“I’ll ask you again – why must it bemysoul?”

“Because you’re the last of your line. The rightful heir to the throne. The blood of the king who defeated him flows through your veins – as does the magic of his consort. She who cast the spell that bound him for a millennium. She became queen. You’re descended from both of them, you’re female, and there are no male heirs in the wings. If he can force you to submit your magic to his will and then bear his child, his seed will live on forever, stronger now because the child will have both the powers of darkness and the magic of the Seven Stars within him.”

I gazed at him sadly. My dragon lord was beautiful and charming and incredibly hot. He was also completely mad.

Chapter Nine


“I have no magic.”

She gave me a pitying look, the look an unthinking person casts on the feebleminded, believing they are without feelings as well as fully functioning brains.

“I beg to differ, my lady. Just because you haven’t come in contact with your powers yet doesn’t mean they don’t exist.”

She looked skeptical. Maybe I should forget verbal persuasion and fuck her into blissful compliance instead, like the Oracle suggested. I had full confidence in my abilities in that area. A long string of satisfied ladies could attest to it.

My cock jerked to attention at the thought. The movement caught her eye. She glanced down at it then looked away quickly, blushing.

I was captivated. My queen was no sophisticated woman with a string of conquests. Such a woman doesn’t blush when presented with the sight of a raging hard penis. She either seizes the advantage or expresses her disinterest in no uncertain terms.

There was one sure way to assure we’d be united in this quest.

I make no excuses for what happened next. My motto has always been “If you allow a naked man into your bed, don’t be surprised if conversation leads to copulation.” She hadn’t banished me to the settee across the room yet, and the beast inside me was raging to be satisfied. It was all I could do to keep my mind on the conversation, no matter how critical the topic might be. Perhaps I could accomplish two goals – ease my hunger while binding her to me.

I reached out a hand. Slowly, as I would with a wild creature. Gently caressed her bare shoulder. Calming her with my touch. She didn’t shy away. “I know all this is hard to accept, my lady. I too had a problem believing it was real, even after I’d shifted the first time. Holy Oracles, magic spells, evil beings. A human morphing into a fire-breathing dragon.” She nodded, and I went on. “Tell me – do you believe in goodness?”

She looked puzzled. “You mean like the innate goodness of human beings? Of course I do.”

“And do you believe there is evil in the world?”

She nodded again.

“Good and evil. Opposite forces. We are free to choose which one we harbor in our hearts. Both have the power to shape our actions and our lives. Unimaginable power.”

She shivered at my tone.

“It’s frightening, I know…the thought of an unseen world coexisting with our own. A world ruled by magic spells, populated by demonic beings intent on enslaving humanity. It’s frightening to think you’ll have to face an evil force all alone.” Casually, I put my arm around her shoulder. “But you’re not alone, my lady. The Goddess in her wisdom has brought us together to fight on the side of good.”

She sighed. “You’re right. It is frightening. I dream of him – the Lord of Darkness. I see him slaughtering innocent people, turning others into his slaves. When I wake, I pray that I’ll be strong enough to do whatever I must do to save our world.”

I pulled her close. Nestled her head on my shoulder. “You’re not alone anymore,” I repeated. “Although you don’t know me, I’m here for you now. I’ll be by your side.”

She snuggled against me, and I realized the truth of my words. She had been alone. Alone and afraid, forced to put on a brave face for the world. A young woman thrust into a position she neither chose nor desired. As I had been years ago when I first morphed into a dragon.

Something stirred inside me. A feeling of protectiveness. I lifted her chin to give her a comforting kiss.

She threw her arms around my neck and kissed me back. Wild and fierce, with a pent-up hunger.

The beast within me awakened. My kiss became an attack. I claimed her mouth. Pillaged it, ravished it. She answered with savage fury, digging her nails into my back and grinding her body against mine.

Ripping away the sheet she had tucked around her, I laid her on her back and slid over her. She gasped when the head of my cock grazed the lips of her pussy.

“It’s so hot – and so big!”

“The better to please you with, my lady.”

“Yes,” she breathed. “I’ve waited so long for you. Please – make love to me.”