Page 22 of A Little Atonement

“That’s because you are the best daddy in the world,” she said, going up on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek. He smiled and added his ‘button’ while she carefully pushed two larger stones into place for his eyes, then used several small ones to form his mouth. Finally, she pushed the carrot into the snow and stood back.

“He looks great, honey,” Liam said from where he’d stuck the first of two forked twigs into the middle sphere to serve as arms.

“Wait,” she said, dashing into the house again. This time when she returned, she was carrying a scarf she’d pulled from her duffle. She’d totally forgotten about it yesterday when she’d been so cold. Wrapping it around his neck, she stood back, this time smiling. Reaching out, she took hold of the forked stick and gave it a small shake.

“Hello, Mr. Snowy. My name is Elena. It’s such a pleasure having you as our guest.”

“It’s my pleasure. You are a sweet, adorable hostess, the absolute best little girl in the universe.” She smiled as Liam altered his voice from where he’d disappeared behind their very plump creation.

“Then maybe you can tell my daddy not to spank me?”

“Not likely.”

She laughed and then squealed, turning to run when Liam popped up and reached for her.

“Come back here, little girl!”

“Not likely,” she said, tossing his words back to him and then dropping into the snow and forming a snowball. Soon, the white missiles were flying back and forth and her shrieks filled the air. When one landed on the crotch of Liam’s jeans, she stared and then burst into giggles. “Oops! Look, Mr. Snowy, Daddy has white balls too!”

“Oops? I’ll show you oops.” It was clear she had no hope of escaping as he reached her within three steps. Tossing her up, he caught her, slung her over his shoulder and planted a swat on her bottom.



He kept her in place as he turned back toward the cabin. She didn’t argue as snow had slipped down the collar of her coat, into the back of her leggings, and over the tops of her boots. Her mittens were soaked, but cold as she was, she couldn’t have been happier.