Page 5 of Her Lord's Desire

“Come in,” he said and watched as the thick door slowly opened. Lucille stepped inside and turned to close the door behind her. Edward knew she was attempting to appear brave but knew her legs were probably shaking. She stood for a moment as if unsure where to go.

“Come here, Lucille,” Edward directed and motioned toward his desk. Lucy walked forward, her eyes darting to glance at the large armoire that held a prominent place in the room. Edward was aware of her thoughts knowing she was aware of what resided on shelves and hooks behind the beautifully carved teak doors. He watched her approach, his gaze raking up and down her petite form. She looked exactly as he desired. While not dressed anywhere as young as her twin, she no longer looked like a modern young woman either. Edward had placed a large order with a local seamstress and had been explicit in what he desired. Seeing his ward wearing one of the new dresses assured him he had made the proper choices for her attire.

The dress was a pale gray color with a wide bib collar of stark white. The bodice was plain and dropped to a low-waisted skirt where another white band encircled Louisa’s hips. Beneath the band, a skirt fell to land at mid-calf, the dozens of pleats opening and closing with Lucy’s steps. Below the hem of the dress, Lucy was wearing thin black stockings and her feet were shod in slip-on simple black shoes. Unlike the dresses Louisa wore daily, there were no large bows or unneeded adornments on this dress. Edward knew it resembled much more a uniform than any dress a young woman of courting age wished to wear. He smiled knowing that Lucy’s wardrobes held nothing but duplicates of this dress though of different colors. Lucy was unaware of his perusal as her gaze finally shifted away from the armoire. When she had reached Edward’s desk, she stopped, the garments held tightly against her chest.

“Did you complete your task?” he asked nodding toward the fabric.

“Ye… yes, sir,” Lucy answered.

“Good, place them here, if you please,” he instructed patting the area he had cleared in front of him. Lucy placed her pile where indicated and then stood back, her hands twisting in the fabric of her dress. Edward ignored her unease as he picked up the first item. He watched color rush from beneath the bodice of her dress, up the slim column of her throat to bloom across her cheeks as he unfolded the garment. Dropping his eyes to the soft white cloth in his hands, he began to check her work. Edward knew her embarrassment came from seeing him examine the intimate garment he was sure she’d never expected any man other than her husband to see much less to touch.

“You’ve done well, Lucille,” Edward said admiring the small and even stitches. “I am pleased to see you took your time and did very neat work. I’m sure Mrs. Bremmer would agree with me.”

“Tha… thank you, sir,” Lucy said softly hoping against hope that her diligence in her work might be enough. “Mrs. Bremmer made me remove any stitch that wasn’t neatly placed and redo it. I worked all day, sir,” she added.

Edward smiled and looked at her. “I know, little one. Mrs. Bremmer has kept me abreast of your progress,” he said. “She’s also informed me that you will not be allowed to cover your bottom until I approve your work. That you’ve been reminded to lift your skirts and sit on your bare bottom since leaving your room after your tawsing. Is that correct?”

Lucy closed her eyes, her shame at being naked beneath her skirts obvious. Opening them, she answered, “Yes, sir.”

“I believe you have earned the right to wear your new drawers,” Edward said and stood. Lucy trembled even more as he stepped from behind his desk and reached out to hand her the item.

Lucy took the offered drawers. He knew that she had spent the whole day first removing the entire center seam from all her drawers. After the seams had been meticulously picked apart, he’d heard Mrs. Bremmer instructing her on how to turn under the raw edges and hem the long seam as two separate seams, leaving the crotch completely open. He was sure that Lucy was ignorant of the fact that he’d seen tears slide down her cheeks as she’d worked. How he’d seen her wince and place the tip of her finger into her mouth to suckle each time she pricked it with her needle as she worked.

He was also aware that his young ward had been informed that even when granted the right to don the newly stitched bloomers, Lucille might be covered, but with a very simple pushing apart the volume of fabric, her bottom would be both bare and very easily accessible to a spanking, paddling, switching, strapping or worse. She would quickly learn that fighting about her wardrobe earned her nothing but the punishment of wearing open-crotch drawers for the foreseeable future.

“Go ahead, Lucille. Put on your new drawers,” Edward instructed. Lucy whimpered but stepped awkwardly into the drawers and pulled them up underneath her new dress. Edward didn’t move or offer her privacy. He watched as her fingers fumbled to tie the ribbon around her small waist and adjust the fabric. After she had removed her hands from under her skirts and smoothed them down, he spoke again.

“Tell me, Lucille, do you find yourself now grateful for the clothing provided to you?” he asked.

She slowly nodded her head. “Yes, sir, than… thank you. I-I’m very sorry for the way I behaved this morning.”

