Page 34 of Daddy Says

“Fu-fuck,” she whispered. “But, I’m sorry! I won’t ever say it again, I swear!”

“I never want to hear that word out of you unless we are in bed and it is said in passion. Understand?”

“Yes, Daddy. I’m so sorry.”

He nodded, his hand stroking up and down his impossible length. “Open.”

With a whimper, she licked her lips and, like the good girl she was so trying to be, she opened her mouth wide and he began again.

Jane had no idea how long she was on her knees. She only knew that her world consisted of nothing but her daddy’s cock. She gagged, her stomach rebelled, her lungs complained, and yet he didn’t stop until with a final few, deep thrusts, he pulled back a fraction.

“Every drop,” he said a moment before his cock jerked, sending a flood of his seed into her mouth and down her throat. It was far too much for her to accept even though she tried, swallowing convulsively, but still some of his cum slipped from her lips.

“Suck and clean me.”

She obeyed, her tongue swirling around his cock, licking up his shaft and across the head that had battered the back of her throat.

“Open,” he said.

When she obeyed, he withdrew his cock and for some unfathomable reason, she instantly missed having it commanding her, controlling her, dominating her. When he swiped a finger across her chin and then presented a bit of semen she’d missed to her lips, she instantly opened her mouth wide, her tongue darting out to accept the gift.

“Such a good girl,” he said, the praise warming her. Her throat ached, her ass throbbed, but when he reached to pull her up, settling her on his lap, she couldn’t think of a single place she’d rather be.

“I’m sorry, Daddy.”

“I know, baby girl, but it’s over. You did very well in accepting your punishment. All is forgiven and you have a clean slate. I’m proud of you, Janie.”

“You are?”

“Yes, little one. The question is, are you ever going to say you don’t want to be here, doing this, having me as your daddy?”

She shook her head. “I’d rather learn to suck you for pleasure than have you wash my mouth out again,” she said, her face heating as she tried to picture how she must have looked. “But, I can’t imagine not having you as my daddy.”

He hugged her hard, bending to kiss her, shocking her that he didn’t seem to care that his scent had to be on her lips, his seed still coating the mouth that his tongue was now sweeping. His hand patted against the welts he’d placed on her bottom, and she knew that every word she’d spoken was the truth. Breaking the kiss, he gave her another hug and then said, “I promised Dr. Harper to make sure you receive proper nutrition. How about some breakfast?”

“Do we have to go out? I’d rather stay here with you, Daddy.”

He smiled and gave her bottom another pat. “Let’s go see what I can whip up in the kitchen.”

Jane grinned and squirmed a bit at the word ‘whip’. “I’d love to cook breakfast for you, Daddy.”

He shook his head. “Daddy is supposed to take care of you, little one, not the other way around.”

“But I love to cook. I’ve been saving to go to culinary school and it would be good practice. Please, Daddy?”

Her daddy lifted her up and onto her feet. “How about we cook together?”


“All right then, let’s get you dressed and raid the kitchen.”

She was a bit surprised when he had to stoop down to pick up her panties as she’d had no idea they’d come off, most likely when she’d been kicking during her whipping. As she lifted her feet to step into them and he pulled them up her legs, she blushed, hoping he wouldn’t realize how wet she was. She’d been being punished and was pretty sure she wasn’t supposed to be aroused.

When his hand cupped her sex, his finger stroking over her clit, she moaned.

“You’re a very wet little girl, aren’t you?”

“Ye-yes, sir, I’m sorry.”