I gathered my queen in my arms. Held her close. “Stay here. Keep the fire burning. I’m going out on a reconnaissance mission.”

She started to get up. “I’m coming with you.”


Her eyes widened at the sternness in my tone.

“Tonight you are not my queen. I am in charge of this mission, and I go alone. You are a soldier who must remain on guard. I can’t move as swiftly or silently if you’re tagging along behind me.”

Her face fell. “Yes, my lord. You’re right, of course. I didn’t think of that.”

“If I don’t return by sunrise, take the horses and head to the nearest hamlet. Have them send word to Antonius. He said the people here are loyal to the crown. They’ll hide you until your Royal Guards can get here.”

“But they’ve all been taken hostage by the Dark Lord!”

“The nearby villagers have been. But I saw a trail of smoke in the sky coming from somewhere beyond the forest a few hours back,” I said. “I’m guessing there are small settlements here and there he missed. Head down the mountain into the countryside. Keep going until you find one.”

I rose and took her in my arms. Kissed her as I’d never kissed anyone before. Fierce, wild passion, tempered by a heart filled with love.

I made my way up the side of mountain by the light of the moon until I reached a spot where I could see activity in a hollow between two snow-covered slopes. A dozen or so raggedly dressed villagers clustered around a small fire, while two burly guards passed a goatskin flask back and forth.

“All right. That’s enough. Back to work.” One guard walked among them, prodding one with the tip of his sword, kicking another who lay huddled on the ground.


I heard a woman’s voice, thick with unshed tears. “I beg you, sir, let my father rest. He’s sick.”

“If he’s too sick to work, he’s of no use.” The guard raised his sword menacingly.

“No!” she cried. “Please. I’ll work hard enough for both of us. Just give him a few more hours to sleep.”

The guard leered at her. “Maybe you’d like to stay out here with him.” He grabbed his crotch. “I’ll put you to work.”

She shied away.

“She’s not worth it, Hando.” The other guard stepped between them. “You know what he will do if he catches you. We don’t get the women until he gives us permission. After he’s through with them.”

“It’s a waste of good pussy,” Hando grumbled. “All he’s got them doing is digging in the rubble. She could spread her legs for us while she’s on her back for the few hours of rest he lets them have. Makes no difference to me if she’s asleep or awake.”

The second guard forced the small band to their feet and herded them toward the wide dark mouth of a cave at the far end of the hollow. “Take care of him,” he called over his shoulder.

The one called Hando kicked the prostrate man again. When he still didn’t move, the guard raised his sword. His daughter screamed and tried to dart toward them but the second guard caught her by the arm and dragged her away. I heard her pitiful cries echoing as they all disappeared into the mouth of the cave.

I was too far up the mountain to stop him. I had to watch as he ran his sword through the poor soul then wiped the blood off his blade on the old man’s tattered coat. He took another pull on the flask then grabbed the corpse by the legs, lurching and stumbling as he dragged the body behind an outcropping of rocks. I took the opportunity to sneak down the slope and slipped up behind him as he lurched back into the clearing.

I clapped my hand over his mouth, pulling him back toward me. He grunted and began struggling, but froze when the tip of my dagger nicked his neck.

“Such a brave warrior,” I whispered in his ear. “Murdering an unarmed old man as he lies helpless on the ground. Threatening his daughter with rape when she tries to help him. I’ve been sent by the Goddess to give you your reward. The gods of the Underworld will be pleased to welcome you.”

He twisted his head toward me, eyes wide with terror, and began making desperate whining noises.

I slit his throat without a qualm.

After dragging his body out of sight behind the rocks and depositing it next to that of his victim, I stole silently into the cave.

Chapter Sixteen
