Page 44 of Daddy Commands

Nodding, I bit off a bite of bacon and then continued. “I think so, too. But, then we started talking, and she told me about this other run. Well, it’s not just a run, it’s a run and obstacle competition. Gary’s done them before, but this will be her first time. I wanted to surprise you and enter both of us, but wasn’t sure if I could really do it.” I laughed and shook my head. “I’m still not sure, but she’s been coaching me every day.”

“What competition? Like a triathlon?”

“Oh, no. It’s a Mudder Run.”

He sat back in his chair, and though his grin grew huge, he was shaking his head.

“What? You don’t think I can do it? You don’t want to?”

“No, babe. I think it would be amazing to enter with you. With Stephanie and I both coaching you, I’m absolutely sure you’ll be ready.”

“Then why did you shake your head?” I asked, another forkful of eggs ready to go into my mouth.

“I was just imagining my beautiful wife, covered in slimy mud.”

Shaking my head, I took the bite before I spoke again. “That is where you are so wrong. I’m going to be so fit, so toned, so ready that I’m going to get through the entire course without a single splotch of dirt. By the time we cross the finish line, the sneakers I’ll be donating won’t even need to be washed.”

He burst out laughing and I huffed and stabbed at another slice of French toast. I squealed, the fork left on my plate as he plucked me out of my chair, holding me so that my feet were off the floor.

“Babe, it’s called a Mudder for a reason. There is no way you’ll come out spotless. But I’ll offer you a bet.”

“What sort of bet?” I asked, wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist.

“You finish every obstacle and cross that finish line with me, and I will scrub every inch of this house.”

I considered his offer. “Nope. If I win, you will give me another massage in our Eden.”

“Now, that’s a deal,” he confirmed.

“Wait, what happens if I don’t?”

He squeezed my ass that filled his hands. “Then, you will walk totally nude across our yard, go into Eden, get down on your hands and knees, lift this beautiful ass, and wait for the snake’s bite.”

Remembering the initial pain of his cock entering my ass and how it had transformed into incredible pleasure when he’d filled me, fucked me, I smiled. “You’re on.”

“Sealed with a kiss,” he said, kissing me hard.

After returning me to my chair, we both finished eating and then refilled our mugs and took them out to the porch. Swinging, my feet in his lap, my back against the armrest, I said, “I need to call Stephanie and apologize to both her and Gary.”

He nodded. “You do. How about you ask them to come over later? I’ll grill some steaks and Gary can fill us in on what areas we need to concentrate on for your training.”

“That sounds great,” I said, pulling my feet free and jumping off the swing once he’d stilled it. I ran inside and grabbed my phone, coming back to join him.

“Stephanie, hi, this is Hannah.” I paused when she asked how I was.

“I’m good, but I wanted to apologize to both of you. Brett suggested a cookout. Can you come over later?”

A few minutes later, I hung up. “They’d love to and she’s going to bring a dish.” I threw my arms around him and hugged him. “This is going to be fun.” After a kiss, I sat back. “But, if you want to grill steaks, you need to go buy some.”

“I can do that. I need charcoal as well. Do you want to come?”

“Nope, Stephanie loves coffee and chocolate, so I’m going to make a cake… sort of like an apology you can eat.”

He set me off the swing and went to get his keys. I watered the plants and then went into the kitchen to make the best damn cake I’d ever made.

* * *

“I’m so glad you are all right,” Stephanie said, putting her arms around me when they arrived later that afternoon.