He must have had magical powers other than shifting into a mythical beast because I felt as though he’d cast a spell over me, compelling me to come to him. Kneel at his feet and pay homage to his manhood.

I’d seen it by starlight, touched it in my fantasies. Felt it thrusting deep inside me. But now, with the sun’s rays illuminating him from above like one of the gods in a painting at the Royal Museum, I could examine it, stroke it, in the light of day.

I sank to my knees in front of him, as though he was the ruler and I his subject.

I had nothing to compare it with, for his was the first erect penis I’d ever seen. But to me it looked huge, and I marveled I’d ever been able to take it inside me. I reached out. So thick my fingers couldn’t close around the shaft.

It was hot to the touch, like the heat of a dragon’s fire. I ran my hand down the long shaft, one finger tracing a purple-blue vein pulsing just under the skin. It jerked in my hand, and Drayke groaned.

Emboldened, I used the fingers of my other hand to fondle the tip. The skin there was stretched tight, reddish-purple, with a drop of his seed welling up from the slit. Wordlessly, he drew my head down, and I licked at it.

He tasted musky, salty. Different, but not unpleasant. I wondered how I tasted to him when he dipped his tongue into my pussy. He must not have minded it because he’d lapped at me greedily last night.

He used his hand to guide me, wrapping my fingers as far as they would go around his cock and bringing it to my mouth. He pressed it against my lips and I opened. Took the tip in.

He groaned again and wrapped my braid around his palm. Pulled my head forward to take more of him.

Though I was awkward and unschooled, he didn’t seem to mind. At first, I wanted only to please him. But as it went on, his rough sounds, his fingers gripping my head so masterfully, aroused my own passion. I discovered another power I hadn’t know I possessed. My feminine power. I could swirl my tongue over the head of his cock and draw a muffled cry. Or run my hand down to cup his balls and feel his body quiver.

I opened wider, and he pumped in and out, moving faster. Harder. Just when I feared I couldn’t breathe, he stopped. Took my face in both his hands.

“You gave me so much pleasure, my lady, I forgot for a moment this is all new to you. A lover doesn’t just demand his own satisfaction – he wants,needs, to take his partner to the heights of ecstasy with him. As I do with you.”

Drake swooped me up in his arms and carried me away.

Chapter Sixteen


I strode to the rear of the temple, pressed the stone the Oracle showed me long ago.

A section of the wall opened, revealing the entrance to the fortress.

Melisandre lifted her head from my shoulder and stared around, wide-eyed. “Dear Goddess! Where are we?”

My raging cock wasn’t to be dissuaded with idle conversation. “I’ll give you the grand tour later,” I growled, silencing her with my mouth over hers.

I headed for the meeting room, kicked the door open, and laid her on the long wooden table. I wanted her spread out before me, naked, a sensual feast. I almost ripped her shirt off, then reminded myself to be gentle. I wanted to arouse her, not frighten her. I’d glimpsed the passion in my queen. Over time, I’d take pleasure in introducing her to her wild and wanton self.

Don’t take too long, warned the voice in my head.She won’t be yours alone forever.

My dragon rumbled ominously at the thought, and it was all I could do to stifle a roar. Jealousy reared its head. I knew what was to come, and suddenly I wasn’t sure I could bear it. We’d been together a few short hours, yet already I found myself fighting the urge to steal her away. Turn my back on my destiny and hers. Make love to her until she agreed to forsake her throne and run away with me into the wilderness.

She was looking up at me with so much trust in her eyes. I realized I couldn’t destroy that trust. If the Lord of Darkness succeeded in his plan, one day she’d leave the forest and find her kingdom in ruins. She’d hate herself for what she’d done.

My raging cock didn’t give a damn about the plight of the masses, but my bigger head prevailed. I’d take whatever time with her fate granted me, and be grateful for it.

I unbuttoned her blouse slowly, as though unwrapping a delicate gift, and kissed my way down the soft, creamy white trail I exposed. When her breasts were fully bared, I caressed them, then bent my head to take her nipples in my mouth, sucking gently on one while pinching and teasing the other. She gasped and grabbed my head.

“Am I hurting you?” I asked, though I already knew the answer.

“Yes…I mean no…” she babbled. “It’s so…intense. Even a little frightening. I love what you’re doing but I feel strange sensations in other places, as if there’s a current flowing from my nipple to my…” She stopped, embarrassed.

“You feel it flowing through you here.” I ran one hand down her chest.

She nodded, biting her lip.

I unfastened her leather pants and slid my hand in, resting it on her belly. “And here.”