,” Magnus declared as we entered the fortress. “I’m going to soak in the hot spring for an hour – and then I’ll be ready for a good fuck and a hot meal, in that order.” He waggled his eyebrows at me.

“Shifting always gets me horny. I’d rather have a hot fuck and then eat whatever we can scrounge up in the kitchen later,” Drayke chimed in.

“Prepare yourself, my lady,” Magnus said. “You have two stern masters to satisfy tonight. And long after a battle, a warrior’s blood still pumps hard through his veins.”

“Yes, my lords. If you’ll allow me to bathe first, I’ll await you in our bedchamber.”

I took special care preparing myself for them. Tonight we’d celebrate our victory. I unbraided my hair and lay back in the hot spring, allowing the locks to float around me like a golden-brown cloud as I closed my eyes. I ran my hands all over my body, lingering between my thighs as I fantasized about the naughty things they’d make me do.

My bottom would soon be hot and tingling, and my pussy dripping wet. I welcomed the thought. I no longer bore any guilt over bedding two dominant males. As the oracle said, what we did in the name of love and lust harmed no one. Submitting to them had become my dark desire.