Edward smiled. “I’m quite sure you are. Lift your dress and stand by the chair, Lucille,” he ordered stepping back and turning to walk to the armoire. As he unlocked the door, Lucy began to cry softly. He knew she was most likely wondering why he’d even bothered to give her the bloomers to wear when he was obviously going to punish her. He watched as she stepped to the chair and slowly drew her dress up to her waist. Her face turned a deeper shade of rose as her newly donned drawers came into view. Edward’s lips curled into a quick smile of amusement knowing the poor girl had no true idea of exactly what her new drawers offered. Looking at his choices and considering her behavior lately, his hand passed over the heavy wooden paddles, the small leather tawses, the crop and landed on his choice. Picking up the small, thin paddle, he returned to stand next to her.

“You have been a very good girl these past weeks, Lucille. I’ve been pleased that you’ve been working to learn your proper place at Wintercrest. Though my first view of you this morning was of you upended over Mrs. Bremmer’s knee, I was very proud when your first thought was not one of shame of having me see your bare little bottom, but was to apologize for your misbehavior. However, it was that very misbehavior that had me giving you an appointment this evening. I had sincerely hoped that you had learned that being naughty is never a good choice.”

She’d been unable to draw her eyes away from the paddle he was casually tapping against his leg, but he couldn’t blame her for that. They were both aware of exactly what a paddle could do regardless of its small size.

“I’m so sorry, sir,” Lucy said. “I-I wasn’t really awake yet and… and didn’t understand you had changed… changed my wardrobe. I… I know I shouldn’t have shouted or been rude to Mrs. Bremmer,” Lucy confessed. “But, sir, I did apologize and… and I asked for a tawsing. I didn’t mean to be disobedient—”

“And yet you were, Lucille,” Edward said. “You are having a problem taking a moment to both think about your words before they spew from your mouth as well as remembering to treat every single adult in your life with respect. Mrs. Bremmer’s word is second only to mine. You are to do as she instructs every single time. If she decides you need to have your bottom reddened, you, young lady, will ask her to redden it for you. She is only doing her duty and attempting to raise you to be a good and proper young woman.”

He watched her eyes and saw the disagreement within their violet-blue depths. His little Lucy wanted to argue, but the fact that she simply bit her lower lip and nodded told him she was indeed learning her lessons.

“Yes, sir… I’m sorry, sir,” she said yet again.

He nodded. “I know you are, sweetheart, but I also know you are far sorrier that you were given this appointment. Turn around and bend over the arm of the chair,” Edward said firmly. Lucy sobbed once but did as she was told. Her hands reached under the edge of the cushion as they had when she had received her last strapping in this very spot. Edward stepped closer and said, “Reach behind you and pull open your drawers, Lucille. You need to first bare your bottom and then make your apology and ask me for your paddling.”

Her eyes darted to his as his instructions made it crystal clear exactly why she had been mending all day. Her face flaming, her hands reached behind her to discover she could easily slide the fabric of her drawers apart, exposing her bottom to Edward’s view. Her hands paused for a moment when she felt the first of the exposure. Edward was about to chastise her when, with a small cry, she finally pushed every inch of fabric off her bottom. With the exposure, folds of fabric fell to the sides of her hips, the slightly welted skin of her bottom as well as the backs of her thighs very well framed by the white cloth of her drawers before the fabric gathered again in cuffs around each of her slim calves.

“Very good, Lucille. Make your apology and present your bottom and let’s get this naughtiness paddled right out of you,” Edward instructed.

“I’m sorry,” Lucy sobbed as she rose to her toes and lifted her bottom to present it for chastisement. “Please may I have my… my paddling?”

Edward gave her his answer as his first stroke burned into her upturned bottom. She groaned and soon had her hands buried under the cushion as she attempted to accept her punishment with as much dignity as possible. Edward was proud of her, but continued to paddle her, the staccato cracks seemingly unbroken as his wrist flexed rapidly again and again until the entire surface of her bottom was pulsing and beet-red, its color heightened by the contrasting white of her drawers. He stepped forward and placed his hand onto her lower back, pressing it down hard.

“Bottom tilted higher, Lucille. I’m going to paddle your sit-spots so that you will remember the importance of being respectful to Mrs. Bremmer,” Edward said. She sobbed, but obediently rose slightly and moved forward on the chair. Her fingers tightened their grip around the cushion and she spread her legs a bit wider before tilting her bottom up to her guardian. Edward nodded in approval though she’d not seen him do so. Wanting her to know he was proud of her, he said, “That’s correct, Lucille. Submitting your bottom properly shows me that you do desire to be my good girl.”

Of course pride in her didn’t negate the need to complete her discipline. “Keep it well raised, little one,” he reminded tapping her bottom with the edge of the paddle. Turning the implement in his hand, he lifted it and brought it down against the very sensitive skin of the sit spot above her right thigh. The crack was loud but his ward’s cry of distress was even louder. Her legs began to kick up and down as she fought the searing pain of the paddling as he alternated between her sit spots, each crack accompanied by her pleas.