Page 44 of A Little Atonement

“Because I lied to you and didn’t trust you when I really needed to. Because I hurt you and broke your trust.”

“You didn’t break it, Elena. You bent it, but it’s not broken.” Once he’d lowered her pants and panties, he pulled her over his knee.

He didn’t go lightly. She’d earned a spanking and more with her choices. Though he knew it hurt as he watched her bottom redden with his swats, and she was crying, she didn’t attempt to cover her bottom or kick her legs up.

He squeezed her cheeks, satisfied they had been warmed enough to make her whipping easier to tolerate. He pulled off her pants and panties. “All right. Go bend over the arm of your chair. Put your face down on the seat and push your bottom out.”

Lifting her off his lap, he watched as she walked the short distance, noticing that her legs were really shaking. “Wait, honey.” After pulling the ottoman into position, he continued. “All right, Elena. Lie down on your back.” Her look of confusion had him adding, “Your legs are trembling and I don’t want you collapsing. Go ahead, on your back, your bottom at the edge.”

“Ye… yes, si… sir.” She lay down, and once she had, he saw her flinch a bit when he pulled his belt free, but he knew that it was more of a nervous reflex than true fear. He’d whipped her before when she’d been his submissive and with more than just his belt. He also knew he’d warmed her bottom well. She was going to be in pain, but it would fade and she’d know that her daddy meant what he said.

Doubling the leather, holding the buckle in his fist, he said, “Lift your legs up.” Taking her ankles in one hand, he lifted her higher, in what was referred to as the diaper position, her bottom off the ottoman. “Let these remind you that lying will earn you a whipping every time. After each of these, I want you to say, ‘I will not lie to my daddy.’”

“Yes, sir.”

He lifted his arm and struck her against the middle of her bottom. She bucked and cried out but immediately said, “I will not lie to my daddy.”

Each stroke made a loud thwack, followed by her cry and her repeating the words. After ten, he said. “For these I want you to say, ‘I will trust my daddy.’”

She nodded, her tears sliding off her cheeks into her hair, her fingers clutching the edge of the ottoman. He gave her ten more and though it took her longer and she stuttered a bit through her tears, she didn’t attempt to pull her legs free from his hold and obediently said the words. He lowered her legs down, her hiss audible as her bottom hit the leather. He stepped back and threaded his belt back through their loops. When she’d quieted a bit, he said, “All right. Go to the corner and think about how all of this could have been avoided.”

She stood and padded toward the corner.

“Elena, if you don’t think your legs are steady enough to stand, I’ll go get your little stool.”

“I-I can stand, Daddy.”

He didn’t have to give her further instructions because once she got there, she put her nose to the wall and pushed her bottom out. He took her place on the ottoman, sorry to hear her soft crying, but knowing that every stripe that crossed her two little cheeks had been earned. He had her stand until she’d stopped crying, her breathing regulating.

“Come here, baby.”

She came to him and he helped her blow her nose.

When it was clear, he said, “Kneel.”

Green eyes widened. “But aren’t you going to… to—”

“No, Elena.”

“But you said I’d have to make my penance with… with my bottom.”

He reached out and put his hands on her waist. “Tell me, Elena, what have you learned today?”

“Not to lie and to trust you even when… when it’s embarrassing.”

“Then learn this as well. Sometimes daddies find it necessary to change their minds.” When her eyes widened again, he smiled. “That doesn’t mean that you won’t be making your penance with your bottom someday. It just means that today, you’ll be making it with your mouth.” Not seeing her confusion leave her eyes, he said. “Elena, I don’t want our first time to be one of punishment. There are more things for you to learn, like how Daddy can make you feel very good when he takes your bottom. That is the memory I want to make when I do so for the first time.”

She gave him a little smile and nodded.

“And you’ll be going to bed early tonight, in your own bed, to make this penance a bit more than one you make after a spanking.”

Her smile disappeared but she nodded again.

“All right, kneel.”

After spilling himself down her throat, he took her into the guest bath and washed her face. Then he cuddled her on his lap for a while until he was sure she understood that he considered the atonement made and she was forgiven. Finally, he helped her to stand and carried her upstairs. She went to the bathroom and he washed her face and allowed her to brush her teeth. Tucking her into her bed, he bent to kiss her. “I love you, Elena.”

“I… I love you, Daddy,” she said, her bottom lip trembling.