Page 12 of Her Lord's Birch

Finally, she forced her mind to release its continual loop of questions and just focus on the single goal of pleasing her husband, struggling to remember what she had been taught. To do exactly what her husband demanded of her. Her tongue gave delicate little licks along the underside of his shaft, caressing the sensitive veins.

Edward’s deep moan told her she was pleasing him, his words teaching her that he still wanted more. “Good girl, that’s my good girl. Now, suckle harder, Louisa. Draw Papa’s cock deeper into your throat.”

With a soft hum, she tightened her lips around his cock and began to suckle. She fought against the feeling of panic as she forced herself to take more of him into her mouth. As he stroked her hair, she felt a surge of pride at his praise and increased her tongue’s movements. She felt her stomach tingle and her sex grow even wetter as she listened to Edward’s breathing begin to quicken. As he pressed her head harder, silently instructing her to swallow another thick inch, she fought to obey his wishes and took him ever deeper. This act, one he had begun teaching her the very first time he had taken her across his knees and spanked her, caused submission to flood throughout her entire being. Being on her knees between his strong legs, each pulsing throb of her freshly-reddened bottom reminding her of his relentless rules of consequences for naughty behavior, the feel of the hand holding the back of her head cupping it in place and the incredible fullness of her mouth and throat allowed Louisa to concentrate on only this one thing. She was making her penance and felt the need for it deep in her soul. Women who enjoyed naughty, forbidden things deserved to be forced to do naughty, forbidden acts. She didn’t even hear the moans she gave with every advance, wasn’t aware of the soft humming she was making as her lips wrapped around hot flesh as she suckled and worshipped him with her mouth.

Edward was soon groaning as well and it didn’t take long before he gave a final push against her head as he pressed his cock forward into the cavern of her mouth. “Eyes on me,” he growled in a tone that reminded her of some primal animal as did his look when she raised her eyes to his. The raw lust in his had her pussy spasm. She felt his cock stiffen even more and knew the painful pressure signaled he was close to spending.

“God, you are so beautiful,” he growled, his fingers drawing her head back a fraction. His finger dipped to the corner of her mouth and she blushed knowing how obscenely wide her lips must be stretched around his huge cock. She drew in a shallow breath through her nose as he lifted his finger to show her it was covered in what she knew was her own drool that she’d been unable to contain. She felt heat flood her face and saw him smile. “My naughty, beautiful little lady. You’ll swallow every drop Papa feeds you, won’t you?” he instructed.

Heat suffused her body at the degradation of his words and yet her nipples tightened painfully and her pussy contracted. She couldn’t answer with his cock filling her mouth, its length practically blocking every molecule of oxygen she needed to survive, but she closed her eyes, blinking twice and then swallowed around his shaft to answer in the only way she could.

“Good girl,” he praised, twisting his fingers harder in her hair, keeping her head in place as he pistoned his hips forward. He took control, fucking her face as he wished until with a roar, he sank the final centimeter, his balls swinging to slap against her chin as he bellowed, his seed erupting from his engorged cock.

Louisa struggled against the flood of hot semen that filled her throat, her mouth, and coated her tongue. She knew better than to attempt to move away. Her bottom had been blistered several times for such an action, and she’d been forced to repeat the lesson until she remembered to remain in position, her lips locked around his shaft until he released her. She focused on swallowing again and again, the act difficult due to the invader lodged down her throat until he groaned, a final jet of cum following so many before. Still, her penance was not yet complete. Even as he sighed and relaxed, her tongue continued to dart all around his softening shaft until she was positive he was clean. Her lips continued to suckle until he released the hold on her head, his fingers trailing down to brush against her cheek, softly granting her permission to release. She blushed even as she opened her lips and pulled back to allow his cock to slide from her mouth, only to catch and cradle him in the palms of her hands. A quiver ran through her, her pussy spasming as if seeking to be filled with the very thing she now held. Looking up to meet his eyes, she felt another gush of arousal slide down her leg as she stroked her fingers over what had once been the hardest of steel but was now the softest velvet. Her lips, felt swollen and slightly bruised but curled into a smile when she saw him gazing down at her with apparent approval.

“You are learning well, Louisa. You’ve pleased me greatly with your penance.”

“Thank you, Papa,” she said, and then mewled as he stroked her cheek. She wished he would take her onto his lap as he usually did after she had been punished. She longed for his arms to surround her and his lips to kiss her tenderly. Bending forward a final time, she placed a gentle kiss on his cock before tucking him back into his pants and buttoning them closed. He took her arms and gently guided her to her feet. She held her breath, waiting for him to draw her close. Instead, he guided her toward the high table. She stumbled as they got close and she realized that it was not a regular table. It was a changing table, and the top not only held a stack of fluffy nappies, there were several jars containing items she didn’t wish to know about. She saw that, like the crib, there were restraints tucked up under the padded mat.

She didn’t realize she was whimpering until Edward said, “Don’t fret, little one. I’m not going to diaper you—well, not today. No, I want you to go potty while I get your crib ready.” Relieved that she wasn’t to be diapered, and blushing hotly at the juvenile word, Louisa obediently squatted over the chamber pot after he’d pulled it from beneath the washstand. She desperately wished it was hidden behind a door or at least a screen, but the lack of either told her that her papa didn’t believe little ones needed to be allowed such privacy. She found she couldn’t look anywhere but at the floor and breathed a small sigh of relief as she saw her husband move away from her.

“Are you finished, Louisa?” he asked a few moments later.

“Yes, Papa,” she said softly.

