Page 46 of Daddy Commands

Chapter Fourteen


I watched as Hannah bounced on the balls of her feet, glowing with excitement. Her ponytail swung with each bounce, and I chuckled.

“What’s funny? Is my number crooked?” She turned her head to look over her shoulder at the number twenty-three that was pinned to the back of her t-shirt.

“No, babe,” I assured her. “I was just wondering how long it would take before I had to hang on to your ponytail and pull you out of the mud.”

“Very funny,” she huffed. “It’s a good thing we’re on the same team so that you won’t feel bad when I beat you.”

Pulling her to me, I palmed her ass. “How many times do I have to tell you, the only one getting their ass spanked in the Griffith household is you?” She giggled and after a squeeze, I released her.

“I can’t help it. I’m just so excited!”

We were waiting for our turn to start the course. Times were staggered to keep the participants from falling all over one another. That didn’t matter so much for the initial run, but obstacles took longer to complete and muscles needed to be kept warm and pliant, so long periods of waiting for others to finish a challenge wasn’t good.

Stephanie was as excited as Hannah, her feet bouncing as well.

“Think they’ll have enough energy to finish?” I asked Gary.

“Not if they don’t stop bouncing while we wait. We’ll not be given the go for at least another ten minutes.”

“Don’t worry about us,” Hannah said. “We’re like the Energizer Bunny. Once you turn us on, we just keep going and going.”

There was a weighted pause and then all four of us laughed. Hannah’s face flushed but she shrugged. “Well, it’s true both here and in bed. So, gentlemen, if you want to cross the finish line, I suggest you manage to keep up.”

We’d all trained together as well as the women having trained separately. Hannah was more fit than she’d ever been in her life. While I would admit to worrying that she’d become too toned, that she’d lose the curves that I so loved, she hadn’t. She was still rounded and soft every place a man could desire.

“Remember, the goal is not to win. Our goal is to navigate safely and to have fun. You’ve worked very hard to get here and I’m very proud of you, Hannah,” I said. “Spotless or not, there is nothing more beautiful than the light in your eyes, the excitement on your face, and the bounce in your step.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Hannah said, waving her arm. “We both know what you really mean is you can’t wait to see me fall on my ass.”

Chuckling, I pulled her in again, bending my head to speak into her ear. “No, babe, I just can’t wait to sink into your ass.”

Her face flushed and finally, it was our turn to start.

We set out on a slow jog. As our team leader, Gary set the pace. Hannah squealed and clapped her hands when we came within sight of the first obstacle. Two beams, set a few feet off the ground were lined up side by side. A narrow ramp allowed one to run up and if you maintained your balance, navigate the length of the beam without falling off into the mud below.

“After you,” I said, sweeping my hand toward the ramp.

“Oh, no, you don’t,” she said, pointing to the second beam a few feet away. “You go on that one. I’m not about to let you ‘accidentally’ tip me off the beam.”

Chuckling, I went to the second beam, but didn’t start up the ramp. Instead, I watched my wife back up a bit, then take off at a faster run and fly up the ramp and then race across the entire length of the beam without a single wobble. She cheered as she jumped off the other end.

Once I was across, I cocked my eyebrow. “Very impressive.”

Each obstacle required a bit of jogging to get to them, again allowing time for people to conquer one and move on before another team arrived. The arrangement of tires required you to plant your feet and lift your knees high, but, again, proved not to hamper Hannah or Stephanie in the least. People who’d pledged money to support the participants lined the course.

Once we reached the first set of bars, Hannah watched as a participant didn’t swing beneath them, but crawled across the top.

“Hey! You never told me that was an option!”

Stephanie looked as surprised as Hannah. “I didn’t know it was!”

Gary chuckled. “You’ll see all sorts of creative thinking. Team members will help those who can’t make it finish. We don’t leave anyone behind… not on the field of battle and not on the course.”

Hannah clapped when the woman reached the end, turned around, and slowly lowered herself until she could drop to the ground.