Page 43 of Daddy Commands

Chapter Thirteen


Brett’s groan came only a second after the alarm began to blare. “For God’s sake! Shut it off!”

I slapped for the button, finally hitting it, silencing the noise. Forcing my eyes open, I successfully bit back a moan as I slipped out from under Brett’s arm. However, once I sat up, the sound slipped past my lips. It felt as if I’d been ridden hard and put up wet. That had me giggling as it was exactly what had happened. Not about to scoot to the edge of the bed because my ass was warning me it would revolt and revolt big if I did, I moved to my hands and knees, crawling across the expanse of mattress.

“Babe, I know you enjoyed that position last night, but couldn’t we wait until the sun comes up before having another go?”

How I could still blush after last night, I had no idea, but I did. Continuing my journey, I crawled off the bed. “What’s the matter? Did this poor little recruit wear out the big, bad major? Come on, it’s five thirty. It’s time to get up, so get a move on, Commander.”

“The only soldier who is going to move is you as you get back here. We didn’t go to sleep until after four and big bad major or not, I need more than an hour and a half of sleep. Besides, I assure you, all that hand-to-butt contact last night counts as exercise.”

“Are you sure? I don’t want to wimp out.”

“I’m sure. Now get your ass back here.”

Jumping back onto the bed, I moved much faster to snuggle against him again. “See how well your little recruit obeys?”

“Remind me to give you a prize later. Now, go back to sleep.”

I did and the next time I opened my eyes, Brett was no longer in bed, and I could smell coffee. Abandoning the bed, I turned and stripped off the sheets. We’d both crowded onto his side of the bed all night because of the huge wet spot in the center. I’d managed to ignore it last night, not even very embarrassed that I had been the cause, but in the light of day, I wasn’t about to sleep on those sheets again until they’d been washed.

After dropping the bundle by the door, I took a shower. The hot water went a long way to relieve muscles that I really hadn’t known were tight until I remembered how I’d had to strain to keep my hands on the rail, spread my legs wider than ever before, and how hard my husband had fucked me. Fucked my ass. Dripping wet, I turned to look at that very ass in the mirror. I’d thought that he’d spanked me hard last week and had been surprised to find not a blemish had remained on my skin the next morning. That wasn’t quite the case today. Though my butt was no longer red, there were two spots that were discolored. Pressing my fingertips into them, I smiled. Yes, it had hurt like hell when that belt had licked against my ass, but seeing the marks, feeling the tenderness, all I could think about was how damn grateful I was to see evidence that I belonged to Brett.

Drying my hair and dressing, I added the clothes from the hamper to the sheets and carried the load to the utility room before going into the kitchen.

“Good morning, lazybones.”

“Someone seems to forget that I was not only awake but anxious to get moving hours ago,” I huffed.

Brett cocked his eyebrow. “For someone who was so anxious, you sure got back into bed a hell of a lot faster than you got out of it.”

I laughed and went into his arms for a hug and a kiss. “Something smells fabulous,” I said, sniffing the air.

“I made breakfast. Sit and I’ll serve you. Consider it your prize.”

Seeing the pillow that had appeared on my chair, I gave him another hug. “Well, I was actually hoping for a promotion in rank, but the pillow and breakfast is even better.”

He handed me a mug of coffee after I sat down. Breakfast consisted of crisp bacon, fluffy scrambled eggs, and thick slices of bread that he’d turned into French toast. I topped mine with sliced strawberries and then covered the entire stack with syrup.

“Oh, my God, this is almost as good as sex,” I said after swallowing the first bite.

He chuckled and after eating a few bites, paused to take a drink of juice. “I meant to ask you something yesterday.”


“Why did you call Stephanie—”

“I wanted to tell her that I was coming,” I said, the memory of how exactly that had turned out dampening my enthusiasm for the food remaining on my plate.

“No, babe, I didn’t mean that. I meant, why did you refer to her as Coach?”

“Oh.” Stalling, I shoveled another huge bite into my mouth. I’d wanted to surprise him, but also didn’t ever want him to wonder if I was keeping anything from him. Swallowing, I took a sip of coffee and then looked at him.

“You know how you have me exercising and running?” At his nod, I continued. “Well, when I took the t-shirts to Stephanie and apologized for being such a bi… not nice about her efforts, she asked if I was going to run in the 5K. I honestly had never considered ever doing so, but she said it would be great if I joined the team, and when I told her that you were already having me run, she said I’d be ready.”

“You are,” he said with a smile. “You’ll do great and it will be fun.”