Clearly I was outclassed here. I decided to feint. Relaxed my body, let out a soft moan. His tongue probed again, delicately – and I made my move.

I jerked both hands in opposite directions, hoping to catch him by surprise and break his hold on my wrists. At the same time, I yanked one knee up, aiming at the sac below the hot, hard cock pressing against my belly.

But he was faster. His grip tightened on my wrists, and he used the momentum of my move to pry my legs apart and wedge his body between them. Now instead of pressing against my abdomen, his erection ground against my mound. Rubbed the folds of my womanhood.

I was powerless in the hands of this dark stranger with the beautiful body. Unable to get away, unable to cry for help. Now, unable to resist if he did the unthinkable.

And that’s when my treacherous body betrayed me. My pussy clenched then flooded. I tested the strength of his hold on my wrists again, frantically twisting my hands back and forth. Goddess only knows why because when I realized he truly held me captive, a jolt of raw lust surged through me. He could do whatever he pleased. The flicker of fear only added to my arousal.

He breathed in deeply, as though he could smell it, and one hand slid down between our bodies. When he found the slick juices coating the folds of my pussy, he rubbed his finger over them then slid it inside me.

I moaned, this time not a ploy. His finger felt so much thicker, longer, harder than my own. So muchbetter.

I squirmed under him and this time, he moaned. It was more of a groan, really, a sound torn from deep in his chest. He pulled his finger out, brought his hand up, and traded it for his lips over my mouth.

My eyes widened, and I began struggling again.

“Hush,” he whispered. “I’m not going to hurt you. I’ve been sent by the Oracle. She says you and I must unite to defeat the Lord of Darkness.”

I froze. She sent him to my bed? Then common sense kicked in. Though I’d dreamed of it often enough over the years since I’d visited the temple, I doubtedthiswas what the Oracle meant when she told him we were to unite. A typical male, he’d heard what he wanted to hear. As far as he was concerned, the Goddess herself had granted him permission to ravage me.

His next words took me by surprise.

“We need to talk. Promise me you won’t scream, and I’ll take my hand away. All right?”

I nodded, although at the moment talking was the last thing on my mind. With every breath, I took in the scent of my own arousal on his fingers, making it hard to concentrate on anything but the wicked thrill I’d felt when he slid one inside me.

He moved his hand away slowly but stayed right where he was. Pressed up against every inch of my body. I tried desperately to take my mind off the delicious heat of his cock.

“Who are you?” I hissed.

“My name is Drayke. Drayke Demartine, heir to the House of Demartine.” He gave me a charming grin. “We met once before, my lady. Long ago, when you were just a child, the king brought you along on one of his annual visits to my father.”

I had a dim memory of the visit, one of many royal obligations we fulfilled on my first trip with my father. Every House was a blur, with one banquet after another, hosted by an unending array of old men, filled with boring chatter. I wanted to make my father proud, so I sat through them all, smiling and answering the same questions at every meal from an array of dinner partners at a loss for how to make conversation with a little girl. What was my favorite subject? How did I like (insert name of town)? No one ever asked what I wanted to be when I grew up. They all assumed my father would marry again and produce a male heir. I was a princess. My role in life was to marry someone who would contribute to the smooth functioning of the realm. Strengthen an alliance, perhaps, or open a new trade venue.

But I recalled one dinner where a young lad a few years older than I sat across the wide table from me. Too far away to carry on a conversation, but near enough that I had to stifle my laughter at his antics. He’d catch my eye then mock the old man chatting with me, mouthing the words along with him while making dour faces. It was one of the few banquets I actually enjoyed. I’d seen him earlier that evening in the reception line before he was shuffled along to make way for the next guest but never caught his name.

“I’d bow, my lady, but I’m afraid it would put my other head in a compromising position.”

“Still the comedian,” I retorted with as much dignity as I could muster.

He grinned again. “So you do remember!”

I pulled myself together. It was clear now I was in no danger from this man. I’d allowed his little game to go on far too long. “I demand that you let me go this instant!”

“As you wish, my lady.”

He let go of my wrists and rolled over onto his side. I grabbed a handful of bedcovers, clutching them to my chest, and scooted as far away from him as possible. He crooked one arm behind his head, watching as I yanked on the sheet we were lying on, trying in vain to cover myself.

“Do you mind?” I finally snapped.

“What would you have me do, my lady?” he asked mildly.

“Move aside. Get up. Dosomething.”

“As you wish.”

He rose, and I couldn’t help staring. His cock was harder than ever, jutting straight out. I remembered the dream I’d had only a few hours ago. How I reached for it boldly, stroked up and down, marveling at the core of hot steel beneath smooth skin.