Page 50 of A Little Atonement

“Um… no.”

“Excuse me?”

“No, sir, not really.”

Liam laid the sheet down again. “It’s a copy of your rules. The very rules that hang on your wall. The rules that you repeat to Daddy every morning. Think about our conversation downstairs and try again. Tell me which of those rules you have broken.” He saw the hesitancy on her face, but simply waited, allowing her time to consider her answer.

“I-I broke… most of them.”

He nodded but wasn’t satisfied. He needed her to speak the words, to feel them. “Tell me exactly which ones and how you broke them.”

She bit her bottom lip for a moment and then began. “I didn’t trust that you would always want to take care of me. I-I belittled myself when I said you’d get tired of me because I don’t think I’m-I’m good enough. I waited until today to admit I was scared that when we left the cabin, everything would… would change. I questioned your decision that it would be all right when I said I wanted to stay here… to not go home.”

Did she honestly believe those were all the ones she’d broken? Yes, she’d broken those, but she’d left out the most important one. The rule that formed the basic foundation of this dynamic.

“Elena, yes, you did break those, but that is not why Daddy is sad.” Standing, he picked up the paper and moved around his desk. Squatting down in front of her, he handed her the sheet. “There is really only one rule here that is the most important. Only one that you truly need to believe. The one that lets your heart, your mind, your very soul know that no matter where we are, no matter who is in our lives, that I, your daddy, your future husband, would rather die than have you doubt.”

Though the paper shook a bit as she had yet to stop trembling, he saw her eyes drop… not to scan the page as there was no need. This sheet held only one line of text… only one rule. Reaching out, he cupped her chin, lifting her face to see that her eyes were shimmering. He had no need to look at the paper. This rule was one he had tried to put into action every moment since she’d returned to him. Speaking in a soft tone, he recited from heart, “I will remember that I, Elena Michelle, am the most treasured, the most loved little girl in the entire universe.” He watched a tear slide down her cheek. “And, Elena, you are. You are everything to me. Why won’t you truly believe that?”

“I-I’m trying. I really am, I swear. I-I just can’t forget what Rebecca said.”

Liam nodded. “I know and that’s why we’re here.”

He watched as understanding dawned, her eyes flicking from his to their surroundings, to her clothes and then to him again. “You-you think that if you… if we… oh, Daddy, you think if we reenact that day, I’ll forget?”

“No, at least not immediately. I know that words have the power to hurt more than any physical pain. And we’re not going to reenact that same scenario as it wasn’t real. It was the two of us playing a role. But what I believe… what I’m hoping with all my heart… is that you now know that I am your daddy and that you, the love of my life, are the most special, the most treasured girl, the most loved little one in the universe.” He brushed away the tears that slowly slid down her cheeks with his fingertips. “And, young lady, if it takes me turning your little bottom scarlet every day for the rest of our lives for you to know that, then, regardless of how old and decrepit I get, I will do so. And do you know why?”

For the first time that day, she gave him a smile that lit her eyes. “Because that what daddies who love their little girls do.”

He bent forward and kissed her nose. “Right on the button!” The sound of her soft giggle had him knowing he’d made the right decision and he sent his gratitude toward the heavens. Standing up, he took the paper from her, turned and placed it face up on the desk. Turning back, he saw that she was no longer shifting her feet, her fingers weren’t worrying her skirt, and she’d stopped trembling. He even heard the little gasp as he unbuttoned the cuff of his shirt and began to roll up the sleeve. Once the cloth was above his elbow, he held out his hand.

“Are you ready?”

“Yes, Daddy.”

“That’s my girl.” He helped her to stand and led her the short distance to the desk. “Before we start, I want you to remember something you said. Something you made me promise. You asked me to promise that whenever you start to doubt yourself, to doubt us, I would remind you that you are so very deserving. Do you remember what else you asked me to promise?”

“Yes,” she said softly. “I asked you to promise to spank me and then hold me. To let me know that you’d never let me be so completely idiotic again.”

Liam nodded. “I am a man of my word, Elena.” He patted the desk’s surface. “Put your palms flat on the desk.”

When she had, he positioned the paper so that it was right beneath her eyes. “Remember my words as well. Keep your eyes on this sheet. Let every spank remind you of what I wrote on that paper. Let every stroke on your bottom imprint on your heart that you are the most precious person in the world to me. And, as I make your little bottom burn, let my love for you burn into your very soul so that you will never again doubt that you are my everything.”

“Yes, Daddy.”

He lifted her skirt, tucking it into the band at her waist, smiling as the panties he’d selected were revealed. Though these were also white, they were not the same as she’d worn that day. Instead of plain cotton, these had rows of ruffles all across the seat. Peeling them down to bare her bottom, he again heard that soft little gasp. When they were at her knees, he splayed his hand across her cheeks, smiling when he realized that they had grown plumper in the days they’d been here.

“Um… Daddy?”


The soft gasp became a soft giggle. “I thought that you were going to spank me?”

Her question had him leaving the memories of their days at the cabin and grinning. With a final squeeze of her gorgeous ass, he said, “Oh, believe me, little girl, I am definitely going to spank you.” And with that, his hand lifted and he began.

Each smack of his hand had the flesh of her buttocks depressing a bit as they colored, only to spring back as if anxious for another stroke. He took his time, his swats slower than a spanking given for punishment for this wasn’t what that was. This was a reminder, a reconnection, a new memory being made. This spanking was his promise that she could count on him to carry out his conviction to make sure she never forgot she was his, now and forever.

As her bottom went from pink to red, he didn’t stop. He peppered her cheeks until they glowed and then changed his target. She’d been giving gasps and soft mewls as her spanking was delivered, but it wasn’t until he changed the direction of his strokes, giving sharp, quick upward slaps that caused her buttocks to lift and quiver as he spanked the sensitive swath of skin where her bottom met her thighs that she began to moan and jerk as if attempting to ruin his aim.