Page 25 of Her Lord's Birch

“That’s my good girl. Come for me, baby girl, let me feel you come again.” She obeyed for the second time, and he buried himself deeply, enjoying the ripples of her orgasm. He forced every last shudder from her before he pumped himself hard into her and flooded her insides a final time. When he was done, she managed to whisper her thanks before she drifted into sleep. Edward smiled, wrapped her in his arms, and held her until he, too, drifted away.

* * *

Rememberingthe love they had shared, he kissed her once again before lifting her from his lap and settling her onto the settee. He didn’t bother to hide the bulge in his trousers, enjoying her blush as he handed her the tapestry she’d been working on. Edward dropped another kiss onto the top of her head and then moved to his desk. He wondered if she had also thought of how their morning had begun and smiled. While she had a long way to go in her training, she was quickly proving to be a very passionate and mostly willing student.

Chapter 19

While the two enjoyed their memories, Lucy struggled to maintain her composure. Professor Thorne attempted to apologize, but he was only making the situation worse.

“Please, Professor, just forget it. There is nothing for you to apologize for. Can we just study?”

Charles’ sigh showed her he wasn’t in agreement, but he held his tongue and nodded. “Certainly, Miss Furniss.”

“Thank you,” she said in gratitude as he passed her a new sheet of problems, bending forward to explain how to solve the first one. Lucy found it hard to focus on his words through the sheen of tears in her eyes, but was grateful he had dropped the awkward attempts to discuss what had happened. They studied for another two hours before Mrs. Bremmer announced she needed them to clear the table so that lunch could be served. Charles began gathering the scattered papers, and Lucille excused herself to take care of some personal needs. She was soon behind the closed door of her room and her composure crumbled. She cried out and then pressed her fist into her mouth to stifle the sounds of her distress. Furious at herself, she shook her head and forced herself to take care of her toilette, straighten her clothing and prepare herself for the luncheon she was sure to be uncomfortable. She heard her name being called, and was quick to open her door and hurry down the stairs. When she entered the dining room, everyone was standing.

“Excuse me for being late,” she said to no one in particular. Professor Lloyds pulled out her chair, pushing it in after she’d taken her seat. She blushed as she saw Edward smiling over at her but quickly averted her eyes. The meal was a quiet one, the conversation carried by the men, but didn’t grow uncomfortable until Edward spoke at the end.

“It’s time to see how well you can concentrate, Lucille. Please go into my study and I will join you in a bit.” Lucy forced herself not to shake as she pushed back her chair and stood.

“Yes, sir,” she said quietly and walked with as much dignity as possible out of the room. Before she stepped into the hall, she heard her guardian ask Charles for the quiz he had prepared. She turned to glance back and saw the professor hand the paper to Louisa who gave it a quick look before passing it on to her husband. As if sensing her twin, Louisa looked to where Lucy still hovered on the threshold of the room and gave her a soft smile. Lucy took solace in the silently offered support and nodded before hurrying down the hallway. It wouldn’t do to be caught loitering.

* * *

Edward readdown the page and then stood. “If you’ll both excuse me, I will give the quiz to Lucille. Perhaps you’d enjoy a short walk while you wait?”

Louisa took her cue and turned to Professor Lloyds. “It would be my pleasure to show you the gardens, Professor.”

Charles gave her a smile and nodded. Standing, he helped Louisa from her chair. “I’m sure the pleasure will be all mine, Lady Wintercrest.”

Louisa darted her eyes to her husband, unsure of the proper response she should give to an address she’d been told not to expect. Edward smiled and gave her a small nod. She relaxed and allowed her former teacher to tuck her hand into the crook of his elbow.

“We can go out this way,” she said, gesturing toward the parlor. She led him toward the large set of French doors in the parlor and they stepped outside. The day was beautiful, the air crisp and not yet stifling with the coming heat of summer. While she couldn’t help but wonder how her sister was faring, she found herself truly enjoying both the walk through the beautifully laid-out gardens, as well as the quiet company of the professor. He listened quite attentively as Louisa quietly pointed out various plantings.