Edward brushed his palm against her flushed face before helping her to stand and guiding her to the washstand to wash her hands. She glanced at the small cup on the marble surface before turning to look up at her husband and opened her mouth to speak.

“No, little one. The taste of your deceit, as well as your penance, shall remain in your mouth and on your tongue while you nap.”

The reminder of what she’d done, the seed she’d swallowed caused her to shiver as she washed and dried her hands. When done, she turned back to him and raised her arms when he instructed her to do so. Edward pulled a nightgown over her head that she realized barely brushed the tops of her thighs. Somehow, her bottom felt even barer beneath the thin cloth. She wanted to ask where the rest of her gown was, but didn’t want another spanking. Edward bent, and she squealed as he easily lifted her into his arms. She wrapped her hands around his neck and laid her head against his shoulder. She felt safe and far better now that she had been punished, knowing his forgiveness came just as easily as did his discipline. She was exhausted and found herself looking forward to resting. She had so much to think about, but couldn’t bear to face another thing right now. And then she saw what he had placed in the crib, clinging to him like a little monkey as he bent over to lay her down.

“No! Please, Papa. I’ll be a good girl. Please don’t ask me to sleep on th… that.”

Edward shook his head even as he lowered her into the crib. “I’m not asking you a thing, Louisa. You were a very naughty little girl, and you are going to take your nap on your naughty-girl mat. Perhaps a couple of hours sleeping on it will help you decide you’d rather be my good girl again.”

Tears welled the moment her bottom connected with the mat Edward had placed in the crib. Hundreds of sharp bristles and dozens of hard knots pushed into her punished bottom. Edward removed her clinging hands from around his neck and forced her onto her back. She began to wiggle and squirm, trying to remove her tender skin from the horrid mat, rolling onto her side the moment his hand lifted.

“Don’t be naughty,” he said as he easily rolled her onto her back and reached to take hold of her ankle. She foolishly kicked out at him and, his smile fading, Edward reached down, swatted the front of her thigh harshly and gave her a stern look. “Settle down, Louisa! Give me your leg or I will take you out of your crib, blister your bottom yet again, and you will still take your nap on your naughty mat. Now, what will it be?”

Louisa sobbed but lifted her leg and allowed him to take hold of it. She continued to cry as he restrained her other leg and didn’t protest as he took her hands, pulled them over her head and placed them in restraints as well, splaying her limbs widely in the crib. She tried to lift her hips to remove her bottom from the painful bristles, but Edward quickly placed a wide strap around her waist and buckled it tight. Her movements were severely restricted and she wailed as the mat bit into her bottom and the backs of her thighs. Her position had the gown’s hem rising several inches, baring her to his view. She sobbed as her husband reached to cup her sex again. She knew exactly what he would find, and the shame of it engulfed her. Edward slid his fingers through her outer lips, spreading them open. She felt more cream drip from her as he pushed a finger deep inside. Her hips jerked, as much as they were able within her restraints, her body begging for attention, for release from the pain in search of pleasure she knew he could offer in its stead.

Edward chuckled and removed his finger only to lightly flick her engorged clitoris. She moaned deeply and despite the bite of her mat, she attempted to both pull away from his finger and then press up as if trying to find the source of her newest torment. Her breath hissed out as the mat raked against her sensitive, punished bottom and though she immediately tried to remain still, his finger’s movements assured she was unable to do so. Soon she was moaning and gyrating her hips up against his finger, the rasp and jabs of her punishment mat somehow impossibly enhancing the far too brief flashes of pleasure. Her need to seek release consumed her; the pain in her bottom was momentarily forgotten. Edward took her to the very edge, her moans and groans both from her growing arousal and the bite of the hemp fibers covering the mat filling the air.

She felt that glorious tingle, that tightening of her every muscle as the climax she’d sought grew closer and closer. Her eyes closed, her mouth opened and then… he removed his finger. Opening her eyes, she saw him shake his head.

“Nooo! Pl… please, Papa, oh, please, I’ll… I’ll be a goo… good girl, ohhh, please—”

“No, little one. Naughty girls don’t get to have their papas bring them pleasure. Naughty little ones get to sleep on their naughty-girl mats with well-spanked hot little bottoms. Naughty little girls need to think about why they were so naughty that their papas had to blister them and leave them all alone with a weeping pussy and a throbbing little clittie. Naughty, deceitful little girls lie on mats and think about having their lies washed right out of them. Now, sleep well and dream of how to be my good girl.”

Edward bent down to place a kiss on her forehead and then stood and walked to the door. “I love you in your crib, Louisa. You are finally exactly where you belong, and where you will be spending a great deal of your time in the future. You, little one, have only just begun learning that you need to be a very, very good girl for your papa, or your sweet little bottom will be blistered and painful and your sweet little pussy will be weeping its tears and aching for release that will not be allowed.”

Louisa gave a soft sob and said even softer, “I… I lo… love you, Pa… Papa.”

“I love you too, little one. Sleep well, my love.”

Louisa knew she’d not sleep a single wink. Her body throbbed both inside and out. She wasn’t sure which burned hotter, her bottom or her sex. Despite the pain, the embarrassment that had kept her skin flushed for hours, despite the struggle to perform her penance, Louisa’s body told the truth. She thrived under his attention, craved his every touch. A single attempt to grind herself against the mat to find relief ended immediately. With a yelp, she knew she’d have to surrender to the ache of a blistered bottom and an empty pussy… just as she submitted to the man who left her with both.

Chapter 10