Page 46 of A Little Atonement

“I added a small laundry room during the renovations. It’s opposite the guestroom.”

She looked toward the back of the house. “Wow, I didn’t even see it.” Looking back at him, she smiled. “Do you know why you found me in your bed that day?”

“I thought it was because you didn’t like your room.”

“Oh, no, Daddy. I really love my room.”

“Then why were you in my bed?”

Elena’s recent lesson convinced her to be totally honest. “Because I didn’t feel like I belonged in my room… not until I’d asked if you’d forgive me. And, well, I just couldn’t sleep down here because I kept thinking about bears and stuff. I figured higher ground would be safer.”

“You do know that bears can climb trees, right?”

“Daddy! You didn’t have to tell me that! Geez!”

His chuckle followed her down the hall where she did find a new laundry room and the basket. Once it was full of the strings, he put a thermos, a couple of bottles of water, and a few granola bars in a backpack and shrugged it on.



Their first stop was to drape one of the strands over their snowmen’s joined hands. “Even if the animals don’t come this close, it’s pretty,” Elena said, scattering some birdseed as they walked toward the trees. With her daddy beside her, she wasn’t hesitant to enter the woods. He’d stop occasionally, pointing out different tracks, and she’d drape a strand over a bush or low-hanging tree limb.

Coming to a small clearing, he said, “I bet this is where some deer gather. It’s close to the lake.”

She watched as he scattered some of the feed corn on the ground. She added a few strands of popcorn and berries and they continued. Though the snow wasn’t as deep due to the cover of the trees, she began to tire and he noticed.

“Let’s rest a bit before heading back. The lake is just ahead. We can sit there.”

“In the snow?” she asked. “My suit is water resistant but your jeans will get soaked.”

“Not if we knock the snow off the picnic table.”

Elena had completely forgotten about the table and once they broke from the trees and stood before the lake, she giggled. “Good luck finding it, Daddy.”

Liam chuckled. “If I didn’t know it was here, I might not ever find it. But, that taller pile of snow looks like a table to me.”

She didn’t see anything that looked like a table, but wasn’t surprised when he was right. After clearing a spot off the table’s top, he took a seat and settled her on his lap.

“Don’t you ever get tired of holding me like this?”

“Hell no, this is one of my very favorite things to do.”

“What’s another?” she asked, pleased with his answer.

“This,” he said, tilting her head back and kissing her. She was breathless when he released her.

“That’s one of my favorites, too.”

They sat and shared a cup of hot chocolate from the thermos and ate granola bars. “Look, honey,” Liam whispered and pointed to where a family of deer were stepping from the trees and moving to the lake. She watched as one pawed at the thin layer of ice, breaking it so that the others could drink. It was a beautiful scene to witness, and with her daddy’s arms around her, she could have watched for hours. When the buck lifted his head, sniffing the air, he snorted and the others turned and fled back into the trees.

“Did he smell us, Daddy?”

“I don’t think so. He probably just heard something and decided to be cautious because he’s protecting his family.”

“Daddies are really special… daddies like you and that deer.”

“Yes, I believe they are because they are gifted with the most precious thing on Earth. Someone to cherish, to take care of and to love.”