“I have a dagger. Right here on my belt,” she said.

She’d donned the garb she wore when we trained, a simple white shirt tucked into dark leather trousers that fit the curves of her bottom like a second skin. I’d had a difficult time concentrating on our lessons over the past few days. All I wanted to do was yank them down, bend her over my knee and redden her sweet ass cheeks until she was dripping wet, then bury my shaft deep in her hot, tight pussy.

I dragged my thoughts back to the present. “You do, but not like this one. It’s forged from pelonium. Most daggers are built for a man’s hand, meant to be wielded with force. Although this dagger can pierce a suit of armor, it’s delicate enough to slice apart a parchment and make two separate sheets out of it. Hold it like this.” I demonstrated, balancing the hilt on her finger.

“It weighs almost nothing!”

“The blade and handle were crafted especially for you. When you hold it, it should feel like an extension of your hand.”

“It’s exquisite.”

Drayke came up behind us and whistled. “That’s a fine weapon, my lady. Remind me not to sneak up on you. I’d hate to have you whirl around and slice off the family treasures.” He turned to me. “I’ve been gathering everything I think we’ll need.”

I shook my head. “You’re not coming with us.”

“What are you talking about?”

“You faced the Dark Lord alone in the first battle. Now I must do the same.”

“I did it because I had no choice, you fool!”

“And neither do I. Did you learn nothing from all the scrolls? One sacred source, one hero, one villain…in one epic battle. It is not written ‘they all got together at once and defeated him.’ If we are to be victorious, we must follow the words of the Prophecy.”

Meli stared at me. “No.No!We need Drayke. You have no idea how powerful the Dark Lord can be. Drayke does. He faced the evil one down and managed to prevail.”

Drayke shook his head. “I’m afraid Magnus is right, my lady. Our enemy penetrated my mind, preyed on my weakness. My dragon self might never have destroyed the Flask if you hadn’t been there to reach the last vestiges of the man deep inside. If he is even stronger now…” His voice died away.

He shook off the mood and clapped me on the shoulder. “It’s nearly dark. Best if both of you get some rest and set out at first light. You have a long journey ahead. I’ll have the horses packed and ready.” He pulled me into a rough hug, took the opportunity to whisper in my ear. “She’s all yours tonight.”

I had the best intentions. No raw, sweaty fucking. No thrilling domination. I’d cradle my lady tenderly in my arms, drink in her beauty as she slumbered. As for myself, I knew sleep would elude me tonight. I could already sense the spirits of the dead hovering, waiting till I drifted off to come after me with their white, fleshless arms outstretched, seeking to drag me to the Underworld where I’d pay for their deaths with my very soul. I had the same nightmare the night before every battle.

“Can we talk, Magnus?”

I had my body tucked around hers, my front to her back. “Of course.” Meli rolled over to face me. I smiled and brushed a stray lock of hair away from her eyes. “What would you like to talk about?”

“Good and evil.”

“I’m glad you chose a light topic,” I replied. “One suited to induce restful slumber.”

“Have you ever really thought about it? The reality of evil at work in our world?” She went on, ignoring my attempt at humor. “Good and evil. Opposite forces. We are free to choose which one we harbor in our hearts. Both have the power to shape our actions and our lives. Unimaginable power.”

“Though I’ve experienced it myself, most of the time I still can’t believe what we’re about to confront is real,” she went on. “An unseen world coexisting with our own. A world ruled by magic spells, populated by demonic beings intent on enslaving humanity. It’s horrible to think that now you’ll face that evil force. I saw what happened to Drayke. I’m…I’m afraid of what it may do to you.”

She’d echoed my own thoughts except for one huge difference. I’d faced specters from the unseen world so often in my nightmares they no longer held any sway over me. My fear was for her safety, not my own. I wrapped my arms around her. “I’m not alone, my lady. The Goddess in her wisdom has brought us together to fight on the side of good.”

“You’re right.” She sighed. “I dream of him sometimes. The Lord of Darkness. I see him slaughtering innocent people, turning others into his slaves. When I wake, I pray that I’ll be strong enough to do whatever I must do to save our world.”

I pulled her closer. Nestled her head on my shoulder. “You don’t have to do it alone either. I’ll be by your side.”

She snuggled against me and for the first time, I realized what the last few years must have been like for my queen. She had faced her demons alone, just as I did while I trained to become a warrior. Alone and afraid, except she’d been ruling an entire kingdom the whole time. I chose my path willingly, but she‘d been a young woman thrust into a position she neither sought nor desired, forced to put on a brave face for the world.

A strange feeling welled up inside me. One I’d never felt before when holding a naked woman in my arms. A feeling of protectiveness.

“I’m here, Meli. You’re safe now. Go to sleep.”

She rubbed her body up against me, and it became clear my lady had no intention of sleeping. Always willing to accommodate, I moved my hand down to stroke her clit.

She smiled and moved my hand to rest on her hip then took my face in her hands and kissed me deeply. Not a kiss of clawing hunger. It was a different kind of passion, one she’d never shown in the past. In truth, one new to me as well. Her kiss held tenderness.