“You truly enjoy them don’t you?” Charles asked as they climbed a gentle slope to reach another area of the garden. She bent forward yet again to bury her nose in the soft petals of a rose.

She smiled, and nodded. “Yes, I do. I’ve always been fascinated that one can bury a seed and watch as a tiny green shoot pushes up. Despite having to struggle to push out of the soil attempting to keep it buried, and the winds and storms that batter it, the plant grows stronger every day until buds fill its branches and blossoms bloom to perfume the air with their fragrance.” Blushing at her response, she shook her head. “I know that sounds rather silly.”

“Not at all,” he assured her as they began to walk down another path across the back of the house. “An appreciation of beauty is never silly. Nature is providing a powerful lesson. Without learning to bend—” His words were cut off as a sharp cry rent the air.

Louisa would have stumbled if not for the quick reaction of her guest who reached out to steady her. “Oh, I-I guess Lucy didn’t do well.”

“It wasn’t for lack of trying I assure you, Lady Wintercrest. She was nothing but attentive in applying herself to her studies. I’m not sure why she failed.”

Louisa understood immediately that this man was quickly seeing her sister as something more than his student. She saw him look toward the house as another cry was borne to them on the air. She found herself comforting him.

“I’m sure you did the best you could, Professor. Lucy just has so much to learn in such a short time. Mathematics has always been difficult for her. Ask her anything about history or English, and I assure you she outshines everyone. Don’t give up on her, I beg you. Please, help her to succeed.” He dropped his eyes to hers, his expression softening.

Patting her hand, he promised, “Never, Lady Wintercrest. I would never abandon Miss Furniss. I promise to better prepare her.” Louisa saw him glance back to the house before he continued, “She may have made some errors on this quiz, but I have every confidence that she will be more than capable of passing the exam on Monday.”

Louisa took heart in his sincere belief that her sister could succeed. “Thank you,” she said softly. Though she knew they should walk away from the house, for some reason they both stood as if in witness or silent support of Lucille. The sharp cracks of what was most obviously a paddle being used against a bare bottom echoed about the garden, chased by Lucy’s cries. Still, neither moved until the sounds gradually faded, and when the air was once again filled with nothing more ominous than the hum of bees and birdsong, they continued their walk. It was several moments later before Charles opened the door and stepped aside to let Louisa precede him.

* * *

Edward had just pulledout her chair when Lucy saw her sister and Charles entering the dining room. She instantly dropped her gaze and, as steadily as she could, seated herself with just a slight wince of discomfort. Her bottom ached, but didn’t burn with the fire it had after her birching the evening before. Edward hadn’t wasted time with any lectures. She had failed the quiz, and they both had known what that meant. When he had told her to stand, she had done so, her hands gripping her skirts in order not to reach around to childishly attempt to protect her bottom from its due. Edward had moved from behind his desk and taken her arm. Lucy flushed as she remembered the way he had unceremoniously instructed her to bend over the arm of one of the chairs. Once she had, he lifted her skirts and petticoats up onto her back. She had felt her bloomers being pulled apart to bare her buttocks. She had buried her face in her hands but had been unable to keep herself from peeking between her fingers to watch her guardian walk to the same armoire that had held the awful birches the evening before. She remembered her initial thought of what treasures the cabinet held but had since discovered nothing but torment had come from its depths. Her throat tightened as he opened one door, the movement setting into motion what she realized were implements hanging from hooks on the back of the door. He ran his hand over a few of them before making his choice and lifting a wooden paddle from its hook. Lucy bit back a whimper as he returned, tapping the implement against his thigh.

“You missed six problems, Lucille. I believe two strokes for each mistake should remind you to focus your attention better.”

Hearing that she was to receive a dozen strokes of the paddle made her heart beat faster, but still, it was half the number she had taken from the birch. Lucy braced herself, but the paddle didn’t descend to begin its attack on her already tender bottom.