“Just one?” she teased, causing his eyebrow to arch. “I usually have two or three pots a day.”
“That’s going to come to a screeching halt,” Sawyer said, shaking his head. “No way any doctor is going to consider that good.”
“But I’ll get very cranky,” she pouted.
“Crankiness I can correct,” he assured her, moving a glass of orange juice to replace her coffee mug. “You can start with a blend of half-regular, half-caffeinated—”
“Why bother? Decaf isn’t the same.”
“Of course, we could also just put a total ban on coffee altogether,” he suggested, though she knew it could easily become more than a suggestion.
Or we could just get a brand-new daddy, she thought but instantly knew she’d never want another man—not when she’d been blessed to find the perfect daddy dom. “Um, no, that’s okay. We’ll try it your way.”
“I thought so,” he said with a grin. “Now, finish your orange juice and then we need to go over a few things.”
“Yes, Daddy,” she said, lifting her glass. When she had drained it, they cleared the table, putting the dishes in the sink. “I can do them,” she said, feeling bad about leaving them undone.
“No, we have far more important things to do,” Sawyer countered, taking her hand and leading her from the kitchen.
They wound up sitting on the same couch she’d bent over before, but this time she was on his lap. Though he didn’t have a laptop, he seemed to remember every single answer she’d given on his questionnaire and they discussed them for several minutes.
“So, I get to pick a safeword?” she asked.
“Yes, but know that it only comes into play when, well, we are playing,” he said. “When you are being punished, there is no safeword.”
“But what if it is too much?”
“You’ve been punished already. You’ve received both a spanking and a whipping as well as having had your mouth washed out. Was any of that too much?” He gave a grin when she instantly opened her mouth, placing a finger across her lips before she could answer. “Remember, those strokes with my belt were for lying, so consider your answer carefully.”
“Oh… um, then, no,” she said with a sigh. “I didn’t like them, but… they weren’t too much.”
“Good girl,” he said, giving her a squeeze. “I will never take you further than you can go, Jane. That’s not to say I won’t take you farther than you might believe or want to go, but you can trust that I’ll never harm you.”
“That seems a bit unbelievable when my butt still hurts.”
“Hurt is different than harm. Punishments aren’t meant to be pleasant and your ass or wherever I’ve punished for your transgressions should hurt for a bit. But that hurt will go away. There will never be any lasting harm, either physically or emotionally. Does that make sense?”
She considered it a moment and then nodded. “I guess, but how do you know how far I can go?”
“I observe and your body’s reaction tells me just as much, if not more, than the sounds you make or the look in your eyes. Tell me. When I first ordered you to open your mouth and stick out your tongue, did you believe you’d be able to take my cock into your throat?”
Heat rushed through her, her eyes dropping to look down his bare chest to where a line of dark hair began beneath his belly button as if pointing the way to the cock in question. “Um, I-I didn’t take it all.”
“No, you didn’t, not this time, but you took more than you thought you could, didn’t you?”
“Yes. You are a big man, Daddy.”
He chuckled and gave her a kiss on her forehead. “Yes, but that was just one example of being able to do more than you thought you could. I’m sure you were quite leery about anal play and yet you gave the most incredible moans when I slid my fingers into your ass. You also didn’t believe you were multi-orgasmic and yet you came not once, not twice, but three times under my mouth and fingers.”
“I-I still can’t believe I did that,” she admitted, the heat settling between her legs, causing a trickle of moisture to slip along the seam of her pussy.
“You are more capable than you think. You are far more of a sexual creature than you allow yourself to believe. Trust me, Janie, I’m going to teach you things you’ve never imagined, have you flying apart too many times to count, have you sobbing in contrition when I’ve had to blister your little bottom, but I swear to you, you will never have to worry that I’ll push you too far.”
“I-I believe you, Daddy.”
“Thank you, and might I say that every single time I hear that word from your lips, it makes me feel honored?”
“It just feels right,” she said honestly. “I didn’t think it would, or that it would feel fake or something, but, it doesn’t. I-I really like saying it.”