Page 34 of A Little Atonement

“For what, baby?”

She looked up at him, reaching out the hand that wasn’t clutching her unicorn to cup his cheek. “For everything.”

“You’re welcome, Elena.” He took her hand, kissing her palm before stepping away.

Chapter Ten

Liam put a roast and vegetables in the oven while Elena napped. He’d not been surprised at her balking a bit with his attention to her bottom. She was a passionate woman but had always been a bit modest about her body. Why she didn’t see that she was beautiful wasn’t a question; he knew the answer lay in her childhood. Her insecurities came from being made to feel inadequate by her family. They considered themselves successful. He considered them pompous assholes. He knew Elena was not only a far nicer person than any of her family, she was as far from arrogant as one could get. She felt everything so deeply and would rather walk barefoot across broken glass than hurt anyone. When she’d run, it hadn’t been to hurt him, it was because she’d believed that by staying, he would be unhappy.

She couldn’t have been more wrong. He’d spend the rest of his life showing her that she was the only one for him. His love was perfect just the way she was—well, he still needed to add a bit more meat to her bones.

That thought had him making up a recipe of bread to put in the machine. Elena loved homemade bread and a few pieces slathered with butter and jam would help with his goal of fattening her up. He turned on the machine while smiling, remembering her quip about how he’d gotten roasting and fattening backwards. She had a sense of humor that often caught him by surprise and that was another thing about her he cherished.

He read for a while as the aroma of dinner began to fill the cabin. After a couple of hours, he returned to her room to find her just awakening. Her hair was tousled and she looked absolutely adorable as she rubbed her eyes.

“Hi, baby girl. Sleep well?”

“Yes, but I am still surprised I actually did. It feels rather lazy to sleep away half the day.”

He chuckled and sat down on the bed, placing the box and jar he’d brought with him on the bed. “You need the sleep.”

She crawled from beneath the quilt and onto his lap. After giving her a hug and a kiss, he asked, “Do you need to go potty before I put the next plug in?”


“I’ll be moving you up in size until your flower becomes accustomed to opening.” When she attempted to pull away, he shook his head and tightened his hold. “Elena, you are going to have your pucker trained. It’s up to you how difficult you want to make it. Now, do you need to use the potty?”


“Yes, what?” he asked sternly.

“I need to pee!”

Liam sighed. “Okay, if that’s the way you want it.” Her small size made it easy to flip her over.

“No, Daddy!” she cried, putting her hands back and attempting to cover her bottom.

“Yes, Elena,” he said, easily pinning both of her wrists with one of his hands while unbuttoning the drop seat. Pulling her panties down, he swatted her bottom. “You chose to be snotty and disrespectful, which means you also chose to get your little tushie spanked.” That said, he peppered her cheeks with sharp smacks until she was squirming and promising better behavior. “I’ll turn this bottom cherry red every day if that’s what it takes to teach you that being naughty is not a good choice.”

“I’m sorry!”

“Then stop squirming and kicking and accept your spanking.” When she stilled, he gave her a half dozen more smacks before resting his palm on her pinkened flesh. “Let’s try again. Do you need to go potty before Daddy replugs you?”

“Yes, sir.”

“All right. Relax while I remove your plug.” She didn’t exactly relax, and whimpered when he began to tug it from her. He knew that removing it caused her little flower to have to stretch just as much as had been required when he’d inserted it. “Baby, if you’d unclench, it wouldn’t be as uncomfortable.”

Once it was freed, he set her on her feet and took her hand, not bothering to close her drop seat. Perhaps walking down the hall and feeling the fabric flap against her thighs would remind her that her daddy was serious about his duties.

After she’d pottied, stating she was done, he asked, “When was the last time you had to poo?”


“It’s a natural function, Elena. Everyone does it.”

“That doesn’t mean you have to talk about it!”

“Answer the question, please.”