Page 16 of A Little Atonement

Her eyes were riveted on his as she said, “I know, Daddy.”

He covered her mound with the lather, using the brush to get into every nook and cranny of her sex. Her nipples were hard as little berries and goosebumps popped up on her skin as he used the fingers of one hand to separate her bottom cheeks before swiping the brush across her perineum and over her puckered bottom hole. Setting the mug aside, he picked up the razor. He took his time, swiping a path through the lather with the razor and rinsing the blade free of fuzz before shaving another swath. She might have truly trusted him, but he noticed she held her breath when he separated the folds of her labia and carefully shaved each hair. With her mound denuded, he patted her right leg.

“Okay, baby girl. Pull your legs up to your chest and spread them wide. Keep them open with your hands.”

His order must have confused her for he had to help her into the position he required. Once she was laid open, he took a rolled towel he had ready and slipped it beneath her, effectively lifting her bottom.

“Good girl.”

After applying another layer of shaving cream, he shaved the sensitive area between her pussy and her rectum and then spread her cheeks again, which made her tense, her legs beginning to tremble. “Relax, Elena. I’m not going to cut you, but I am going to remove the hairs from your sweet little pucker.”

Her freshly bared pussy made it quite easy to see that she was glistening and her moan had his cock protesting its confinement. Keeping her buttocks spread, he continued until every last hair had been removed. Exchanging the razor for the wet washcloth, he ran it under the warm water and wrung it out before applying it again… this time over her bottom hole. He ran it around and around, far longer than it took to remove the remaining lather, lifting it to see her opening pucker so tightly and pulse with her heartbeat. Forgoing the cloth, he pressed his fingertip against her most intimate opening, hearing her gasp and seeing her attempt to pull away.

“No, Elena, relax. Just like you will no longer be allowed hair to cover your pussy, you will not pull away from me when I want to play. Every single inch of you belongs to me and I will touch, lick, play…” he paused, looking into her eyes to make sure she heard every word, “and fuck every part of you.”

Her green eyes were saucers as he informed her that her ass was no longer off-limits. He had every intention of sinking not only his cock balls deep in her bottom, but would be filling it with his fingers, his tongue, plugs, and anything else required to keep her not only obedient, but fulfilled. As if to force his point home, he began to press against her opening, watching it fight his entry, knowing it had absolutely no chance of winning. She softly panted as her sphincter lost its battle, yielding to allow his finger to slip inside.

“Oh… oh…”

“Shh, you’re fine, Elena. Just relax.” He pressed a bit further, moving his finger back and forth until her second ring of muscle stretched a bit, allowing him to press his finger completely into her bottom. “That’s my good girl. We’ll begin training this sweet little flower to open and soon I’ll take your last virginity.”

“Will… will it hurt?”

He’d never lie to her. “Yes, a little, more if you resist. But I promise it will also feel good.”

He could tell that she didn’t believe him and yet from the way her hips pressed against his hand, as if seeking the finger he’d partially withdrawn, he had no doubt that his little Elena would discover she was anal-erotic. Slipping his finger free, he continued to clean her with the washcloth and then removed the rolled towel and helped her to sit up.

Turning her toward the mirror, he said, “Look how pretty that sweet naked pussy is.”

Her scarlet face showed her embarrassment, but her eyes had a sheen to them that spoke of arousal as he dropped a finger to stroke along the seam of her sex. Just one graze of his fingertip over her little nubbin had her jerking. Pulling his hand from between her legs, he turned her again, secured her hair high on her head with a scrunchie, and then scooped her into his arms. He’d timed everything just right as he lowered her into the tub and turned off the water.

“Go ahead and play while I clean up,” he said, dropping a family of rubber ducks he’d purchased months earlier into the tub and watching them disappear beneath the mounds of suds. She hesitated for just a moment and then began pushing bubbles aside to find the toys. By the time he had the shaving equipment cleaned and stored away and pulled up a stool, she was guiding the ducks around the tub, scolding one when it strayed from its family.

He bathed every inch of her, rubbing the cloth over her nipples until they were hugely distended, so tightly puckered that he wondered if they ached. Deciding that they must, he bent his head, drawing one into his mouth, flicking his tongue across the bud again and again until she was trembling and mewling. After treating the other to the same, he gave it a gentle nip, loving her gasp and the splash of water as her legs shook. Releasing it, he instructed her to her knees. He’d already cleaned her pussy after shaving her, but that didn’t stop him from taking several long minutes running the cloth and then his fingers through her sex until she was shaking, her fingers tightly gripping the edge of the tub.

When his finger slid into the cleft of her ass, she clenched her bottom.

“No, Elena, relax your cheeks. You are never to attempt to keep me out.”

Her whimper sounded so sweet, a sign of her submission as she slowly loosened her bottom.

Sliding his finger up and down her cleft, he ran it across her perineum, over her clit, and then back up to what he’d told her was her sweet little flower. Though she was quivering slightly, every gentle press against her opening had her gasps and her mewls growing louder. He smiled at her reaction as she arched her head back and gave a deep moan the moment he breached her muscle. Yes, he was going to enjoy every single moment introducing his love to anal play.

With one finger moving slowly in and out of her rear, he used his free hand to stroke over her vulva, flicking her clit every few strokes until she was trembling so hard he was afraid she’d lose her grip and slip. Her mewl was much louder, sounded far more distressed when he popped his finger from her pucker and gave her clit a final pat.

“Oh, please…”

“You need to come… out of the tub,” he said, barely managing to bite back his laugh when she shot him a look of disbelief. “Oh, no, little girl. Your bottom is still red, so giving your daddy such looks is not a good idea. Besides, you are turning into a shriveled little prune.”

He stood, grabbed a towel, and then helped her to stand. Wrapping it around her, he lifted her from the tub. Tucking the ends in, he once again set her up on the vanity and removed the scrunchie from her hair. He almost chuckled again when her eyes widened as he picked up the brush. This time he used the other side, drawing it through her hair until it lay about her shoulders in smooth waves.

“Naptime, little one,” he said, picking her up again and leaving the bathroom. Carrying her through his room, he paused before the door to hers. “I’ve waited a long time for this. Ready to see your room, Elena?”

“Yes, sir.”

Opening the door, he stepped inside and smiled when she gasped. He didn’t move, just stood holding her as her head swiveled to take in the room he’d designed for her. The walls were a soft yellow, the baseboards, window seat, and trim around the doors a bright white. He’d found the bed in an antique store. It was twin-sized and the iron work was beautiful once he’d removed the rust and painted it white. Curlicues and flowers filled the headboard and footboard. He’d set the bed up on risers that were now hidden beneath the yellow bed skirt. He’d placed a patchwork quilt of many colors on the top, and at the head, a stuffed unicorn sat against the pillow.

There was a white dresser with knobs in the shape of flowers against one wall, a large rocking chair angled in one corner. A small white iron table sat beside the rocker, a lamp with a yellow shade and a book on the surface. Another corner held a low stool, where his girl would sit, her bare bottom on its surface, her nose in the corner when she’d been naughty.