“You make me happy, too, Dad.”

Epilogue 2


I’ve never been so fucking nervous in my entire life. Standing at the end of the aisle in my penguin suit, tugging at the collar that feels as if it’s going to suffocate me. Josh is right beside me, my best man. He’s dressed up in his own black suit, hair combed to the side, fingers clutching the ring “safe” he was intent on using. It’s actually a toy safe, but when we told him how important this job was, he took it to heart. Just like his father.

He gives me a smile that feels like it’s meant to be reassuring before he returns his attention to the box, intent on protecting it. The beating pulse of my heart feels like it’s echoing off the walls as I look out at the men in the pews. We all look a little uncomfortable being in a church, but I can’t imagine doing this anywhere else. Kat deserves the best, even if that means a room full of Russian mobsters in a place of worship.

We don’t have a lot of friends or family to call our own, but the ones we do have are all gathered here today. Maxim, Gleb, Alexei and his family, Pasha, Dima, and some other trusted Vory who are here as guards. They are probably all about as comfortable as I am right now, dressed up in their nicest clothes, wondering if they will spontaneously ignite in this holy building.

Maxim clears his throat, and I look up. He smiles and nods to the end of the aisle, and there she is. My angel with red hair in a beautiful white dress. Somewhere in the background, the music starts, but I can’t hear a thing as my gaze collides with hers.

I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that a part of me questioned if she’d actually show up. After all the shit we’ve been through together, I wouldn’t blame her. But I wouldn’t let her go either. Kat knows if she ever runs, I’ll be there to chase her. But as she walks down the aisle with Gleb beside her, I don’t think I have to worry about that anymore. The conviction on her face is as certain as the sun will rise in the morning. This is meant to be. She and I until the end of the world or our bodies turn to ash—whatever happens first.

When she reaches the end, and I extend my arm for her, I feel like I can finally fucking breathe again. But Gleb isn’t so quick to hand her off. Even though I know I already have his approval, I can still respect him for turning to me with a warning before he lets her go.

“Take care of my little girl, Lev.”

“Always.” I smile back at him like a fool in love.

Kat smiles too, and we look like a bunch of goofy characters from a Hallmark movie, but I don’t give a fuck. She’s mine, and I’m hers, and this is the best goddamn day of my life, so I’ll smile if I want to.

Maxim stands in front of us, poised and ready as the officiant, and I don’t know who’s more serious about their role between him and Josh. To me, it’s merely a formality when Maxim begins to recite the words that will link Kat and me together for life. In our hearts, minds, and souls, we are already bound for eternity. I’ve never been more certain of that as I repeat the vows that promise I will love her in sickness and in health, good times and bad, wealth and poverty. But in my head, there is so much more. I will love her until she’s old and gray. Pissed off and moody, or a shining beacon of light. I will love her in the blackest of times, and the brightest of times. In that, there is no question. My devotion to her will not waver, and I make it a point to slip that in as a whispered promise, something only she can hear.

Her eyes are glassy when she nods, whispering, “Me too,” under her breath.

When it comes time for the rings, Josh is a total professional, smoothly unlocking his safe and forking them over reluctantly. Kat and I both tell him what a good job he’s done, while Maxim sneaks a wink in his direction, making him beam proudly.

We finish the ceremony with a few of the traditions Gleb asked for, which included us both being crowned and stomping a couple of crystal glasses to bits. It makes no difference to me, and Kat was happy to include some of her familial roots in the ceremony. We could have gotten married anywhere she wanted, and I would have indulged her request. As long as Kat is happy, I’m happy too.