Suddenly, I was as nervous as a lad bedding a maid for the first time. I’d never played any role but master.

That’s when the thought hit me. Perhaps the Goddess was granting me my heart’s desire. This could well be my last night as a living soul. Maybe instead of fucking her it was time to learn how to make love to my woman.

I gave in to the delicious sensation of her lips on mine. Not demanding, seducing. Not tempting and teasing, but promising.

We took it slowly.

For the first time, I did not order or command. Instead, I stayed silent. Wordlessly savoring every touch, exploring her body and allowing her to explore mine as she chose. My queen found erogenous zones I never knew I had. I shivered with arousal as she took my fingers into her mouth one at a time, sucking and licking each one as though it was the head of my cock then running her hot tongue across my palm and up the inside of my arm.

From there, she worked her way down my chest, flicking her tongue over my nipples till they puckered then biting the hard peaks. Stroking a path lightly down my chest with her fingertips, tracing scars from past battles with her lips.

As for me, I worshipped her body like a shrine. Rained kisses over every inch of her. Everywhere but on her pussy and the tight little buds of her nipples. Allowing her arousal to build gradually.

By the time I rolled on top of her, we were both red hot. But I slid in slow, staring into her eyes the whole time. Stopping to kiss her again and again, my tongue twirling around hers.

I loved the way her eyes glazed over, the way the muscles of her pussy squeezed around me like a velvet glove. Finally, I couldn’t hold back any longer. With a harsh cry, I thrust balls-deep into her wet heat. Meli screamed my name and raked my back with her nails.

She wrapped her legs around my waist, and I started pounding into her. She met each thrust eagerly. We fucked with a dark intensity, as if this was our last time. Both knowing it might well be.

When she trembled, I knew she was nearing the peak. I spoke for the first time.

“Yes, come for me now. Come for me, my love.”

She climaxed instantly. Her pussy clenched, muscles spasming around my cock in rhythmic contractions. As she did, she cried out, “I love you! I love you, Magnus.”

Her words triggered something inside me.

For the first time in my life, I gave up control. As I held her I my arms and shot my hot essence deep into her body, I rocketed to a place I’d never been. To the edge of the void – and beyond. I lost myself and joined with her in that moment. We ceased being two souls and became one, soaring to the Seven Stars.

Chapter Fifteen


We made the long journey north in record time. My lady was an experienced equestrian, our steeds the best in the land. Each of us led another horse so we could change mounts every few hours.

For ourselves, there was no respite. We rode hard, on narrow trails winding along the edge of the mountains. We stayed away from the well-traveled roads where our journey might be noted and word sent to our enemy that we were on the way.

Our kingdom lay between the vast ocean bordering one side and a mountain range curving protectively around the other. Mt. Jarazal, where our fortress was hidden, rose up near the middle of the range, where the climate was temperate and the countryside blanketed in a forest of soft green. To the south, a tropical jungle climbed up the mountainsides – a riot of brilliantly colored flowers, palm trees, and ancient giant ferns with fronds as big around at their base as tree trunks.

The mountains lay to our right as we headed north and with every mile we traveled, the weather grew colder. Far ahead, we could see snow-capped peaks gleaming white against the brilliant blue sky. Lower down, deep-blue-green pines carpeted the steep slopes.

Antonius said the Lord of Darkness had taken his captives to a cavern deep in the heart of Mt. Belial, so that’s where we ended our journey. The mountain was known to be riddled with caves. I found a small one, dry and empty, with a narrow entrance one person could guard easily. Perfect for a base of operations. I stashed our provisions against the back wall and went out with Meli to scour the surrounding area for firewood.

We loaded the horses with all they could carry, since I wasn’t sure how long we’d be there. I built a fire at the mouth of the cave and tended to the horses while my queen prepared us a simple meal.

We sat side by side on the ground, eating. “My lady has many talents. I had no idea you could cook.”

She laughed. “Putting a slab of roast orax between two hunks of bread hardly counts as a culinary masterpiece.”

I took another bite, swallowed, and shook my head. “It all depends on the circumstances. Many a time in my life, I’d have considered this a feast. And with something to warm my belly…” I took a sip from the mug of hot broth she’d made from the bone and a handful of trimmings off the roast. “I’m a happy man indeed.”

“I learned to cook from Dalia, Antonius’s mate. As a child, I wasn’t allowed in the kitchens at the palace. My tutors were adamant that the future regent had no business hanging about there. They felt my time was far better spent in memorizing a list of my predecessors over the last millennium and the dates of battles they fought. Dalia and Antonius never had children of their own. My father was like a son to them, so when I came along, Dalia took on the role of surrogate grandmother, lavishing me with attention. Papa sometimes let me stay with her for a few days when he and Antonius had to go away on business.”

She gazed into the fire as though it held visions of her memories. “It was a treat to climb up on a kitchen chair and help Dalia make pies. She’d tie an apron around my neck and give me a bit of dough of my own to roll out. She had a little tart pan she let me use so I could create a miniature version of whatever she was making. I’d copy everything she did. Mixing sugar and spices with fruit for the filling, crimping the top and bottom crust together to hold it in. Then we’d put our pies side by side in the oven. While they baked, we’d sit and have a cup of tea, and she’d tell me the loveliest stories. Fairy tales, mostly, of beautiful princesses and brave warriors. Stories my tutors never let me read. They considered them frivolous.”

Meli gave me a sad smile. “I suppose that’s where I got all my ideas about love and romance and happily-ever-afters. From Papa, all I ever saw was grief over the loss of my mother.” She covered my hand with hers. “Dalia’s stories never included a princess living with two strong, handsome heroes. Do you think we’ll get a chance to find out how that tale ends?”

I lifted her hand to my lips. Kissed it. I couldn’t lie and tell her we’d all live happily ever after. While we sat, darkness had fallen, and I knew the task that lay ahead might cost me my life. But when a warrior loses hope, her battle is already lost. I searched for a way to give her some comfort. “Someday you’ll tell a little girl the tale of a princess who was both beautiful and brave,” I said, “and the valiant warriors who loved her and cherished her and fought by her side. And how, together, they saved her kingdom.”